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Viewing 15 posts - 421 through 435 (of 947 total)
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  • in reply to: MAX’s Creature Factory #29383


    WOW! I think I’m going to have nightmares tonight! Welcome!

    in reply to: Linea24’s Astra Universe #29304


    I LOVE THOSE EYES!!! Alyide is beautiful! And the aure vision; was that filtered with a photo app or is that 100% Hero Machine? If it is you’ve got to share how you got that effect!

    in reply to: Super Heroes and Villans #29302


    Here’s Amy Atom about to knock One Armed Bandit’s block off, but the high tech gadgetry in his sneaking suit gives him a lot more protection, as well as offensive power, than is apparent. http://www.heromachine.com/wp-content/legacy/forum-image-uploads/wndbassplayer/2013/08/Amy-vs-O.A.B-1.png

    in reply to: Jeimuzu’s World #29300


    WOW! Somebody had a big dose of Japanese action series, anime and manga growing up! Giga Sky Titan is just mind blowing! Gastro Stinger is cool!

    in reply to: Tell my story #29299


    You and me both, Atomic. Horror that makes you think is always better. With Heartless, I wanted a look that would remind one of the Joker as originally conceived, homicidal maniac, but that you could still see someone who is more cold and calculating instead of insane.

    in reply to: Introducing Resurrection Comics; Return of The Gods #29294


    Cool start!cWelcome to Hero Machine, looking forward to seeing more!

    in reply to: My new Creations #29293


    Thanks, Trekkie. i’m getting the hang of it, but after AMS redid on of my characters I’ve been studying his work and started getting into shading faces now. Just not this one! Wink

    in reply to: My new Creations #29254


    I think I’m going to have some fun with this character. Thanks to Atomic Punk for giving me a direction to take her in with his Tell My Story take on Heartless. Femme fatale, high priced assassin from Earth 2’s Golden Age, she was a major protagonist for Miracle Man. She may end up on Earth Prime along with Miracle Man to continue the rivalry. Here are several versions of the same pic, the Hero Machine original and some filtered versions.http://www.heromachine.com/wp-content/legacy/forum-image-uploads/wndbassplayer/2013/08/Heartless-portrait.pnghttp://www.heromachine.com/wp-content/legacy/forum-image-uploads/wndbassplayer/2013/08/heartless-faded.pnghttp://www.heromachine.com/wp-content/legacy/forum-image-uploads/wndbassplayer/2013/08/heartless-sepia.pnghttp://www.heromachine.com/wp-content/legacy/forum-image-uploads/wndbassplayer/2013/08/heartless-filtered.png

    in reply to: NHA247’s Creations #29243


    Pretty cool!

    in reply to: JR’s Characters #29242


    That’s a heavy alternate reality in Beta-187. Nightworld is a cool concept. Hope to see more!

    in reply to: Tell my story #29241


    Like with any really good story, I can’t wait to see what’s next! And Harlekin, I have even more respect and admiration for your work! I tried my hand at following your tutorial and doing manga on Hero Machine is very hard! Hard not in that it was hard to follow your instructions, but in that it is so time consuming and there are so many more layers and details to pay attention to! You are the manga master!

    in reply to: My new Creations #29138


    Sorry for the small size of the previous pic. I guess the editing added a lot to it because the original edit was almost 850 kb and I kept getting the error message “file too large.” Here’s the original wide screen HM pic before I filtered it. To see the full wide screen filtered shot go to Hero Machine’s Facebook page.http://www.heromachine.com/wp-content/legacy/forum-image-uploads/wndbassplayer/2013/08/Heartless-assassin.png Here’s a link to that picture: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10151327880329229&set=o.267161975232&type=1&theater

    in reply to: My new Creations #29137


    One day Starchild noticed his new friend and ally, Miracle Man looking at an old newspaper photo. Curious as to whether it might be a momento from Miracle Man’s original home, he still respects his friend’s privacy and doesn’t ask about it.http://www.heromachine.com/wp-content/legacy/forum-image-uploads/wndbassplayer/2013/08/newsphoto.png

    in reply to: Tell my story #29135


    Pretty cool, Atomic. And as I said, I’m going to go with that. I’ll come up with some stories for her, keeping her a high priced assassin. Love the detail of leaving out details to make her just what her name says she is. And her ignoring the question about the “creepy white make-up” (it’s not makeup, it’s her skin), was a nice touch!

    in reply to: My new Creations #29133


    Thanks, GuyGenesis. Jeimuzu, there are a few more pub dom characters I did a few pages earlier in this thread.

Viewing 15 posts - 421 through 435 (of 947 total)