Character Design Challenge #333: Triple Play! – Results

Not a huge turn out this week, but some great entries nonetheless.

Honourable mention goes out to Ā kjr1998.

Runner Up status goes out to Lady Amaranth. Beautiful job.

And this week's win goes out to...

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What Were They Thinking?: What is it good for?

There are some storylines that are good despite having some really stupid things in, we covered that last week. And we've covered on numerous occassions storylines that are just bad here on What Were They Thinking, because we tend to look at the stupidest, most ill-advised things in comic book history. But what about storylines that could have actually been good, but the stupid things dragged it down too much? Well, let's take a look at the big one shall we...

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Caption Contest #100 Results

Last week, I asked you guys to come up with the best caption you could for this iconic comic book image:

And the top 5 are:

The Atomic Punk: What happens when you switch car insurance.

HerrD: Smallville Traffic Department had some more issues this week.

gjc6664: BREAKING NEWS: Alien steals car

Treasure Hunter: That's the last time Jimmy will ask, "Are we there yet?"

Calvary Red: And so begins a long career of solving problems through violence.

But, unfortunately, there can only be one winner. It was very tough to even choose a top 5, even tougher to choose which was best, but in the end the winner had to be...

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Character Design Challenge #333: Triple Play!


Your CDC this week is to create an original character using the three items pictured above.

Rules for posts, contests, and challenges: Original characters only, no copyrighted characters, no characters based on copyrighted characters, no characters based on RPGā€™s or other games. The characters must be your own design and not based on any character that might be copyrighted in any way. Please keep all submissions PG13: full or partial nudity is prohibited. I have the right to delete any post that I believe crosses this line without warning. Only post characters that have been created solely using Hero Machine, and that you know for certain have never been entered inĀ a contest before. If you arenā€™t certain, donā€™t enter it, because Iā€™m not going to go back through all of the contests and check.

All entries must be in JPG orĀ PNGĀ formĀ (BMPs are too big), posted to a publicly accessible website (likeĀ the HeroMachine :,ImageShack,Ā DeviantArt,Ā or whatever -Ā Please do not use Photobucket);

  • Entries must be made as a comment or comments to this post, containing a link directly to the image and the character name;
  • Please name your filesas [your name]-[character name].[file extension]Ā before you upload it. So DiCicatriz, for instance, would save his ā€œBayou Belleā€ character image asĀ DiCicatriz-BayouBelle.png.

Please make the link goĀ directly to the imageĀ (likeĀ this) andĀ not to a hosting jump pageĀ (likeĀ this).Ā *

This contest will close on Sunday, August 20th at 9:00am Eastern.



The Dark Tower Spoiler Discussion

WARNING- THIS REVIEW IS SPOILER HEAVY FOR BOTH THE BOOK SERIES AND THE FILM. IF YOU DONā€™T WANT TO KNOW THE INTIMATE DETAILS OF EITHER ONE, STOP NOW. I have done a spoiler-free review of The Dark Tower film HERE, and that would be a better place to go for my thoughts on the film. If you read on, consider yourself fairly warned. Also possible language and fan-ranting, although I will try to explain myself when I do. This is also a long one, folks, so strap in if you're going to go down this rabbit hole with me.

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Character Design Challenges ā€“ The Next Little While.

The CDC scheduled for August 14 to 20 will be the last CDC I can oversee for a few weeks due to my health.

I am being admitted to hospital the week of August 21 for Deep Brain StimulationĀ  surgery as treatment for Parkinsonā€™s disease. Basically this consists of inserting electronic leads directly into the brain, and connecting the other end to a pacemaker inserted under the collar bone. The pacemaker will send an impulse to the brain which mimics the effects of dopamine, which assists in decreasing the tremors common to Parkinsonā€™s.

Essentially I will be one step closer to being a Borg!

I will be in hospital for a couple of weeks, and will then complete my convalescence at home; a process that could take until November..

Iā€™m hoping that one of the current mods may be willing to step in and take over the CDCs for the next couple of monthsā€¦or until I feel able to return..

Thanks so much,

David J.

Character Design Challenge #332: Twins! – Results

Runner Up status this week goes out toĀ Augusto Darouiche. Great backstory as well!

And the win goes to...

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What Were They Thinking?: Weird, but not Bad (Iranian Edition)

Usually, here on What Were They Thinking? we look at some really bad or misguided storylines, hence why I always say it's the place where we look at the stupidest and most ill-advised things in comic book history. But this week, we're going to look at a storyline that actually is a certified classic, or at least a hugely important storyline with many excellent qualities, that has one of the oddest story tangents when you consider why it is so famous. That story would be this:

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Caption Contest #100

Ok guys, time for another caption contest, where you have to come with the funniest replacement dialogue for a random comic panel of my choosing. This week, I want you to come up with the best caption you can for this iconic image:

Everyone can have a maximum of 3 entries, entries must be in by next Wednesday (Aug 16th) and All Entries Must Be PG-13.

Character Design Challenge #331 ā€“ There is No ā€œIā€ in Team! Results

Awesome work by everyone this week. I have juggled the top three back and forth in my head a dozen times, but realistically the top spot could have gone a couple of different ways.

That bend we go...

Individual character shout outs go to HerrD and Barbario for Magic Bullet and Wolfman.

Nice job guys!

Honourable mention goes out to Brons for his Night Watch.

Runner Up status this week goes out to Xinmodic and Cliff for these oustanding groups.

And the win this week goes to...

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