Kaldath’s Caption Contest: Special Christmas Edition

I am putting the CYOA Wednesday on Hold this week and bringing back the caption contest for a one off post in honor of the Christmas season. So Lets get started. I want you best and funniest dialogue for the word bubble of this picture:

Harley Christmas



The normal rules apply, which are: You are limited to Three (3) entries which are due by 5:00 PM Eastern Time on Tuesday December 22nd. Of course I as always expect you to keep your entries no worse than PG-13 in nature and that you follow all the normal rules of the forum when writing your caption for the above image. That being said I wish you all Good luck!

Kaldath’s Corner: What are you Reading ?

This edition of Kaldath's Corner will be another sharing day. This time around I am asking you all what you are reading ? This can be any book, comic book, manga etc. If you so choose to answer my question in the comments below you are entitled to ask me one question on any topic you so desire and If I am able I will answer as truthfully as accurately as possible.

Myself I am not currently reading anything, but I will give a quick list of the last five bit of literature I have read starting with the most recent:

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Anime Talk: Review of Air Tv

First I will give you a quick run down of what the show is about.

Air TV is a 12 episode series about Yukito Kunisaki a traveling puppeteer who is in search of a Winged Maiden in the sky. A mysterious being he learned of from tails his mother told him and whom she was obsessed with finding and helping. Yukito during his travels finds himself in a small coastal town where he meets an unusual girl named Misuzu. Originally not planning on staying long he ends up staying his Misuzu and her mother befriending some of the locals whom he decided to aid with their various problems putting his search for the winged maiden on hold, or so he thought.

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Characters Of The Week: djuby- Opal & Lapis

Usually, when it comes to talking about djuby's work, you'd be expecting a lot of talk about costumes, right. Well this week neither of the characters featured are clothed (as far a I can tell), but it's alright because the pictures are headshots. And the reason why they're being featured is because, well, just look at that shading. The hair on Opal is beautiful and the facial shading on both (but particularly Lapis) is stunning. It shows just how much you can add to a fairly simple picture by adding a bit of well thought out shading.

Gallery- DJuby Gallery- Volume 2

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Pop Quiz – One of A Kind!


Your challenge this week is all about accuracy and repetition.

The task is to create a distinctive paper snowflake…with a couple of twists. Twist #1: the snowflake must feature images, that when used together, represent a common theme; could be a song, a movie, or a more abstract idea. Twist #2: you cannot, in any way, describe your creation when posting it. A huge part of the judging process will be how clearly your theme is realized.

You only get one entry so bring grab your intellectual scissors, be creative, and above all else, have fun!

All entries must be in JPG or PNG form (BMPs are too big), posted to a publicly accessible website (like the HeroMachine :,ImageShackPhotoBucket, or whatever);

  • Entries must be made as a comment or comments to this post, containing a link directly to the image and the character name;
  • The image must be new and designed specifically for the Pop Quiz;
  • No copyrighted characters please – they will be deleted.
  • Please name your filesas [your name]-[character name].[file extension] before you upload it. So DiCicatriz, for instance, would save his “Bayou Belle” character image as DiCicatriz-BayouBelle.png.
  • Please make the link go directly to the image(like this) and not to a hosting jump page (like this). See this post on how to get the direct link for most sites.

This contest will close at 6pm Eastern on Sunday, December 13th.

CYOA Wednes … Errr Thursday!: Channel-U Part 6

Channel U

Last week here at CYOA Wednesday We succeeded in our rescue mission and the survivor of the shuttle craft we rescued said he has the secret of defeating our enemy. We were left with the choice of retreating or attempting to use this secret and attack, In turn heromachine fashion we choose to attack and  soooo.......

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HeroMachine Hall Of Fame Nominations

Greeting fellow Machiners, I would like to announce open nomination for the HeroMachine Hall Of Fame! Like last year I will be entering 10 new  entries into the hall of fame. The winner of JR's Hero of the Year polls, then I will be entering one selection by myself, Jeff and the rest of the moderation staff. Now I want you our great heromachine community members to tell me what heromachine creations you would like to be entered into the Hall Of Fame. Nomantions will be open until December 24th, Christmas eve. At that point I will put all the nomination we have received into a single poll where the 4 ( possibly more should any of the mods fail to select an entry ) with the most votes will win entry into the Hall Of Fame.

I would like to say that you are allowed to nomination any pure heromachine creation ( meaning it has to have been created completely using heromachine. ) even one of your own, though I would prefer you nominate someone other then yourself. You are also allowed to nomation people outside of the HeroMachine community proper ( the blog and forums ) such as Deviants Arts, Instagram etc. So long as you have the permission of the heromachine artist in question as they may not wish their art to be displayed on this site. Finally all nominations must be in line with the rules of our community especially the rules on copyright.

Creators Club 2016 Volunteers?

Hey guys, JR here. As with this year, I'm now looking for someone to do next years Creators Club Poster, starting in January and hopefully being finished in February.

For those of you who aren’t in the know, the Creators Club poster is a community project where one of the members of the community (previously myself, MadJack Atomic Punk and Hammerknight) have come up with a theme for everyone to follow (Superheroes, Men In Black, Chibi’s and Westerns), and then people create a self-portrait of themselves fitting to that theme. All of the self-portraits are then sent to the organiser, who then puts them all together in one big poster that showcases the community that year. It’s not a challenge, it’s just a bit of fun, you don’t have to be a Power User to participate, you just have to use the site and follow the submission rules for the poster.

Now, obviously, we're trying to get new people to do these each year, so if you would like to volunteer and you have an idea for a theme, email it to me at the usual address (it's in my About section at the bottom of the post).

Oh, and you don't have to try and make it better than MadJack's was last year, so don't worry if you don't think you can. MJ went above and beyond last year and I don't expect anyone to do that sort of craziness again.

Previous CCP's





Don't ask me what happened to 2012.

Pop Quiz Results!

So entries went up by a staggering 50%!!! There were three this week.

HerrD-GothEgg_zpsl7xvhxna First up, HerrD with a creative and suitably creepy Goth take on the classic unfolding Faberge Egg.

Egged-on kericKeric offered up an intricate design with some classic tattoo touches. Don't know if they were going for an Ed Hardy vibe, but that is what struck me.

Cliff_PopQuiz_AMostEgg-cellentChristmas_FabrageChristmasTreeEgg_zpsmiqpmof5 And Cliff created a classic Faberge motif with the filigree doors and Christmas scene inside.

While I definitely appreciate the creativity of both HerrD's and Keric's entries, this week's top spot goes to Cliff. While very traditional, it is beautifully detailed and elegant.

Join me in congratulating Cliff, and the other entrants...too numerous to name.

See you Saturday as the Pop Quizzes of Christmas continue.

Kaldath’s Corner: FFVII Remake Trailer

Well this is unusually, two Kaldath's Corners in one week ? Well there is a reason for that. .... Did you hear that ? That sound just now ? That was me going all fanboy! What am I going on about you might be asking ? Well Simple, I just saw this .................

Yep that is the newly released trailer for the Final Fantasy VII remake for the Playstation 4!!!!! Final Fantasy 7 the game that is the sole reason I purchased my Playstion One back in the day, and now it is being remade and enhanced for todays modern gaming consoles! Unfortunately I do not own a Playstation 4 but this game may just make me repeat history and same up the money to buy one!