Who’s The New Doctor

So, the BBC have announced who the new lead in the acclaimed, long running sci-fi show Doctor Who is going to be. Of course, they did it in the worst way possible, only announcing they would make the announcement two days ago and then tying it to the mens Wimbledon final which finished much faster than expected and then only showed a minute long trailer rather than a full blown announcement, so thanks BBC. But anyway, the new Doctor has been announced and I'm going to do the whole below the jump thing in case people don't want spoilers.

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Character Design Challenge #329 – Bite Me! – Results

OK...so first things first. Photobucket is a nightmare. It is so riddled with ads that it has become almost impossible toΒ traverse. It is ridiculously slow and incredibly frustrating. For future challenges please use a host site other than Photobucket to post your entries. Deviant Art or the HeroMachine forums for instance.

So now to the results....

Honourable mentions go toΒ Π’Π»Π°Π΄ΠΈΠΌΠΈΡ€ Π‘Π°ΠΌΠΎΠ»ΠΈΠ½, Xinmodic and Barbario. Love the close up of Barbario's piece.


Runners up this week are Lady Amaranth and JR19759.

And the win this week goes out to... Continue reading

What Were They Thinking?: OH! MY! COD!

Need I say anymore?

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Caption Contest #98

Ok guys, time for another caption contest, where you have to come with the funniest replacement dialogue for a random comic panel of my choosing. This week you have to replace all of the dialogue for this panel:

Everyone can have a maximum of 3 entries, entries must be in by next Wednesday (July 19th) and All Entries Must Be PG-13.

Spider-Man: Homecoming Spoiler-Free Review

The time has finally come! Sony and Marvel have come together to bring us Spider-Man in the MCU in his first solo movie. We are talking of course about Spider-Man: Homecoming, one of the two most highly anticipated movies to come out of Captain America: Civil War (the other being Black Panther, of course). So let’s see how the third cinematic Spider-Man did leading a film instead of being part of a team. As always, things will be spoiler free.

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Breaking News: Marvel Announce Cast For New Warriors TV Show

So, some people may remember that a few months ago Marvel announced that the New Warriors (Squirrel Girl, Speedball, Night Trasher et al.) would be getting their own TV show on Freeform, the former ABC Family channel for 2018. AT the time no other information had been released.

Well, Marvel have now announced the casting line up for the titular team and it is thusly: Milana Vayntrub (This Is Us, Other Space, Ghostbusters) as Squirrel Girl, Derek Theler (Baby Daddy) as Mr. Immortal, Jeremy Tardy (War Dogs, Bone Tomahawk) as Night Trasher, Calum Worthy (Austin and Ally, The Coppertop Flop Show, Stormworld, Smallville) as Speedball, Matthew Moy (2 Broke Girls, Steven Universe, Scrubs) as Microbe and Kate Comer (Hello My Name Is Doris, The Comeback, The Office) as Debrii.

Out of all of the names here, I'm only really familiar with Calum Worthy (having played Lightning Lad in Smallville) and Matthew Moy (who is Lars in Steven Universe), so I can't really say too much on the casting choices, but hey, the series has Squirrel Girl in it, so I can't complain.


Character Design Challenge #329 – Bite Me!

Your CDC this week is to create an original vampire character.

Rules for posts, contests, and challenges: Original characters only, no copyrighted characters, no characters based on copyrighted characters, no characters based on RPG’s or other games. The characters must be your own design and not based on any character that might be copyrighted in any way. Please keep all submissions PG13: full or partial nudity is prohibited. I have the right to delete any post that I believe crosses this line without warning. Only post characters that have been created solely using Hero Machine, and that you know for certain have never been entered inΒ a contest before. If you aren’t certain, don’t enter it, because I’m not going to go back through all of the contests and check.

All entries must be in JPG or PNG formΒ (BMPs are too big), posted to a publicly accessible website (likeΒ the HeroMachine :,ImageShack,Β PhotoBucket, or whatever);

  • Entries must be made as a comment or comments to this post, containing a link directly to the image and the character name;
  • Please name your filesas [your name]-[character name].[file extension]Β before you upload it. So DiCicatriz, for instance, would save his β€œBayou Belle” character image asΒ DiCicatriz-BayouBelle.png.

Please make the link goΒ directly to the imageΒ (likeΒ this) andΒ not to a hosting jump pageΒ (likeΒ this).

This contest will close on Sunday, July 16th at 9:00am Eastern.



Character Design Challenge #328 – Masterworks – Chagall – Results

The win this week goes to HerrD.

Well done you!

What Were They Thinking?: Keeping It Separate

You know, a few months back I did a What Were They Thinking? (the place where we take a look at all of the stupidest, most ill-advised things in all of comic book history) we covered the introduction of one of DC's earliest black superheroes, Black Lightning, and how he managed to dodge a bullet in his first few issues by not having a terribly racist origin story. At the time I thought DC had gone mad, especially considering that Black Lightning was to be only their second black superhero. But, turns out I was wrong on two counts. Firstly, Black Lightning wasn't DC's second black superhero and in fact, DC didn't go mad. They were always mad. They just managed to get away with it on the low down the first time and only got caught when they really tried to push the boat out.

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Caption Contest #97 Results

Ok guys, last week I asked you all to come up with the best replacement dialogue for this panel:

And our top 5 are:

Treasure Hunter: I haven’t received a lot of fan mail since our last movie…

George Weber: Okay, so I’m providing a setup, but this joke still needs a punchline

George Weber: And because all fiction relies on tropes, I’m gonna open the box entirely even though I could see the trap on my first peek inside.

AMS: OMG!! It says it’s from Marvel Studios……

Calvary Red: This must be Reed’s way of apologizing for last week.

But of course there can only be one and that person is...

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