DragonRealms is a text-based massively multiplayer online role-playing game published by Simutronics. I've been playing on and off for about four years, exclusively as an empath for the first year or so and then primarily as a barbarian, though I've dabbled in almost all guilds. I also spent a bit of time as a Mentor and got to see first-hand some of the trials and tribulations players face on a day-to-day basis with the game.
To help address some of the shortcomings in the game's documentation, and to try to encourage more enjoyment of the game itself, I've compiled some helpful bits of flotsam and jetsam. I am happy and honored to provide hosting space for Gidske's Armor Guide, which along with Indigoe's Weapons Compendium (hosted elsewhere) I consider the two premier resources for any character who'll be engaging in combat in Dragonrealms.
Though not nearly as impressive as the script resources at DRSecrets.com, I have provided some space here also for scripts I've found useful over the years. Some were written by me, others donated by friends, but I use them all on an almost daily basis. They're not fancy, and you might have to do some tweaking to get them just how you like them, but I've found them very useful.
I also put together a page about the Barbarian roars released in early 2004. I've now updated it with information posted by Rufhelous in late 2004; many thanks to him for his diligent work and unselfish nature in sharing that data with all of us.
Back when I was a board monkey I made up a bunch of Avatars for use on the DR forums. Alas Solomon has yet to do anything with them lo these many moons later, but I hate to think they're just going to waste, so I have them posted here.
Finally, a couple of genre-related links, if not directly tied to DR. I make the HeroMachine program that lets you design custom character portraits in a Flash-based application, and the home page for it can be found at http://www.heromachine.com. I have also posted some images from various super-heroic and fantasy-based RPG texts I've provided illustrations for over the years, mostly from Hero Games (the makers of the HERO System generic pen-and-paper RPG).
Hope you find the information here helpful and informative, and remember -- IT'S ONLY A GAME! Relax and enjoy it, because if it's not fun any more, why are you paying someone for the privilege of making you unhappy? There are people lined up waiting to make you unhappy for FREE!