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  • in reply to: Tell my story #26770


    That is really cool! You hint at what I originally had as a concept without being derivative and you’re different enough to never be accused of being lazy and copying with different words, (if any of that makes sense!). I like it! I did another Amy Atom backshot with the pink/purple color scheme, since you played up that part of her look, and a background. I still don’t think I compressed her enough to really bring across the idea that she’s a dwarf, but I’m getting some good practice. I’ll work on some One Armed Bandit shots in urban environments. Meanwhile, check out what I did with him and put in the My New Creations thread.

    in reply to: World Tournament #26769


    Great stuff, Capt. Welcome to Hero Machine. Love the looks of all your characters and that god-realm; AMAZING!

    in reply to: My new Creations #26768


    Here’s another take on One Armed Bandit. Haven’t done anything with him since I came up with the first picture. After Atomic Punk’s story featuring him in his Tell My Story thread, I decided to revisit him. If anything, I think he’ll be interesting to work with, posing him with just one arm. One-Armed-Bandit2.png

    in reply to: HEROS, ALL #26761


    Thanks, guys. Actually Vampy, that’s what I was going for; I wanted to have her gripping the cape holding it just off the floor, but I couldn’t find the right parts to make the cape. Livewyre’s pose is perfect for having the hands hold the cape, but I couldn’t find the parts he used; I don’t think they were actual cape parts. I used two re-sized dress parts to make the cape. And you’re right, the black outline on the cape looks better, much more dramatic. The parts that Livewyre used for the cape in his pose were a bit wider and had a more flowing look, covering more of her legs and countering that lopsided look. Thanks for pointing that out, Herr D. I was really trying to angle everything to match Live’s original pose. As to Amy, I didn’t size that one properly to give the impression of a midget/dwarf. I was concentrating much more on getting that back pose right. Here’s another one of Amy slightly re-proportioned. I hope the dwarf look comes across with this one.http://www.heromachine.com/wp-content/legacy/forum-image-uploads/wndbassplayer/2013/06/amys-back2.png

    in reply to: HEROS, ALL #26750


    I was trying my hand at one of Livewyre’s cape poses. I did it from scratch because when I try to copy the text code I must be doing something wrong. I used Arclight because she already wears a cape and I’m really getting attached to character and want to fill out her story even more. I did two views, first without her eyes glowing and second with glowing eyes and slightly longer right half of cape. As always, comments and opinions are encouraged. ARCLIGHT-CAPE.pngARCLIGHT-CAPE2.png

    in reply to: Poses by LiveWyre #26739


    Great poses! I was looking at the earlier stuff and I’m going to try my hand at the cape poses. One thing; I tried using the text for the flight pose you posted. I copied it then tried to paste it to my text saves but nothing happened. I then pasted it to a text edit page and tried to load that but still nothing. Can you tell me what I’m doing wrong?

    in reply to: LoRdUs Heroes (my characters) #26737


    Pretty cool characters. The weakest looking one is Devion; it looks like you didn’t put as much time into him as your other characters. I’m tempted to say that you stole your idea for the Hunter, Three Hight Stalkers and Magno from my Beasts of Burden series. It’s all good. Everybody “borrows” from someone else. Welcome to Hero Machine. I really like Dr. Droos; how did you make the throne?

    in reply to: HEROS, ALL #26713


    Thanks Livewyre. Coming from you that’s a good boost, because I really dig your art. This is a second HM3 update of a character originally done in 2.5. Though I never wrote it out my concept for Amy Atom was that she was the daughter of a husband and wife team of nuclear physicists. Prolonged exposure to trace amounts of radiation during pregnancy brought about a mutation in the unborn Amy. Her parents did not become aware of the mutation for quite some time, as it did not become apparent until puberty and they were more concerned with Amy’s dwarfism. Atomic Punk’s take on Amy Atom in his “Tell My Story” thread in the Writer’s Room section was really cool. He’s considering story arc using Amy and another of my characters, One Armed Bandit, so I’m going to try to give him a few alternate views of each character.http://www.heromachine.com/wp-content/legacy/forum-image-uploads/wndbassplayer/2013/06/Amys-back.png

    in reply to: Tell my story #26709


    I don’t want to clog this thread with experimental pieces, so Atomic, check my Heros, All thread for an updated Amy Atom you might want to use later. I’ll have another One Armed Bandit for you to work soon.

    in reply to: My new Creations #26704


    The oldest of the Eternium, Eternus Vigilus. She, (He? It?), has watched over everything in the muti-verse from the very beginning of everything and she will be watching when the last star in the last universe blinks out its last light.http://www.heromachine.com/wp-content/legacy/forum-image-uploads/wndbassplayer/2013/06/eternus-vigilus.pngvigilus2.png

    in reply to: Tell my story #26687


    Cool! In the meantime maybe I can put together a few more pics of Amy and One Arm in different poses and maybe some costume variations. And that is a great song to have in your head!

    in reply to: HEROS, ALL #26668


    Thanks, Herr D, I’m trying! This piece took a couple of weeks going back and forth and I’m still not satisfied with it. The left character got shifted partway out the frame and I lost patience trying to get her back in the full picture. This is hardly finished. I like the concept I was going for, so I’ll probably start this again from scratch. Hoarfrost has the intentions of bringing about a new Ice Age and was in the midst of transforming the Sahara Desert into her base of operations, but African Violet had other thoughts on the matter.HOARFROST-V.-AFRICAN-VIOLET.png

    in reply to: Tell my story #26653


    In that case, here’s something fresh, (actually , I did this a while ago). I mean fresh, as in no story. You can use either one. BTW, I know about the clouds, but I lost the save. Maybe you can use that. http://www.heromachine.com/wp-content/legacy/forum-image-uploads/wndbassplayer/2013/06/DANCIN-IN-THE-MOONLIGHT.png

    in reply to: Tell my story #26645


    I’m really enjoying your stories. So far I’ve given you characters that I had no idea for or just the most basic concept for the sake of seeing how someone else would interpret. Here’s one that I had a full concept for and think it woud be interesting to see a total re-imagining.MAIDENHEAD.png

    in reply to: Tell my story #26643


    Atomic, I really like the story for One Armed Bandit. I had nothing when I came up with him except for the point you covered of the humiliation of being beaten by a guy with one arm. I like the arrogance angle as well as the motivation for crime being to supply his equipment. Good touch of not making just a thieving thug.

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