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  • in reply to: HEROS, ALL #19524


    “DAMN, SHE’S STRONG!” As he sat recovering, Starchild thought to himself, “No one’s EVER managed to knock me out, let alone give me a shiner, and this woman has done BOTH in less than 5 minutes! And that damn robot of her’s is no Tinker Toy, either! If she wasn’t a villain, I’d be in love!” But she is a villain, and a rather powerful one, as Starchild painfully came to realize. No time for such thoughts. “I may down bitch, BUT I’M NEVER OUT! I. AM. STARCHILD!!!!!” STARCHILD.pngSTARCHILD-CLOSEUP.pngDOWN-NOT-OUT.png

    in reply to: TWELVIAN CHRONICLES #19513


    Thanks for the tips, and dude, your take on Dark Cherub is KILLER!!! It just occurred to me last night while struggling to clothe an angled body to just color the body as the clothes, instead of building the body, then clothing it. I’ll be experimenting with that today and I’m sure I’ll be using some of your tips. How did you get that spread leg pose on Dark Cherub? And again, glad you like the Slave Boy story. I really just make it all up as I go along, with very little changes. I did change the name of the Ir’illis because the original name sounded too much like Israelis and I didn’t want to offend anyone. I just gave a once over to correct spelling and grammar. My Mom was a teacher and that had a big influence on my writing ability, too! The detail of the paw print hit me just at the point when I mentioned it!

    in reply to: HeroMachine On Youtube #19509


    You have my permission. My threads are My new Creations and Heros, All. I would be honored and greatly flattered if you found any of my work worthy!

    in reply to: Trekkie’s World #19471


    very cool work!

    in reply to: HEROS, ALL #19469


    Like I said, that costume for Screamer came out butt-ugly! Here is Blue Screamer and a closeup without the mask.BLUE-SCREAMER.pngBLUE-SCREAMER-CLOSEUP.png

    in reply to: HEROS, ALL #19466


    Thanks guys. I’m kind of on the fence about Screamer. The costume seemed like a cool idea as I was doing it, (remember, I make everything up as I go along), but after I finished and looked at it, I had to admit it’s really butt ugly, lol! Maybe different colors will help it. Also, I should do a closeup without the mask because it’s not that clear that her eyes are closed. Anyway, here’s my latest effort, an HM3 remake of Moonstar, a 2.5 character I did. you can see the 2.5 version in the My new Creations thread. These are also my first wide-screen shots. I’m learning! MOONSTAR-CLOSEUP.pngMOONSTAR-HM3.pngMOONSTAR-HM3.1.png

    in reply to: My new Creations #19463


    Thanks, glad you like it! I was worried about it sounding to obviously based on Biblical and current events and offending someone. Another concern was that it might get too wordy and not hold people’s attention. I have a tendency to get long winded, (my daughter used to call me Mr. Speechy, lol!) If you have any others you wouldn’t mind me taking a shot at, let me know.

    in reply to: Snowflake Method #19462


    I’ve been called crazy, among other things, at least a couple of times in my life.Wink

    in reply to: HEROS, ALL #19359


    From a low frequency rumble like thunder with a push-back force to concrete shattering sonic booms to brain-melting, high pitch wails, Screamer can do it all! She has even exhibited limited levitation and short-range flight by directing her voice downward and, by utilizing basic physics, riding the opposite reaction. This is of course, limited by how long she sustains her screams. She also has enhanced hearing and has been know to eavesdrop on whispered conversations up to half a mile away. Somehow, her hearing is not effected by her screams, and while she admits she has no idea why, she is not interested in finding out how this works. She is however, very interested in improving her levitation/limited flight and has been studying deep breathing exercises to increase her lung capacity for more sustained screams. She trains her voice vigorously to improve her accuracy because she is constantly afraid of hitting innocent victims with her sonic screams. Screamer and Screamer in closeup with mask.SCREAMER.pngSCREAMER2.png

    in reply to: My new Creations #19437


    MY BRAIN HURTS FROM THE LAST BACK STORY I MADE UP, LOL! Seriously, anybody who wants to take a stab at this guy, feel free. Here’s my first villain, Cybertaur. CYBERTAUR.png

    in reply to: Scatmans loft’ the gallery #19436


    Wow, Artian/Hailstorm looks like he can kick Thor’s butt!

    in reply to: Snowflake Method #19433


    OK, gotcha! Here’s mine: Lucifer, wishing to regain his former glory as the Lord’s favorite, decides on a modern approach and takes to cyberspace and social networking to convince Mankind that he was pushed and did not fall, and is NOT the source of all evil as he has been portrayed for millenia.

    in reply to: TWELVIAN CHRONICLES #19422


    Dude, I just saw Tuatha! That is hot!!! I wish I thought of that idea to shrink the bouquets and use them to cover the body when I made African Violet!

    in reply to: TWELVIAN CHRONICLES #19421


    “Oh, gosh; oh, gosh; oh, gosh! What did I get myself into? All I wanted to do was take a quick dip in the Lake of All Life!” W’ali k’Levar kept thinking the same thing over and over for the countless hours he has been in chains. In the tradition of his people, bathing in the Lake of All Life during the Ba’ah Ri’zah ceremony upon reaching one’s 13th cycle would unlock each individual’s hidden power. W’ali had so hoped to gain wings like his brothers, but could not wait for the ceremony. The Ir’illis had very strict traditions. That was because they had a very tenuous pact with their former enemies, the P’alatines. For hundreds of years, the P’alatines allowed the Ir’illis access to the Lake of All Life to carry out their tradition, though the lake was deep in P’alatine territory. Unique among the people of the planet Eid’an, Ir’illis have evolved to reproduce in cycles of 13, so that all of the children would be able to bathe in the Lake at the same time. The reasons behind the truce, as well as the cause of the 7 Century War prior to it, have long been forgotten. All that is known is what has been held to for all this time: At the start of the 13th cycle, The Grand Re’eb of the Ir’illis makes a formal request to the Head of the P’alatines to lead a Pilgrimage to the Lake of All Life to conduct the Ba’ah Ri’zah ceremony. The understanding is that any Ir’illis near the lake any other time are there at their own risk. Again, the whys and wherefores behind this are long forgotten. W’ali could not wait the few remaining months until his 13th cycle and took it upon himself to gain his powers early. Now, instead of W’ali k’Levar, grandson of the Grand Re’eb, he is just a nameless slave boy with the mark of the P’alatine branded upon his torso. “If only I got to the lake before they caught me!” W’ali hung his head and cried himself to sleep, wondering if he would ever see his family and home again. Just before sleep overtook him, W’ali thought he heard the beating of mighty wings in the air. “Could it be? My brothers are coming to save me….?” Here’s your backstory for the Slave Boy. Hope you like it!

    in reply to: Snowflake Method #19416


    PRS, not 100% clear on this. Do I add to Atomic Punk’s start or do I come up with my own novel summary?

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