Character Design Contest ♯148- Public Domain: Animal Themed

Ok guys, you challenge for this week is to go to this page:

and redesign one of the public domain superheroes within. Simple as that, no extra rules or stipulations. Just redesign one of those characters.

As per usual, no limits on the number of entries and the contest will close at midnight Saturday (blog time). Please read the contest rules before entering, have fun and good luck.

Rules for posts, contests, and challenges that I am hosting: Original characters only, no copyrighted characters, no characters based on copyrighted characters, no characters based on RPG’s or other games. The characters must be your own design and not based on any character that might be copyrighted in any way. I have the right to delete any post that I believe crosses this line without warnings. Only post characters that you have either created for this contest specifically or you know for certain have never been entered to a contest before. If you aren’t certain, don’t enter it, because I’m not going to go back through all of the contests and check.

If you don’t know how to enter, there’s a handy little diagram below the jump.

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Character Design Contest ♯147 (Do A Thing) Winner

Very interesting contest this one, seeing how everyone interpreted the rules and how they used the required items. However, there can only be one winner, and I'm sure everyone knows who it is. But before that, lets have a look at some honourable mentions.

Honourable Mentions: Maverick1313 & Vampyrist

Now both of these were very creative in how they used the required items, with Maverick's use of the insignia's to create the tank and Vampyrist's use of the background items to create the weapon, helmet and armour decoration for his warrior. However, the thing that held these two back from winning was that the other required items were used in the way you'd expect (Maverick using the background items for the background (obviously) and Vampyrist using the insignias as insignias). So they were good, but not quite able to compete with our winner.

Winner- djuby- Countess

It is quite safe to say that djuby won this week because his entry was unlike anything else that was entered. All of the required items are present and correct and you don't have to search them out in the picture because they're all there is to the picture. And of course, the presentation is stunning. Having the necklace set against a black background really sets the colours off and makes the shading stand out even more. So well done djuby, you take this weeks win.


JReviews- Doctor Who Series 9 Episode 9- Sleep No More

Turns out that this isn't a series made up purely of two parters after all. We had a brilliant episode last week, but how about this week?

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Pop Quiz – Black Magic Woman


On November 14,1970  Santana's "Black Magic Woman" was released. Your Pop Quiz challenge this week is to create a female hero or villain named Black Magic.

There is no prize. There is no poll. The winner is chosen by me.

You only get one entry so be creative, and above all else, have fun!

All entries must be in JPG or PNG form (BMPs are too big), posted to a publicly accessible website (like the HeroMachine forums,ImageShackPhotoBucket, or whatever);

  • Entries must be made as a comment or comments to this post, containing a link directly to the image and the character name;
  • The image must be new and designed specifically for the Pop Quiz;
  • No copyrighted characters please – they will be deleted.
  • Please name your filesas [your name]-[character name].[file extension] before you upload it. So DiCicatriz, for instance, would save his “Bayou Belle” character image as DiCicatriz-BayouBelle.png.
  • Please make the link go directly to the image(like this) and not to a hosting jump page (like this). See this post on how to get the direct link for most sites.

This contest will close at 9pm Eastern on Sunday, November 15th.

Character Of The Week: Vectorman316- The Judge

You know what really sets apart great pictures from good pictures?

It's what you do with the details really. For example, adding clawed nails to a set of hands that would normally have standard nails, just so it adds a bit more menace. Of you can add a bit more highlighting to an energy effect, just to make it look more natural. You could add an effect to the background so it makes it look like there's a city rising from mist or it's being viewed through frosted glass. You know, little things. The little things make a picture.

Gallery- The House Of Overkill

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CYOA Wednesday/Thursday: Channel-U Part 3

Channel U

It is once again time for our journey into the realms of Channel-U! Last week we were confronted with a Shuttle under attack by a large starship from a Race know as the "Phantoms". Apparently anyone who has ever gone toe to toe with the Phantoms have been destroyed. We were faced with the option of helping the shuttle and fight, or turning tail and running away. We in turn Hero fashion choose to fight ................

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The CYOA will be late again!

At this Rate I need to rename it CYOA Thursdays!! Sorry guys, I lost track of time today doing chores not the least of which was laundry so I could have clean uniforms for work tonight! ( I am back to doing over night Security ) and now it is bed time so I don't fall asleep at my post! Luckly I have the time to write at work as the place is a bit of a ghost town most of the night and I bring my Macbook with me so the post will be taken care of this evening. Once again sorry for the delay.

Happy Veterans Day

With it being Veterans Day here in the United States I wanted to take a step up onto the Soap box that this site provides me to thank all the Veterans out there, not Just here in the USA but to all the soldiers around the world regardless of nationality who put their lives at risk to protect and preserve freedom!

Thank You All, You are all the true Superheroes!

Character Design Contest ♯147- Do A Thing

Ok guys, for this weeks challenge all I want you guys to do is create the best image you can. Sounds simple enough right? Well, there's a twist. Well, two actually. Firstly, within the image you create you must use at least 2 items from backgrounds- shapes (not including any of the gradient shapes) and at least 3 insignia's that are not used for masking purposes. These must be used in a fashion that makes it obvious that they are included, but must not be the main focus of the image. Make of that what you will.

Oh, and the second twist. One entry only if you please. It's basically a free-for-all challenge so there needs to be some sort of limitation.

As per usual the contest will close at midnight Saturday (blog time). Please read the contest rules before entering, have fun and good luck.

Rules for posts, contests, and challenges that I am hosting: Original characters only, no copyrighted characters, no characters based on copyrighted characters, no characters based on RPG’s or other games. The characters must be your own design and not based on any character that might be copyrighted in any way. I have the right to delete any post that I believe crosses this line without warnings. Only post characters that you have either created for this contest specifically or you know for certain have never been entered to a contest before. If you aren’t certain, don’t enter it, because I’m not going to go back through all of the contests and check.

If you don’t know how to enter, there’s a handy little diagram below the jump.

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Anime Talk: Terminology

In this addition of Anime Talk I want to go over some terms used in regard to Anime/Manga and its community that you may or may not be familiar with. In the future my reviews may be incorporating some of these terms and I wanted a point of reference for you all to be able to look at in you don't know the term already.

So Lets beg!

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