Character Design Challenge #506 ā€“ Family Jewels!

Your challenge this week is to base a female character on one of the birthstones (pictured above). You can choose to use your own birthstone if you like, and the female character can be anything you like; hero, villain, goddess. alien, androidā€¦anything at all.
Enter as often as you like.

Rules for posts, contests, and challenges: Original characters only, no copyrighted characters, no characters based on copyrighted characters, no characters based on RPGā€™s or other games. The characters must be your own design and not based on any character that might be copyrighted in any way. Please keep all submissions PG13: full or partial nudity is prohibited. I have the right to delete any post that I believe crosses this line without warning. Only post characters that have been created solely using Hero Machine, and that you know for certain have never been entered in a contest before. If you arenā€™t certain, donā€™t enter it, because Iā€™m not going to go back through all of the contests and check.
All entries must be in JPG or PNG (BMPs are too big), posted to a publicly accessible website (like, Image Shack, Deviant Art or whatever) Do not use Photobucket<.
Entries must be made as a comment or comments to this post, containing a link directly to the image and the character name.
No copyrighted characters please ā€“ they will be deleted.
Please name your files before you upload it. So DiCicatriz, for instance, would save his ā€œBayou Belleā€ character image as DiCicatriz-BayouBelle.png
Please make the link go directly to the image (like this) and not to a hosting jump page (like this).

This contest will close on Sunday, September 12th at 10:00 am Eastern.

The Future of the Character Design Challenges

Hey Machiners!

Due to my school schedule taking more of my time. I have decided to run the CDCs every two weeks as opposed to weekly. So, the next CDC will start on August 29, 2021.

If you have any ideas that you would like to see in future CDCs, feel free to leave a comment below.

Thanks so much,
David Juby

Character Design Challenge #505 ā€“ Itā€™s All In the Cards!

Your challenge this week is to create a character based on either the King, Queen or Jack of Hearts, Diamonds. Clubs or Spades
Prize: a version of your character by yours truly.
Enter as often as you like.
Rules for posts, contests, and challenges: Original characters only, no copyrighted characters, no characters based on copyrighted characters, no characters based on RPGā€™s or other games. The characters must be your own design and not based on any character that might be copyrighted in any way. Please keep all submissions PG13: full or partial nudity is prohibited. I have the right to delete any post that I believe crosses this line without warning. Only post characters that have been created solely using Hero Machine, and that you know for certain have never been entered in a contest before. If you arenā€™t certain, donā€™t enter it, because Iā€™m not going to go back through all of the contests and check.
All entries must be in JPG or PNG (BMPs are too big), posted to a publicly accessible website (like, Image Shack, Deviant Art or whatever) Do not use Photobucket<.
Entries must be made as a comment or comments to this post, containing a link directly to the image and the character name.
No copyrighted characters please ā€“ they will be deleted.
Please name your files before you upload it. So DiCicatriz, for instance, would save his ā€œBayou Belleā€ character image as DiCicatriz-BayouBelle.png
Please make the link go directly to the image (like this) and not to a hosting jump page (like this).
This contest will close on Sunday, August 22nd at 10:00 am Eastern.

Character Design Challenge #504 ā€“ Seven Deadly Sins!

Your challenge this week is to create a villain based on one of the seven deadly sins. (pictured above)

Prize: a version of your character by yours truly.

Enter as often as you like.

Rules for posts, contests, and challenges: Original characters only, no copyrighted characters, no characters based on copyrighted characters, no characters based on RPGā€™s or other games. The characters must be your own design and not based on any character that might be copyrighted in any way. Please keep all submissions PG13: full or partial nudity is prohibited. I have the right to delete any post that I believe crosses this line without warning. Only post characters that have been created solely using Hero Machine, and that you know for certain have never been entered in a contest before. If you arenā€™t certain, donā€™t enter it, because Iā€™m not going to go back through all of the contests and check.
All entries must be in JPG or PNG (BMPs are too big), posted to a publicly accessible website (like, Image Shack, Deviant Art or whatever) Do not use Photobucket<.
Entries must be made as a comment or comments to this post, containing a link directly to the image and the character name.
No copyrighted characters please ā€“ they will be deleted.
Please name your files before you upload it. So DiCicatriz, for instance, would save his ā€œBayou Belleā€ character image as DiCicatriz-BayouBelle.png
Please make the link go directly to the image (like this) and not to a hosting jump page (like this).
This contest will close on Sunday, August 15th at 10:00 am Eastern.

CDC #502 – Prize for Scott Weyers

The Judge

Character Design Challenge #503 ā€“ Giddy Up!

Your challenge this week is to create one of the Four Horsemen if the Apocalypse using HM3.

The horsemen are four allegorical mounted figures, commonly identified as Pestilence (or Conquest), War, Famine, and Death, whose arrival heralds the end of the world, as described in the biblical book of Revelation.

Prize: a version of your character by yours truly.

Enter as often as you like.

Rules for posts, contests, and challenges: Original characters only, no copyrighted characters, no characters based on copyrighted characters, no characters based on RPGā€™s or other games. The characters must be your own design and not based on any character that might be copyrighted in any way. Please keep all submissions PG13: full or partial nudity is prohibited. I have the right to delete any post that I believe crosses this line without warning. Only post characters that have been created solely using Hero Machine, and that you know for certain have never been entered in a contest before. If you arenā€™t certain, donā€™t enter it, because Iā€™m not going to go back through all of the contests and check.
All entries must be in JPG or PNG (BMPs are too big), posted to a publicly accessible website (like, Image Shack, Deviant Art or whatever) Do not use Photobucket<.
Entries must be made as a comment or comments to this post, containing a link directly to the image and the character name.
No copyrighted characters please ā€“ they will be deleted.
Please name your files before you upload it. So DiCicatriz, for instance, would save his ā€œBayou Belleā€ character image as DiCicatriz-BayouBelle.png
Please make the link go directly to the image (like this) and not to a hosting jump page (like this).
This contest will close on Sunday, August 8th at 10:00 am Eastern.

Character Design Challenge #502 ā€“ Triple Play!

Your challenge this week is to use the items pictured above to create an original HeroMachine character.
There are two caveats: All three items must be used at least once, and the three items must be used as something other than what they are. For instance, the glove can be used as anything except a glove. Be creative and have fun.
Prize: a version of your character by yours truly.
Enter as often as you like.
Rules for posts, contests, and challenges: Original characters only, no copyrighted characters, no characters based on copyrighted characters, no characters based on RPGā€™s or other games. The characters must be your own design and not based on any character that might be copyrighted in any way. Please keep all submissions PG13: full or partial nudity is prohibited. I have the right to delete any post that I believe crosses this line without warning. Only post characters that have been created solely using Hero Machine, and that you know for certain have never been entered in a contest before. If you arenā€™t certain, donā€™t enter it, because Iā€™m not going to go back through all of the contests and check.
All entries must be in JPG or PNG (BMPs are too big), posted to a publicly accessible website (like, Image Shack, Deviant Art or whatever) Do not use Photobucket<.
Entries must be made as a comment or comments to this post, containing a link directly to the image and the character name.
No copyrighted characters please ā€“ they will be deleted.
Please name your files before you upload it. So DiCicatriz, for instance, would save his ā€œBayou Belleā€ character image as DiCicatriz-BayouBelle.png
Please make the link go directly to the image (like this) and not to a hosting jump page (like this).
This contest will close on Sunday, August 1st at 10:00 am Eastern.

I could really use your help with

Hi all, I hope you'll forgive the shameless plug, but I'd be really appreciative if you could give our podcast (mostly about Marvel shows) a listen and, if you have a moment, a kind review on the podcast listening platform of your preference. We have a lot of fun with it, but sometimes it feels like talking into the void so knowing someone out there is listening would be a big morale boost for John and I.

Our latest offering is on the penultimate "Loki" episode and can be found at if you fancy giving it a go.

And by the way, if you haven't been watching "Loki" you definitely should, it has been a TON of fun so far!

Thanks for your time!

Character Creation Contest #500 Finalists!

Djuby is gonna kill me but the submissions for the Five Hundredth Edition of the CDS were so good, I couldn't pick just one. I am overjoyed at being reminded once again of the amazing talent and creativity you all have and which you share with everyone. Putting yourself out there is hard to do and I deeply appreciate every single person who took the time to submit their characters.

I picked out my absolute favorites and am adding them all to the Hall of Fame because they are all outstanding. I'll leave it to Djuby to pick one of these to do his own take on as the official prize, but I couldn't leave any of them out in good conscience.

Thank you again to all of you, not just the folks below, and not just everyone who entered this week, but to everyone who's been a part of this amazing community for so many years. It's hard to believe that more than twenty years have passed since the idea for HM first came to me. I never imagined I'd meet so many fantastic, gifted, passionate creators along the way. I'm truly humbled.

And special thanks of course to Djuby and to ALL the moderators here who have kept this place chugging along as I've uprooted my life time after time over the last seven or eight years. I've landed in Utah and am happy being a full time developer, but I'll always have a warm spot in my heart for HeroMachiners, and it's due to the mods that it is still going even in the face of the unstoppable Juggernaut that is Adobe shutting down Flash.

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend and that most of all, you keep finding ways to express your amazing creativity!

Character Design Challenge #501 ā€“ The Goodā€¦the Badā€¦and the Sidekicks!

Summer is here and I will be spending the month of July out of town visiting family. So I wanted to leave you folks with a CDC that would run for 4 weeks.

Your challenge this month is to create a 4 characters using Heromachineā€¦1 good character, 1 bad character, and 2 sidekicks (1 for each). Prizes will be given for best ā€œgoodā€, best ā€œbadā€, best ā€œgoodā€ sidekick and best ā€œbadā€ sidekick, so there can be as many as 4 winners for this CDC

Prize: a version of your character by yours truly.

Enter as often as you like.

Rules for posts, contests, and challenges: Original characters only, no copyrighted characters, no characters based on copyrighted characters, no characters based on RPGā€™s or other games. The characters must be your own design and not based on any character that might be copyrighted in any way. Please keep all submissions PG13: full or partial nudity is prohibited. I have the right to delete any post that I believe crosses this line without warning. Only post characters that have been created solely using Hero Machine, and that you know for certain have never been entered in a contest before. If you arenā€™t certain, donā€™t enter it, because Iā€™m not going to go back through all of the contests and check.
All entries must be in JPG or PNG (BMPs are too big), posted to a publicly accessible website (like, Image Shack, Deviant Art or whatever) Do not use Photobucket<.
Entries must be made as a comment or comments to this post, containing a link directly to the image and the character name.
No copyrighted characters please ā€“ they will be deleted.
Please name your files before you upload it. So DiCicatriz, for instance, would save his ā€œBayou Belleā€ character image as DiCicatriz-BayouBelle.png
Please make the link go directly to the image (like this) and not to a hosting jump page (like this).

This contest will close on Sunday, July 25th at 10:00 am Eastern.