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  • in reply to: My new Creations #25895


    Cool! Thanks again, Rob.

    in reply to: HEROS, ALL #25894


    Thanks, Rob! That looks like it will work much better. I used a standard torso, compressed it ad added a reshaped set of briefs from Male Spandex to fill out the chest.

    in reply to: TWELVIAN CHRONICLES #25883


    Nice armor! I’ll get back to that UPC code. Thanks. Little by little I’m trying to get my writing groove back. I seriously dried up for a while.

    in reply to: My new Creations #25844


    Thanks, Torog. It’s still not exactly what I wanted because the program won’t let you work in the widescreen view.

    in reply to: HEROS, ALL #25843


    My superhero persona, Dread. Used the Superman glyph maker on HM’s Facebook page and added it to the pic, but I won’t post that one until I get the OK. It’s Supe’s chest plate with instead of his S, what looks to me like a very stylized “L,” (my first name is Lawrence). Anyway, here’s me as Dread. DREAD.png

    in reply to: LiveWyre’s Freelance Comics #25835


    Badass! Got a name for him yet? If not, how about Jack Spade? Love the costume!

    in reply to: RobM’s Machine Works #25834



    in reply to: My new Creations #25820


    The affairs of Humankind are much too petty for Spiritus Eternus to directly involve herself with but she has many agents, (some of whom we may call superheros), most unknowing, whom she, (if gender even applies to such a Cosmic Entity), can dispatch to maintain the order of the multiverse. It is by her workings that Miracle Man was transformed to his youthful self and sent to Earth Prime. The reasons are known only to her and possibly, may never be revealed. She is of the Eternium, those beings, cosmic entities, spirits, gods, who are charged with maintaining the ORDER OF ALL THAT IS. She is known by many names throughout the worlds. There are races across the multiverse much more ancient than humans who know of her as Spiritus Eternus and understand her role in ALL THAT IS. There are primitive races who refer to her as Goddess, others who refer to her as Space Goddess. To some she is the Spirit of the Cosmos. Those among Humankind who have been made aware of her presence call her The Gray Ghost, because of how she appears to humans. If in fact that is her true appearance or a manifestation that humans can accept, is also unknown. spiritus-eternus2.pngspiritus-eternus.png

    in reply to: TWELVIAN CHRONICLES #25816


    Dude, I am so sick of you! It seems like every idea I try, you come along and blow it all out the water! Seriously, I’m loving this latest stuff I’m seeing! The hand drawn stuff is beautiful; between you and your brother you guys got some great stuff! I see you took the plunge and started doing covers. NICE! One thing: RobM shared the code for the UPC label but when I tried to use it I got nothing. How do you use or download or whatever process, shared codes? Let me know what you think of my latest stuff. I did some more covers in my cover thread. BTW love YOUR gryphon!

    in reply to: My new Creations #25798


    That’s a thought, D, but I might need to come up with a new hero for them in that dimension. I want to keep all my characters on one Earth. The Golden Age world idea came about as a place to house “throw away” characters or characters with no real story to make them fit in with the world I want to build. I haven’t even really thought of a plausible reason as to why and how Miracle Man came to be in this, (My?), world. Having said that, here are the rest of Miracle Man’s enemies, The Neo-Men. Prof. Jack Clark was a brilliant scientist, with advanced degrees in several areas, with a prime focus in micro biology. When he was diagnosed with liver cancer, he set about working on ways to preserve himself, but as brilliant as he was, even he made no larger a dent in cancer research than the mainstream medical world. This left him with only two options: cloning or robotics. Though very advanced in that field, the thought of transfering his mind into a non-feeling machine frightened him. He was more afraid of no longer being human than of failing, as his confidence in his abilities would never allow him to consider failure. After the accelerated cloning of his body, through a process known only to him, he set about the next phase, that of the mind transference. Sadly, and ironically, because he put his every effort into trying to save his life, he stopped monitoring the progression of his cancer and had no idea that it had spread to his brain. His obsessive thoughts took a much darker turn, and though the transference was technically successful, like Dr. Frankenstein in Mary Shelley’s novel, Prof. Clark essentially put a deviant brain in an otherwise healthy body. In his deteriorated mental state, he saw himself as superior, as a Neo-Man, so to speak. He made multiple clones of himself, manipulating his DNA to make them stronger than normal humans, while all the time unaware that each clone had the same brain cancer. Because he made himself physically stronger and resistant to diseases and infections, while the cancer would not kill him, his faculties suffered negative effects akin to Altzheimer’s. When he began sending out clones to kill members of the scientific community he felt underminded his work and jealously infected him with cancer, that’s when he caught the attention of Miracle Man. Miracle Man has destroyed many of Prof. Clark’s clones but has never managed to get to the original clone, who controls all the others through a telepathic link, and through his accelerated cloning process, Prof. Clark has managed to replace his copies at an alarming rate. I present Prof. Jack Clark, NM 0001, dressed in all white and his Neo-Men.http://www.heromachine.com/wp-content/legacy/forum-image-uploads/wndbassplayer/2013/06/neo-men.png

    in reply to: My new Creations #25792


    More of Miracle Man’s enemies, the Atomic Squad. A group of artificially intelligent robots built for laboring in atomic power plants, ironically, powered by atomic converters. Being created with limited autonomy, it was quite the surprise when the engineers discovered they made these robots better, and smarter than they thought. Having achieved limited sentience, they overrode their original programming, killed their creators and handlers and set about to draining the energy from the reactor in which they were employed. Miracle Man has always managed to defeat them, though with difficulty. Again, Machiners,, should I have these guys follow MM to Earth Prime or stay in the Golden Age on their original world?atomic-squad.png

    in reply to: My new Creations #25781


    As I was making up the story for Miracle Man, I mentioned a few villains. Here is the first of Miracle Man’s Golden Age villains, the femme fatale, Heartless. Haven’t made up what she is to have a super powered protagonist, or if she’s going to be strictly an enemy from MM’s past or if she somehow followed him to Earth Prime to continue their old rivalry, though as I write this, that sounds like an interesting idea to work with. As always, I’m open to suggestions. Also, I did two closeups, one with a scar across her face. Opinions, please! HEARTLESS.pngHEARTLESS-HDSHT.pngHEARTLESS-SCAR.png

    in reply to: Nobody’s Home #25776


    Great artwork! Love the concept and look of the young gods. As to your nameless character, since he is killing gods, how about either Godhand or Godsmack? Or to go with Vampyrist’s idea, have him adopt the name Ragnarok in place of his forgotten true name. If you’re continuing his story, maybe a twist could be that a god or a hero shows up who knows his real name and speaking it out loud temporarily binds him or weakens him.



    MIRACLE MAN!future-tales.pngtales2.png

    in reply to: Scatman’s Universe Comics covers plus.. #25774


    Yeah, I must admit, I’ve been cheating a bit lately with the Comic Life app, as far as the page editing. I really admire your work!

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