1 of 5 Winners of the 2016 Heromachine Hall of Fame Poll
"Unnamed" by Christi S
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1 of 5 Winners of the 2016 Heromachine Hall of Fame Poll
"Unnamed" by Christi S
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Posted in Hall of Fame
1 of 5 Winners of the 2016 Heromachine Hall of Fame Poll
"Druid" By Candruth
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Posted in Hall of Fame
I wanted to do something a little different. I’ve been rounding out my top movie lists for the year and there was one that I’d seen bits and pieces of but hadn’t actually sat through the whole thing. And that movie was Gods of Egypt. I had no illusions that this would be a good movie, so I was going to try something new. I was going to hate-watch it; in that I was going to sit down with snacks and some wine and roast the movie as it played. Since the weather prevented me from seeing Assassin’s Creed last weekend, this seemed to be as good a time as any. Now, I haven’t done something like this in a long time, not since maybe Doom. There’s been several unintentional hate-watches (Troy, Alexander, Batman v. Superman: Extended Cut), but nothing I’ve really set out to watch that I knew would be this bad. Also, instead of a regular style of review, we’re going to go on a journey together. We’re going to explore all the ‘best’ moments as they happened, live-feed style (non-timed entries are general observations). I took my notes specifically with this in mind, so I can bring them to you here pretty much word-for-word. Warning for spoilers as well, I guess. Either way, I hope you enjoy.
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Posted in Movies and TV
Tagged bad movie, humor, movie review, movies, roast
So, since 2005, each year the BBC has produced a special Christmas edition of the longest running science-fiction television series. Usually full of snow that isn't snow, Christmas themed enemies such as snowmen and robot Santa's, they are (as with the show its self) usually of very high quality and worth watching. But which episodes are must see and which should you only watch if you are a show completionist? Well, this week I'm going to rank all 12 Christmas episodes from my least favourite to my favourite.
Warning: Opinions below. You have been warned.
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Posted in Fantasy & Sci-fi, Movies and TV
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Well folks it is time for you to vote for entries into the HeroMachine Hall Of Fame. All of the entries on this poll was nominated by a member of this community and now it is time for YOU the Heromachine community to decide which FIVE ( 5 ) of these will be entered into the our hall of fame.
Here is how this works, below you will find a poll with 28 entries on it. You can vote for as many of the entries you like from 1 to all 28 of them however choose wisely for you will only be able to vote ONCE! This poll will close on December 31st at 11:59 PM Eastern (USA) time, at which time the Five entries with the most votes will have earned a spot into the hall of fame. In the event of a tie I will cast the deciding vote(s).
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3. HerrD- AltKnidBattleFromEWCToTOCPlus100mh100mleft2hr
2. djuby- Bladewalker
And our winner...
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Posted in Challenge Favorites
Usually here on What Were They Thinking we look at the stupidest, most ill-advised things ever in the history of the comics industry. However, as today is the Christmas Special, we're going to change things up a bit. We're still going to look at something completely mental, something that still fulfils our quota of strange and stupid and full of What The...? moments, but something that cannot and should not ever be described as something bad. Ladies, Gentlemen and assorted alien life-forms, I present to you 2005's GLX-Mas featuring the Great Lakes Avengers.
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Posted in Comic Book Stuff, Super-Hero Stuff, What Were They Thinking
The period for Heromachine Hall Of Fame Nominations is up and I am no longer accepting any more. I will have the poll up sometime tonight or tomorrow,
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