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  • in reply to: The Extherium- Made by Maaz #28818


    Great concepts! I’m loving these characters!

    in reply to: Age before Beauty contest #28813


    A retired Luchedore? Can’t give up the mask.

    in reply to: HEROS, ALL #28745


    That’s too bad, ‘Angel. I would have loved to see the different versions. Here’s another Moonstar, inspired by AMS’s shading. I changed her face a little to look more natural and real but kept my original costume design. moonstar-shaded.pngmoonstar-shaded-clseup.png

    in reply to: PLANET AMS #28742


    Love that werewolf!

    in reply to: HEROS, ALL #28678


    Actually, ‘Angel, I like the red/black better, too, but wanted an alternate because too many of my characters, as well as her arch enemy, One Armed Bandit, are in red/black. I have to go through your thread and see what else you’ve done with American Dream. I loved th Golden Age version and he first replacement.

    in reply to: HEROS, ALL #28657


    I think I’m getting a bit obsessive with Amy Atom. I liked the back views I did of her a while ago. I did them again this time using Weilyn’s Dwarf Recipe. Here’s dwarf Amy from behind in red/black and pink/purple. amys-back-dwarf.pngamys-back-dwarf2.png

    in reply to: Suleman's creations #28652


    Cool characters. The Brute is kinda scary. I like Shaw, but there you go again with that hat, lol. http://www.heromachine.com/wp-content/legacy/forum-smileys/sf-wink.gif Also, that Bone Spirit is really creepy. Cool concept!

    in reply to: Super Heroes and Villans #28651


    Here’s a hero I made a while ago and one (?) of the villains I came up with for him. Miracle Man and The Neo-Men. Miracle Man was the greatest Golden Age hero of his world. A world that did not have many super beings and he was the mightiest of them all. But that was years ago. The days of busting up the Atomic Squad, Heartless and the Neo-Men were long gone and he was just Jeffrey Jones again, enjoying his retirement. One day he was trying on the old costume just for the heck of it and to his surprise, he found himself transformed and transported. He suddenly was his youthful, in-his-prime self and on a strange, yet somehow familiar world. In fact, he found himself on Earth Prime, a world populated by many heroes and superbeings. Needless to say he was simultaneously shocked and thrilled. (Funny thing about the multi-verse; EVERYONE thinks their Earth is the only one!)http://www.heromachine.com/wp-content/legacy/forum-image-uploads/wndbassplayer/2013/07/MIRACLE-MAN.pnghttp://www.heromachine.com/wp-content/legacy/forum-image-uploads/wndbassplayer/2013/07/MIRACLE-MAN2.png Prof. Jack Clark was a brilliant scientist, with advanced degrees in several areas, with a prime focus in micro biology. When he was diagnosed with liver cancer, he set about working on ways to preserve himself, but as brilliant as he was, even he made no larger a dent in cancer research than the mainstream medical world. This left him with only two options: cloning or robotics. Though very advanced in that field, the thought of transfering his mind into a non-feeling machine frightened him. He was more afraid of no longer being human than of failing, as his confidence in his abilities would never allow him to consider failure. After the accelerated cloning of his body, through a process known only to him, he set about the next phase, that of the mind transference. Sadly, and ironically, because he put his every effort into trying to save his life, he stopped monitoring the progression of his cancer and had no idea that it had spread to his brain. His obsessive thoughts took a much darker turn, and though the transference was technically successful, like Dr. Frankenstein in Mary Shelley’s novel, Prof. Clark essentially put a deviant brain in an otherwise healthy body. In his deteriorated mental state, he saw himself as superior, as a Neo-Man, so to speak. He made multiple clones of himself, manipulating his DNA to make them stronger than normal humans, while all the time unaware that each clone had the same brain cancer. Because he made himself physically stronger and resistant to diseases and infections, while the cancer would not kill him, his faculties suffered negative effects akin to Altzheimer’s. When he began sending out clones to kill members of the scientific community he felt underminded his work and jealously infected him with cancer, that’s when he caught the attention of Miracle Man. Miracle Man has destroyed many of Prof. Clark’s clones but has never managed to get to the original clone, who controls all the others through a telepathic link, and through his accelerated cloning process, Prof. Clark has managed to replace his copies at an alarming rate. I present Prof. Jack Clark, NM 0001, dressed in all white and his Neo-Men.http://www.heromachine.com/wp-content/legacy/forum-image-uploads/wndbassplayer/2013/07/neo-men.png

    in reply to: HEROS, ALL #28643


    A third face study using Moonstar. I’m trying to get that moist lip effect. Plus I added a little more shading to the face.face-study3.png

    in reply to: My new Creations #28642


    Thanks Herr D. Yes, it was time consuming. What really screwed me up was after masking out certain parts, I had to recolor the insignia after I added the background. It never comes out exact.

    in reply to: HEROS, ALL #28619


    After AMS did his version of my character Moonstar, I decided to try my hand at some face highlighting. I purposely kept it very subtle, except for the beauty mark in the closeup. I stuck with Moonstar for this and redid my original styled face. Opinions welcome.http://www.heromachine.com/wp-content/legacy/forum-image-uploads/wndbassplayer/2013/07/face-study1.pnghttp://www.heromachine.com/wp-content/legacy/forum-image-uploads/wndbassplayer/2013/07/face-study2.png

    in reply to: HEROS, ALL #28603


    Starchild and Miracle Man finally meet. Neither one is able to figure how Miracle Man got to Starchild’s Earth from his own. Also, though Starchild appears older, they are about the same age. Miracle Man assumes that who, or what-ever is responsible for bringing him to Earth Prime, (they are both unaware of the multi-verse at this time), is also responsible for restoring his youth.starchildmiracleman.png

    in reply to: My new Creations #28602


    thanks, Atomic! I know they’re not quite to scale, but I tried to give some kind of vision to your words.

    in reply to: Timedrop23’s Characters #28601


    Great concepts! I really like your cover, too.

    in reply to: Tell my story #28565


    Great story, as always, Atomic. Go look on the last page of My new Creations thread. I tried to illustrate the action from your One Armed Bandit story as best I could. Hope you like, though my art comes nowhere to doing justice to your writing.

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