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  • in reply to: HEROS, ALL #25574


    Here’s another panel of The Cosmic Protectorate with the newest member, Arclight. Lost a little picture quality because I had to resize it; the original took too much memory. Also possible I missed a step while putting this together in Comic Life. http://www.heromachine.com/wp-content/legacy/forum-image-uploads/wndbassplayer/2013/05/C.P.2.png

    in reply to: HEROS, ALL #25573


    Another grouping using Comic Life. Urban Soul Patrol: Basher, Star Spangled Sister aka Triple S, Liberty. Miss X.U.S.P.-1.png

    in reply to: I NEED SOME VILLIANS! #25572


    OK, Livewyre, here’s my take on Seizure. I see the green aura as the visible effect of him using his abilities. The energy coming from his hands can literally “seize” items for him toss around, crush, use as a weapon, etc. The chest piece you used I like but couldn’t ind it. Did you make that? In your conception, is it functional like maybe something that focuses his energy or is it just part of the look? Hope you like what I did with your character. SEIZURE.pngSEIZURE2.pngSEIZURE-HDSHT.png

    in reply to: I NEED SOME VILLIANS! #25558


    Like I said Atomic, your description said “hide in plain sight” to me. Who would be suspicious of an older gent in a suit standing in the background? I used the monocle because I couldn’t figure on how to make a pair of glasses appear correct from the side. I have a couple of headshots, but my laptop crashed before I posted them. I was also toying with the idea of having him be a either a government agent sent to recruit Brain Jack, but some how ending up being corrupted, or he’s a former teacher who sensed Kevin’s potential, and is motivated by nothing more than jealousy. I think either one of those would still fit your concept. I just noticed after posting that I must have had the cursor too close when I took the “no hat” close up, because I see his sleeve is transparent. Have to be more careful of those things when I take my screen shots! http://www.heromachine.com/wp-content/legacy/forum-image-uploads/wndbassplayer/2013/05/SIDELINE-HDSHT-1.pnghttp://www.heromachine.com/wp-content/legacy/forum-image-uploads/wndbassplayer/2013/05/SIDELINE-NO-HAT-1.png

    in reply to: I NEED SOME VILLIANS! #25528


    Ok, again, thanks for the ideas guys. First up is my interpretation of Sideline. Concept by Atomic Punk. SIDELINE
    Sideline is not a villain; more a foil or nemesis. He is a powerful telepath who thrives on besting others with ESP. You won’t see him in direct combat. He is among the spectators. Seeming to watch the fight unfold. Yet, he is always there for reasons that only he can but refuses to explain. Can he see the future? Is he a secret agent?
    Brainjack can feel Sideline’s presence. Many times has Sideline denied Brainjack victory. Villains have escaped battle and even prosecution. Witnesses have had their memories erased. Who is Sideline? What does he want? Why does he stalk Brainjack? What does he even look like? For certain, Brainjack wants answers.

    in reply to: HOW TO POST YOUR CHARACTER! #25458


    How do I used shared text? Livewyre posted a pose I want to try. I clicked on the “download text” link, copied the text and tried to paste it to my blank load text window but nothing happened. The text never appeared. What am I doing wrong?

    in reply to: I NEED SOME VILLIANS! #25455


    Thanks, guys! I like both of your ideas. I like the idea and look of Seizure and if you don’t mind Livewyre, I’d like to try my hand at some alternate versions, keeping true to your original idea. Atomic, based on your idea, off the top of my head, I’m seeing a Shadow/Spirit type, but as a villain. Suit, with or without a cloak, either small mask or face hidden by shadows or pulled down hat. Your description just screams “hide in plain sight” to me. Thanks again, guys. I’ll whip something up before the end of the week.

    in reply to: HEROS, ALL #25454


    Another HM3 redo of a 2.5 hero. You may have heard of soldiers coming back from war with “the thousand yard stare.” Meet Blackshot, The Man With the Thousand Mile Stare. A genetically enhanced super-soldier, Blackshot has vision that may only be rivaled by eagles, hawks and vultures. Trained as a sniper, Blackshot, (real name: classified), volunteered for the enhancements after a friend was killed by sniperfire. His abilities include increased long distance vision and depth perception, infra red vision and heat signature detection as well as night vision greater than any nocturnal hunter found in nature. He also has an uncanny sensitivity to air pressure and changes in the direction and speed of the wind. While he is called the Man With the Thousand Mile Stare, whatever limits, if any to his vision are unknown, because of the challenges to properly testing such an ability. Blackshot has been known to hit perfect bullseyes on targets up to 5 miles away on flat land. He also has increased stamina and can convert body toxins into energy, giving him the ability to function at peak levels for days without eating. He is an excellent hand to hand fighter when necessary and extremely deadly with all forms of firearms. He has increased strength and endurance of above superior Olympic athlete levels. He can press about 1000 pounds. It has been observed on several occasions by people unaware of Blackshot’s abilities that his custom sniper rifle does not have a scope. Original version and HM3 redo.http://www.heromachine.com/wp-content/legacy/forum-image-uploads/wndbassplayer/2013/05/BLACKSHOT.pnghttp://www.heromachine.com/wp-content/legacy/forum-image-uploads/wndbassplayer/2013/05/BLACKSHOT-HM3.png

    in reply to: My new Creations #25422


    I’ve used this companion several times as a name less enemy for my hero Starchild. I even used her as doubles, calling them the Trouble Twins, children of the nameless enemy who gave Starchild a black eye early in his career. Here with a new look and a new name, and the same desire for revenge against Starchild, I give you Sunburn. Though it is not clear how she got her powers, they are very similar in nature to Starchild’s. Her solar energy absorption ability gives her the power of a nuclear generator. Starchild has suspected that someone else must have gained super powers the same way he did during that meteor shower on the night of his birth. Sunburn’s strength level is unknown but is believed to be at least equal to Starchild’s, (Level 50+), if not greater being that she was able to give him a black eye and knock him unconscious. She can also fly at supersonic speeds and survive unaided in space. Starchild has stated he was caught off guard by a superpowered female because that early in his career he did not believe any one else was close to him in strength. One big difference bettween them is that while Starchild has very visibly aged during the 20+ years since their first encounter, (he has also grown much stronger), Sunburn has not aged at all. Whether this is an inherent part of her powers or if there is some other factor involved, no one, not even Sunburn herself, can say.

    in reply to: JR’s Characters #25408


    That is amazingly creative, JR! Robert definitely freaked me out!

    in reply to: I NEED SOME VILLIANS! #25355


    Thanks, Atomic. His adult suit being the same color as his sneakers was pure coincidence, as I made the adult version a little while after the original. I dig your concept for Sideline. I’ll definitely use it. What I can offer as reward/incentive is I can group some characters together for you in a comic page format. I have an editor, Comic Life, which is just for that purpose. Here’s an example. http://www.heromachine.com/wp-content/legacy/forum-image-uploads/wndbassplayer/2013/05/b-of-b-1.png Give me the characters, (code or pics for a screen capture will do), and a general idea of what kind of page you would like or cover and I’ll get to work.

    in reply to: Herr D's CFLs #25349


    This was a first for me Herr D. Hope you like it. I took the easy way by using the companions, so I might go back later and dress them up some. During Mardi Gras, a small, black woman walked into a bar. She waved at the bartender, pointed to herself, walked up between two barstools, sat first on one and then the other. The bartender nodded, pulled a bottle from under the bar, poured a glass of expensive-looking alcohol, and set it next to her. Another patron openly stared for a moment, and then he walked around the bar to talk to her.
    “What was that? That signal?”
    She smiled at him and said, “My name is Remoulade Martin of the New Orleans Martins. People call me Remy. Two stools means a double.”
    “Neat!” said the patron, “Let me try.” He pulled out a lighter, saluted the bartender, and tossed it on the bar. The bartender opened a bottle and handed to him. The patron smiled and said “Bud Light Draft! It works!”
    A woman walked up and smiled, saying, “I can top those. If I mystify both of you, will you pay for mine? And if you figure it out? I’ll pay for yours.”
    Bud said, “Okay.”
    Remy said, “Go for it!”
    The woman turned to the bartender, gave him a sultry smile, and touched her nose with the side of her finger. The bartender raised his eyebrows. He opened the fridge, pulled out three containers and a bowl of cut-up lemons and limes. He poured exact-looking measurements from each container into a mixer, squeezed in the juice of three lime slices and two lemons, added a dash of six different bottles from under the bar in rapid succession, closed and shook the mixer, poured the result into a large glass, carefully added four spoonfuls of tonic water and an olive. Then he plunked in a cube of pineapple and handed it to her on a napkin.
    Bud stared, openmouthed. “What is THAT drink called?”
    The bartender said, “Biloxi Bliss, sir. Want one?”
    “No, thanks. How much?”
    Bud raised his eyebrows. “I might owe half that. Ms. Martin? You want to try this?”
    Remy smiled. “What’s your name?”
    The woman smiled, “Mary Abramovitz.”
    Remy looked at Bud, Bud looked at Remy, and they paid up. Remy started back to her seat, but Bud had to know. “What was that?”
    Mary smiled and explained. “Twenty years ago, I won the title of Miss Biloxi. This bartender designed the drink to honor me. We’re engaged, after all!”

    in reply to: My new Creations #25342


    Here’s a first for me. Herr D provided the story and I illustrated. Here is “The Bar Scene.” During Mardi Gras, a small, black woman walked into a bar. She waved at the bartender, pointed to herself, walked up between two barstools, sat first on one and then the other. The bartender nodded, pulled a bottle from under the bar, poured a glass of expensive-looking alcohol, and set it next to her. Another patron openly stared for a moment, and then he walked around the bar to talk to her.
    “What was that? That signal?”
    She smiled at him and said, “My name is Remoulade Martin of the New Orleans Martins. People call me Remy. Two stools means a double.”
    “Neat!” said the patron, “Let me try.” He pulled out a lighter, saluted the bartender, and tossed it on the bar. The bartender opened a bottle and handed to him. The patron smiled and said “Bud Light Draft! It works!”
    A woman walked up and smiled, saying, “I can top those. If I mystify both of you, will you pay for mine? And if you figure it out? I’ll pay for yours.”
    Bud said, “Okay.”
    Remy said, “Go for it!”
    The woman turned to the bartender, gave him a sultry smile, and touched her nose with the side of her finger. The bartender raised his eyebrows. He opened the fridge, pulled out three containers and a bowl of cut-up lemons and limes. He poured exact-looking measurements from each container into a mixer, squeezed in the juice of three lime slices and two lemons, added a dash of six different bottles from under the bar in rapid succession, closed and shook the mixer, poured the result into a large glass, carefully added four spoonfuls of tonic water and an olive. Then he plunked in a cube of pineapple and handed it to her on a napkin.
    Bud stared, openmouthed. “What is THAT drink called?”
    The bartender said, “Biloxi Bliss, sir. Want one?”
    “No, thanks. How much?”
    Bud raised his eyebrows. “I might owe half that. Ms. Martin? You want to try this?”
    Remy smiled. “What’s your name?”
    The woman smiled, “Mary Abramovitz.”
    Remy looked at Bud, Bud looked at Remy, and they paid up. Remy started back to her seat, but Bud had to know. “What was that?”
    Mary smiled and explained. “Twenty years ago, I won the title of Miss Biloxi. This bartender designed the drink to honor me. We’re engaged, after all!”bar-scene.png

    in reply to: My new Creations #25288


    A new mutant is born!New-Mutant.png

    in reply to: My new Creations #25280

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