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  • in reply to: Versions #36211


    I thought about it and realized that scene might be too much to take on, as the focus of this thread was always characters, so here’s one I first did over a year ago and abandoned because I felt I couldn’t do it right. Only requirement here is to get across the idea that she is 60 feet tall. These are the only pics I did of this character, who I call Big Bitch. She wanted to be a hero and volunteered for enhancement treatments, courtesy of The Organization, my universe’s agency overseeing all things meta-human and alien. She was not very happy with the results and snapped! The first pic is the older version.http://www.heromachine.com/wp-content/legacy/forum-image-uploads/wndbassplayer/2014/05/BIG-BITCH.pnghttp://www.heromachine.com/wp-content/legacy/forum-image-uploads/wndbassplayer/2014/05/BIG-BITCH-REDUX.png

    in reply to: RobM’s Sentinels’ Comic Covers #40120


    Love the Who’s Who entries. I might have to try that, but where your style has a more encyclopedia article look, I’ll stick with the DC/Marvel comic style.

    in reply to: Stulte’s stuff #40117


    I am totally blown away by your work. That bloody queen is great! That angler fish is ugly as hell, just like the real thing! Top notch stuff!

    in reply to: My new Creations #40116


    Thanks, Stulte. Me, I’m more of a mountain & forest guy. @Jeimuzu: Thanks. Maybe I’ll do more her as I feel can get the proportions better, now.

    in reply to: Zero Level: Additional Adventures #40112


    After the fact, I thought of several possible directions to take it. One idea was Amy transported to an alternate Earth to hunt down the murderous O.A.B. or the original Bandit going to take on the killer Bandit and stealing his alt. earth tech, whatever that might be. Just keep in mind the original One Armed Bandit is basically a thrill seeking thief who would rather avoid direct, hand to hand confrontation, and let his gadgetry work for him. A brilliant guy who is also a real jerk. You handle the characters personalities very well. For the sake of continuity, we should come up with an explanation as to how the original O.A.B. found out about the alternate earths. Or not; it could be something that just develops as the storyline grows. Also, from now on, I think I’m going to follow your example and focus on writing with just a few pictures to illustrate characters and key scenes, instead of the actual comic format I did with Amy’s origin and what I attempted with your first alt earth story with Ivy and Short Arm Law. I really bit off more than I could chew there!

    in reply to: My new Creations #40087


    By the sea, by the sea, by the beautiful sea! You and me , you and…oh, crap!http://www.heromachine.com/wp-content/legacy/forum-image-uploads/wndbassplayer/2014/05/Hes-coming.png

    Edit: Click attachment for full image.

    in reply to: Zero Level: Additional Adventures #40079


    Nate, I wish I got this finished before you started your next story, but either way, here is my addition to “Smashing The Atom.” Enjoy!

    Smashing the Atom: Epilogue (Arbalest, Knockout Rose, Ivy Isotope and Short Armed Law created by TheNate)

    “Amy….AMY!” “Oh, sorry, Arclight! I was just lost in thought.” “First, I told you before, when you’re here in the Protectorate’s headquarters, you can call me Martha. Second, if you’re thinking of what I guess you’re thinking of, understand that we all face defeat.” “But, Arc…I mean, Martha, you weren’t there. You didn’t see the look in his eyes! One Armed Bandit has NEVER been so violent. I mean, the guy’s a thrill seeking thief and a techie geek genius before anything else. He’s never really done anything violent before. Yeah, he’ll set off traps to put people in peril to cover an escape, but nothing lethal. And definitely nothing so hands-on! I always thought if I got beat, it would be by somebody like Half-Life, catching me off guard and finally making good on his threat to pound me into the ground. I never thought I would be beaten by somebody with NO superpowers at all! And to top it all off, he found a way to sap all of my powers. I was as helpless as a kitten back there!” “Well, even with your powers drained as they were, I doubt you would lose your invulnerability.” “Again, Martha, YOU WEREN’T THERE! HE WAS ABOUT TO BASH MY SKULL IN WITH A LEAD PIPE!!! The guy found a way to totally strip my powers. How the hell was I supposed to know that there would be lead lined walls blocking all traces of radiation in that place? He built a robot that looked just like me and could copy my shockwave punch! And when I hit that thing, I scraped my knuckles! I haven’t seen my own blood since years before that accident that kicked in my mutation. Like, since I was a kid skinning my knees. And adding insult to injury, he dressed his robot in a black costume just like my newest one. I really liked that suit, but I can’t wear it any more without being looked at as suspect!” “Amy, everyone knows by now it wasn’t you.” “DAMN IT, MARTHA, THAT’S NOT THE POINT! I COULD HAVE BEEN KILLED!…..Oh, God! I’m so sorry for yelling at you, Martha.” Amy slumped down and softly began to sob. The young hero was totally overcome with emotion. The woman known as Arclight sat on the floor next to Amy and gently held her. Amy felt somewhat comforted. She always admired this powerful woman; powerful in so many more ways than just as a superhero. Amy was grateful for the woman she called her second mother, and at this moment really appreciated the shoulder to cry on. “Amy? Did it ever occur to you that maybe it wasn’t the Bandit? Or at least, not the Bandit that you know? Could it possibly have been an imposter? Or maybe even another alternate Earth One Armed Bandit?” Amy also appreciated her friend’s levelheaded sense of logic. “You’ve already met one alternate you that is evil and an alternate One Armed Bandit who is actually a lawman on his Earth.” “Oh, great. So now there’s an alternate One Armed Bandit who’s also a psycho killer? Don’t all of you guys have that Cosmic Consciousness thing going on? Can’t you just look into the universe and see this stuff and just go and stop all the evil alternates?” “It doesn’t work that way, Amy. And even if it did, what right do we have to go to another world and upset their balance?” “Well damn it, it seems OK for these guys to come here and upset our balance! My balance, in particular! ” “Amy, calm down. Now listen to me! You have a very special gift! Your’s is the power of the atom, part of the powers of creation. It is very important for you to learn and understand the nature, as well as the science behind your powers. Believe it or not, you have the potential to become one of the most powerful beings on this planet! We will teach you but you have to be willing to accept our training.” “Oh, damn! More training?!? Isn’t it enough to just go in and kick ass?” “Obviously not, and watch your mouth, young lady! You call me your second mother, I expect just as much respect! I’m quite sure you don’t want to hear Miss X lecture you about battle tactics after all the time you told us she spent training you in that area. Just be glad I was a teacher before I became a superhero, and I’m also a mother. I know how to relate to you.” “Thank you, Martha. I’m willing to learn all you have to show me.” “First, we need to talk to Black Hole. Her Cosmic Consciousness is the highest level of all of us. We’ll find out if there is some type of anomaly or gap in space-time allowing these alternates to come through to our Earth. It’s actually not as easy as it may seem to cross dimensions. Black Hole is the only one of us who can do that without any special conditions or apparatus. She can actually make her own rifts in space-time.” “Yeah, well, let’s find out what she can tell us about this.” At about the same time, the One Armed Bandit was busy in his hideout, reviewing hacked security footage from the area of Amy Atom’s battle. He was particularly interested in Arbalest’s specialized uranium bolt and Knockout Rose’s capsaicin delivery system. But his interest was even more piqued by the tall, white-haired man in the red and black formfitting suit with the dollar sign insignia. “Who the hell is this guy??? Not another one? And a killer at that! This is not good for my reputation! And how did he pull off stripping Amy Atom of her powers? I tried that lead lined trap bit and she still kicked my ass! Could it be that this guy has technology on his Earth that doesn’t exist here? Time for me to dust off my inter-dimensional gate projector and do a little earth hopping!” to be continued…?http://www.heromachine.com/wp-content/legacy/forum-image-uploads/wndbassplayer/2014/05/amy-thinking-of-alternates.pnghttp://www.heromachine.com/wp-content/legacy/forum-image-uploads/wndbassplayer/2014/05/Amys-potential.pnghttp://www.heromachine.com/wp-content/legacy/forum-image-uploads/wndbassplayer/2014/05/security-footage.png

    in reply to: HEROS, ALL #40036


    My latest take on a destruction theme I’ve been playing with.amy-atom-destruction-1.png

    in reply to: Versions #30985


    I’m more looking for alternate ideas here. This is a pic I’ve done several versions of and don’t really mind who takes it on. Even if more than one of you try it, that would be better. No restraints or special premises other than keep the mushroom cloud and the silhouette of Amy Atom. How you do the background is up to the artist. Realism, cubist, impressionist, manga, whatever style is welcome! I’ll use one of the first and latest versions for your guide. I did the Amy figure in a silhouette to suggest her costume was burnt off, but again, it’s up to the artist. fallout.pngamy-atom-destruction.png

    in reply to: Zero Level: Additional Adventures #39924


    OK, you got me on that one, Nate! If any woman can truly put Batman in check, it is Amanda Waller. That’s something for me to consider if I decide to flesh out Miss X any further. I did say I never wrote anything with her, but I did give her a backstory. Part of that story is that, like Batman, she has no super powers, but she has a counter for everybody in my universe. Super powered people have openly admitted that she is not someone they want to oppose. As I give myself more time, I might take a crack at adding to this great story you have going.

    in reply to: Zero Level: Additional Adventures #39903


    Well handled again, Nate! I’ll have to do some more research to keep everything about Amy making sense, if not completely realistic. Nice twist of her temporarily losing her powers. Also like the unflinching, Batman-like attitude of Miss X. Though I never actually wrote anything with her, that’s pretty much the personality I see her with. Overall, great story. I dig your characters, too. BTW, how did you do that group shot? Awesome! The most I’ve managed was I think 11 characters in one of my Beasts of Burden groups.

    in reply to: HEROS, ALL #39902


    I’ll read that a little later, Nate. Loved how you handled the character. Your image of her running across the Brooklyn Bridge, (or was it through the Battery Tunnel? Can’t remember right now.), “as fast as her little legs could carry her” gave me the idea of her not physically tiring and being able to run indefinitely at 30 mph.

    in reply to: How can I make a snowy background? #39744


    Not necessarily a snowy background, but something I did a while back to suggest a snow covered, icy environment. Sorry, no text code was saved.HOARFROST.png

    in reply to: NEW RULE: No Plagiarism #39685


    TheNate is right with that. I did give open permission for my characters to be used in stories by others, but not my art. I enjoy seeing other artist’s interpretations of my characters. I have no real problem with it, as long as proper credit is given.

    in reply to: Camruth’s Alterniverse #39272


    Nice characters. I’m digging Iron Skull and Opal.

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