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  • in reply to: HEROS, ALL #39008


    TRUE IDENTITY: AMY LEWIS (note: Amy does not maintain a secret identity because, as she has stated about herself, “it’s hard to hide your identity when you have permanent flaming eyes.”)
    AGE: 24
    HEIGHT: 4′ 0″ (note: Amy is described as a dwarf, but she is more accurately a proportionate little person. The term “midget,” while formerly used to describe this condition, has of late fallen out of favor and is considered offensive.)
    WEIGHT: 200lbs. (note: Amy Atom has an incredibly dense molecular structure, which accounts for her surprisingly heavy weight, while her proportionate little body gives no hint of how much she really weighs.)
    POWERS AND ABILITIES: Amy Atom is a mutant, apparently able to draw energy directly from the radioactivity naturally occurring on the Earth. Amy’s body essentially functions as a living nuclear power plant. She does not tire, at least not physically, can go for long periods without eating, as her body is constantly absorbing radiation to energize itself, and it has been speculated that she may not need to eat at all, only eating out of habit. Amy is incredibly strong, in the Class 10-15 range. This means that Amy Atom can lift or press 10-15 tons. Her dense molecular structure makes her totally invulnerable. She is also immune to all forms of radiation poisoning, though not necessarily immune to ingested or inhaled toxins. (note: While Amy’s skin cannot be penetrated or bruised and her bones cannot be broken, nor can her internal organs be physically damaged, sufficient force has been known to cause Amy to feel pain. For example, Amy has been observed surviving a 50 story fall, only to get up complaining that it “hurt like hell!” Also, the element of surprise can catch Amy unprepared for some attacks. Her arch enemy, The One Armed Bandit, who has no super powers, but is a technical genius, has caught Amy off guard on several occasions with the various weapons built into his Sneaking/Battlesuit. Amy herself admits to taking the Bandit too lightly on their first encounter.) Amy is capable of firing concussive/destructive blasts from her hands, as well as her more recently discovered ability to fire optic bursts. (note: For some unknown reason, Amy will glow with a faint purple hued aura as she powers herself up. Also, her hand and optic blasts are of the same color. A possible explanation for the color of her eye bursts is that Amy’s irises are a lavender/purple shade. No explanation has been suggested as to why her hand blasts and aura are purple.) Amy can simultaneously emit and absorb vast amounts of radiation for offensive and defensive applications. She also has what she calls her “Atomic Punch,” which is basically just what it says, in that Amy Atom can deliver blows with the force of a nuclear devise. It has been estimated that Amy can easily match and surpass the combined destructive force of both the Little Boy and Fat Man atomic bombs used against Japan at the end of WWII. (note: Amy Atom has been observed to level a three block radius with a single punch in a battle against her radioactive antagonist, Half-Life. While the physical damage to the area was undeniable, there was no loss of life, as the area was evacuated before the combatants reached and Amy was able to absorb all the radiation her blows gave off, as well as absorb the radiation emitted by Half-Life to the point of rendering him powerless.) Amy has greatly enhanced vision and can see on a microscopic and possibly atomic level. A lesser know ability, or, more accurately, a specific use of Amy’s powers is that, because she doesn’t tire, she can run great distances at a sustained pace. While she is far from a super-speedster, Amy can run indefinitely maintaining a speed of 30 miles per hour. (note: The average human’s maximum running speed is approximately 25 mph.) Amy is very aggressive and an excellent hand to hand fighter, but sometimes her brashness tends to make her rush into a fray before fully assessing the situation. (note: Amy has been receiving training in battle tactics from Miss X, leader of the Urban Soul Patrol, as well as additional training in understanding the nature and science behind her powers from the members of The Cosmic Protectorate.)
    AFFILIATIONS: While Amy is not a member of any superhero team, she has on occasion allied herself with The Urban Soul Patrol when they need additional muscle. She is friendly with The Cosmic Protectorate and considers them her second family. She has received instruction from each of them in understanding the nature of, as well as the science behind her powers. Starchild, leader of the Protectorate, has given Amy instruction and guidance in controlling her new optic bursts. Arclight has taken to tutoring Amy in the nature and science behind her powers. Moonstar has been giving Amy special battle training in how to deal with flyers and the alien known as Black Hole has been instructing Amy in how to “listen” to the Earth to tap into the energy within the planet, essentially giving Amy a sort of limited, Earth bound version of Cosmic Consciousness. (note: Arclight has pointed out to Amy the importance of understanding her powers and has informed Amy that as atomic/nuclear energy is practically limitless, because radiation exists in all of nature and even in outer space, most notably the Van Allen radiation belts around the Earth, which could possibly be another source Amy can tap into, she has the potential to be one of the most powerful beings on Earth.)
    WEAPONS/SPECIAL EQUIPMENT: None. Amy uses no external weapons of any kind. She has a collection of unitard-like Kevlar battlesuits, designed by her mother, who designed the radiation suits she and her husband wear in their work as nuclear scientists in a secret research facility, with some aesthetic input from Amy. Amy has recently been seen mostly in an all black costume or her classic black & red. (note: Amy’s battlesuit does not provide her any type of protection and is made of Kevlar only as a material that could stand up to the rigors of battle.)http://www.heromachine.com/wp-content/legacy/forum-image-uploads/wndbassplayer/2014/03/Classic-Amy-Atom.-1.pnghttp://www.heromachine.com/wp-content/legacy/forum-image-uploads/wndbassplayer/2014/03/Amy-Atom-Black-Suit-2.pnghttp://www.heromachine.com/wp-content/legacy/forum-image-uploads/wndbassplayer/2014/03/Black-suit-clseup.png

    in reply to: HEROS, ALL #38981


    OK, I got you RobM. Thanks again. Also, @Herr D, I read that segment of Artist of War. Pretty cool! I like how Nate kept the spirit of the character intact. RobM, how is this one?http://www.heromachine.com/wp-content/legacy/forum-image-uploads/wndbassplayer/2014/03/Moonstar-bw.png

    EDIT: This pic was done before I saw your latest comment, RobM.

    in reply to: Versions #38970


    Keric, I really like what you did there! Nice touch on Star Spangled Sister. With the r,w&b color scheme and the style of skirt, as well as her face, she has a bit of French Revolutionary vibe. And I like your take on Moonstar, different but still recognizable. My only criticism is that while I like the look, there is nothing to suggest Black Hole’s alien/otherworldliness.

    in reply to: HEROS, ALL #38929


    @RobM: Tried your idea, but I didn’t see the effect. maybe I did something wrong; I’ll try again.

    : Thanks. I’ve been messing round with this scenario for a few months. It’s such a powerful image, the hero silhouette walking out of the destruction in the background. Go back a few pages in this thread and I think I made a cover using that scene in my Spectacular Comics covers thread.
    @Herr D: No I didn’t write it, Nate did. I’m sorry to say I haven’t read it yet. I was trying to catch up from part one and haven’t gotten to that part yet.

    in reply to: HEROS, ALL #38850


    My first monochrome work. Have to play with the transparencies and shades more to not obscure the main figure.Amy-Atom-bw.pngAMY-ATOMFALLOUT2.pngAmy-AtomFallout-bw.pngAMY-ATOMFALLOUT2-1.pngAMY-ATOMFALLOUT.png

    in reply to: HEROS, ALL #38833


    More new costumes for Amy Atom. Opinions and critiques welcome.http://www.heromachine.com/wp-content/legacy/forum-image-uploads/wndbassplayer/2014/03/Amy-Atom-new-suit.pnghttp://www.heromachine.com/wp-content/legacy/forum-image-uploads/wndbassplayer/2014/03/Amy-Atom-new-suit2.pnghttp://www.heromachine.com/wp-content/legacy/forum-image-uploads/wndbassplayer/2014/03/Amy-Atom-new-suit3.pnghttp://www.heromachine.com/wp-content/legacy/forum-image-uploads/wndbassplayer/2014/03/Amy-Atom-new-suit4-.pnghttp://www.heromachine.com/wp-content/legacy/forum-image-uploads/wndbassplayer/2014/03/Amy-Atom-new-suit4.pnghttp://www.heromachine.com/wp-content/legacy/forum-

    Edit: After looking at it more, I decided to remove the last alternate costume because the color scheme was too similar to the Silver Age Atom. Though no version of The Atom was my inspiration for Amy Atom, I do now notice the similarities between her and the Golden Age character.

    in reply to: HEROS, ALL #38824


    One more vintage inspired costume.Amy-Atom-vintage-suit.png

    in reply to: HEROS, ALL #38739


    Amy Atom was recently shown a Golden Age comic book, which featured another hero known for having an “Atomic Punch.” After seeing that, Amy designed a costume as an homage to that Golden Age character. Amy-Atom-vintage.png

    in reply to: HEROS, ALL #38721


    I think I’m going to continue with this “older and stronger” theme. Work on aging my characters with more than just a costume change and graying the hair. Seen a lot of great faces on other people’s work, so there’s plenty to study. Here is Arclight at about 60 years old. At this point, she’s been active for about 25 years, and was granted full Cosmic Consciousness about 10 years ago. She no longer wears a cape and no longer needs the armbands she wore to help focus her micro-wave blasts.Arclight-older.png

    in reply to: DiCicatriz- Mi propia realidad #38720


    Beautiful work! To much great stuff to focus on just one thing!

    in reply to: Versions #38719


    Matt, that is so good I’m almost jealous! And nice touch, making him a bass player and adding a whole band! If you feel up to it and your time allows, try one (or all?), of the female characters in the other pic I posted.

    in reply to: Versions #38685


    Matt, I came up with Punk’n Head quite a while ago. Forgot where the head came from; go with JR’s suggestion. Can’t wait to see what you do. Feel free to take a shot at any of the females as your time allows you.

    in reply to: Keric’s Challenge Gallery #38674


    Great stuff! I love those faces, very expressive! Love what you did with African Violet!

    in reply to: Herr D's CFLs #38673


    You come up with the best stuff!

    in reply to: Versions #38671


    I really like what Keric did with African Violet, so much that I invite him to take a stab at another of my characters. Of course, it’s still open to Lightningsword, and Mattisagamer, you’re welcome to give it a shot, too. I’m going to post several; pick one. Punkin’ Head is a demon who became obsessed with punk rock and wants to escape the demon realm to join a band. The others characters, I have not really come up with back stories for. Golden Age Star Spangled Sister is basically a Wonder Woman type without super powers, just very athletic. Fought for civil rights as well as a crime fighter. Moonstar is a member of the Cosmic Protectorate. Super strength in the Level 100+ class, invulnerability, flight, can survive in space unaided. Possesses “Cosmic Consciousness”, (think Cpt.Mar-Vel’s Cosmic Awareness). Modern era Star Spangled Sister in a genetically enhanced ass kicker, member of the Urban Soul Patrol. Level 5 super strength, healing and regenerative factors, increased agility & endurance. Black Hole is an alien, possibly from the other side of a black hole. Immeasurable super strength, can generate black holes, can generate her own gravity field, turning herself into a black hole. Her powers seem to operate totally beyond our understanding of the rules of physics. She is also a member of the Cosmic Protectorate.PUNKN-HEAD.pngBLACK-WOMEN-STARS3.png

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