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  • in reply to: TWELVIAN CHRONICLES #4276


    Missed you, dude! Nice work on Cold Sea!

    in reply to: Tell my story #4230


    Here is Hothead before her final transformation into Firebird. I’ll email you the unfiltered HM version of Firebird.ALL-BURNT-UP.png

    in reply to: Lightningsword’s Superhero HQ #29817


    I like the character. I might use him in some Elseworld styled stories with one of my mainstays.

    in reply to: Tell my story #29805


    I’ll see if I can resize and if not, I’ll send it to you. the resizes tend to be rather small, more like large thumbnails. Smile

    in reply to: Nug’s Creations #29767


    @Shawn said:

    You are amazing!!! I wish I knew how to shade, do different poses, things like that. I have a load of ideas but lack the technicality needed :/

    Just keep at it. Shading/highlighting really was beyond me for a while. I’m getting the hang of it now. Thanks to inspiration from AMS, I’m starting to also shade/highlight more faces as well. As for posing, I started going with what I saw in my head, or sometimes I would pose myself and look in the mirror. It’s good to just have reference pics to work from. Nug, I’m really digging your work, and the ‘Kilroy was here’ signoff!

    in reply to: My new Creations #29766


    After the fact I realized the visor looks kind of like Cyclops’s, so I thought it would look better to have separate beams from each eye instead of the wide, single beam. Too bad the filtering adds so much to the pics and makes them too big, megabyte wise, to post. I think the filtered version of this really looks cool, but it’s hard to see with the resized version. I’m even having trouble putting it on HM’s Facebook page.

    in reply to: Tell my story #29760


    I’m really liking where you’re taking Harlekin’s characters. Meanwhile, here’s another for you. I originally called her Firebird, the fully transformed version of my character, Hothead. Make her and call her what you will. Full disclosure: image is filtered version. Oddly enough, the unfiltered HM pic is to large to post.http://www.heromachine.com/wp-content/legacy/forum-image-uploads/wndbassplayer/2013/08/firebird-ablaze.png

    in reply to: Shawn’s Original Characters #29759


    OK, Igot you. In keeping with the Chinese/martial arts vibe it’s like Northern Shaolin animal style philosophy; you’re a man imitating an animal. Southern Shaolin says, you are the animal. Again, cool concept. I like Anvil, too.

    in reply to: My new Creations #29756


    Again, the filtered pic came it at 1mb, too big for HM, so I had to resize it. I’ll post the full size pic on HM’s Facebook page.

    in reply to: My new Creations #29755


    Atomic Adam, (H-Bomb), decides it’s time to get his sister, Amy Atom’s attention. (Second pic is the filtered version.)http://www.heromachine.com/wp-content/legacy/forum-image-uploads/wndbassplayer/2013/08/adam.pngadam2.png

    in reply to: Shawn’s Original Characters #29750


    Feel free to use the idea. Might I suggest you look up Sun Wukong to get a better idea of the character. Also there are many versions of Journey to the West that were made for TV. Dragon Ball Z is very loosely inspired by it. There was a cartoon in the 90’s, Monkey Magic, which was based on JTTW. Look for the original story; there are a few characters you might draw inspiration from to add to your universe of animal/human warriors. With regards to Master Zhuanxing, very cool concept, but one point sticks out in your story. You said he is able to take the abilities of animals except flight, but you also said that when he discovered his powers, he saw a hawk and wished he was a bird to escape and he transformed into a hawk. I can only assume that he flew away. Or did you mean he can take on some animal abilities, except flight while still in human form?

    in reply to: My new Creations #29695


    Thanks. Jeimuzu. Sorry about the small Three of Heartless. I put that together on myPhotoEdit and the finished product was too big for Hero Machine so I had to resize it.

    in reply to: My new Creations #29637


    just goofing around! Three of Heartless!three-of-heartless.png

    in reply to: Shawn’s Original Characters #29636


    Cool characters, Shawn. I dig your Monkey bandit; do you have a story for him? As for a name how about Wu Kong? As a germ of an idea for a story, he could be the result of a genetic experiment that was successful, but not in the way he expected. He used to be a man; after the transformation he snapped and turned evil. Started calling himself Wu Kong, after Sun Wukong, The Monkey King from Journey to the West. Maybe he could have powers similar to the Monkey King, (super strength, flight, change size at will, shape shifting), or he could just be stronger than the average human and a super badass with the double crossbows. BTW, love Mr. Pawz!

    in reply to: HEROS, ALL #29386


    After a recent battle, African Violet surveys the damage to the terrain.African-Violet-surveys-the-land.png

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