Character Design Challenge #326 ā€“ RPG Character Classes: Round 5 – Rangers – Results

Runner up this week goesĀ to Cliff: amazing pose; great attention to detail; stunning work on the face.

And this week's win goes to...

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The What Were They Thinking? Swimsuit Special

It's summer, even here on What Were They Thinking? (the place where we look at all of the stupidest, most ill-advised things in all of comics history), so I thought we'd take a break from all of the racism, drugs and rape that we usually cover to chill out for a bit and hang out with some superheroes down at the beach, or by the pool, or even on an alien holiday planet. Yup, we're going back to the 90's and taking a look at the Marvel Swimsuit Specials (because they made 5 of the damn things).

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Caption Contest #96 Results

Ok guys, last week I asked you all to come up with the best replacement dialogue for this here panel:

And our top 5 are:

CantDraw: 12:30amā€¦I observe a strange fleshy thing coming out one door and going into a dark hole.

Rekulhs Nathe: Jesus Reed! Just go like the rest of us.

Treasure Hunter: Did I forget to change the roll again?

DiCicatriz: Dammit, Susan! If you and Reed are gonna do that in the house, at least make it invisible!


And the winner is:

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Music Review: Unleash the Archers- Apex

Hey everyone Iā€™m back again with a new review. I should have written this one up already, but I wanted to listen through a few more times and really get nice and comfortable with the album and story before I put this up. But now is the time and weā€™re going to talk about Apex, the new album from Canadian metal act Unleash the Archers. So letā€™s get right down to it!

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Character Design Challenge #326 ā€“ RPG Character Classes: Round 5 – Rangers

Time for Round 5! Your CDC is to create a member of the Ranger Class. This is the group that features the hunters, the sniper ranger and the bow and blade ranger.

Once again, a brief written description of the world of your RPG is an entry requirement.

Rules for posts, contests, and challenges: Original characters only, no copyrighted characters, no characters based on copyrighted characters, no characters based on RPGā€™s or other games. The characters must be your own design and not based on any character that might be copyrighted in any way. Please keep all submissions PG13. I have the right to delete any post that I believe crosses this line without warning. Only post characters that have been created solely using Hero Machine, and that you know for certain have never been entered inĀ a contest before. If you arenā€™t certain, donā€™t enter it, because Iā€™m not going to go back through all of the contests and check.

All entries must be in JPG or PNG formĀ (BMPs are too big), posted to a publicly accessible website (likeĀ the HeroMachine :,ImageShack,Ā PhotoBucket, or whatever);

  • Entries must be made as a comment or comments to this post, containing a link directly to the image and the character name;
  • Please name your filesas [your name]-[character name].[file extension]Ā before you upload it. So DiCicatriz, for instance, would save his ā€œBayou Belleā€ character image asĀ DiCicatriz-BayouBelle.png.

Please make the link goĀ directly to the imageĀ (likeĀ this) andĀ not to a hosting jump pageĀ (likeĀ this).

This contest will close on Sunday, June 25th at 9:00am Eastern.



Character Design Challenge #326 ā€“ RPG Character Classes: Round 4 – Clerics – Results

Honourable mention this week goes to Kellkin for this stunning piece of work...

...and this week's winner is...

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What Were They Thinking?: A Song Of Fire And Snow

So, last week on What Were They Thinking? (the place where we look at all of the stupidest and most ill-advised things in all of comics history) we talked about the New Guardians, specifically the villain in the first issue of their series, who was a vampire who infected non-caucasian people with AIDS when biting them. However, I also mentioned the villain of the second issue of the New Guardians series in passing as a further example of the series idiocy. Well, in for a penny in for a pound, we might as well take a look at this guy whilst we can, so Ladies and Gentlemen let me introduce you to Snowflame.

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Caption Contest #96

Ok guys, time for another caption contest, where you have to come with the funniest replacement dialogue for a random comic panel of my choosing. This week you have to replace the dialogue for this panel:

Everyone can have a maximum of 3 entries, entries must be in by next Wednesday (June 21th) and All Entries Must Be PG-13.

Character Design Challenge #326 ā€“ RPG Character Classes: Round 4 – Clerics

Time for Round 4! Your CDC is to create a member of the Cleric Class. This is the group that features medics, priests and witchdoctors among others. And can choose to createĀ a character that blends the cleric with another character class: the Templar and Caster for example.

Once again, a brief written description of the world of your RPG is an entry requirement.

Rules for posts, contests, and challenges: Original characters only, no copyrighted characters, no characters based on copyrighted characters, no characters based on RPGā€™s or other games. The characters must be your own design and not based on any character that might be copyrighted in any way. Please keep all submissions PG13. I have the right to delete any post that I believe crosses this line without warning. Only post characters that have been created solely using Hero Machine, and that you know for certain have never been entered inĀ a contest before. If you arenā€™t certain, donā€™t enter it, because Iā€™m not going to go back through all of the contests and check.

All entries must be in JPG or PNG formĀ (BMPs are too big), posted to a publicly accessible website (likeĀ the HeroMachine :,ImageShack,Ā PhotoBucket, or whatever);

  • Entries must be made as a comment or comments to this post, containing a link directly to the image and the character name;
  • Please name your filesas [your name]-[character name].[file extension]Ā before you upload it. So DiCicatriz, for instance, would save his ā€œBayou Belleā€ character image asĀ DiCicatriz-BayouBelle.png.

Please make the link goĀ directly to the imageĀ (likeĀ this) andĀ not to a hosting jump pageĀ (likeĀ this).

This contest will close on Sunday, June 18th at 9:00am Eastern.



Character Design Challenge #325 ā€“ RPG Character Classes: Round 3 – Rogues – Results

I have to guys are creating some incredible characters, which makes my job all the more difficult. So here we go...

Honourable mentions...

Rossoftheyear Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Rekulhs nathe

Runner Up...


...and the win goes to...

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