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  • in reply to: TWELVIAN CHRONICLES #31489


    Back in my early days of playing the bass, one of the worst and most humbling feelings was to have somebody play your personal instrument better than you. You’re almost making me feel like that with your takes on my characters. Miracle Man is really cool! I already told you how much I like what you did with Miss X and Amy Atom. And congrats on the power user honors!

    in reply to: EVOLUTIONS, then and now…….. #31483


    Here’s a character that started as a fun goof and has become my favorite and signature character, Amy Atom. From her first 2.5 design to now.amy-solo.png HM3 version before I got dwarf proportions. Amys-back.png With dwarf proportions. amy-dwarf-1.png Alternate costume, (abandoned design). purple-amy.png Latest.pose-study-amy-1.png

    in reply to: HEROS, ALL #31454


    Nice take on Miracle Man. He looks younger. Cool pose. I like that orange outline!

    in reply to: Tell my story #31334


    I had a serious creative drought as far as writing goes. With the shakeup of my universe I’m hoping it’s coming back.



    @prswirve said:

    Wow! You’re doing great!

    Wait… why for mature readers only? Hmmm… (*suspicious*) http://www.heromachine.com/wp-includes/images/smilies/icon_smile.gif

    Well, not the Eternium, but some of my characters are not going to like being killed off or shipped to another universe and may express their displeasure with foul language. (Plus, it just looks cool to have that on the cover, Wink, lol!)

    in reply to: HEROS, ALL #31330


    PRS, THAT IS AWESOME!!! I really like the background and the pastel multi-colored aura. You made her a lot more busty than I do but it works. I got the proportions from Weilyn’s Dwarf Recipe in the Tips, Tricks & How to section. I am definitely going to have to use some of your elements in future renditions. The eye and the kneepads extending the boots are nice touches! Even the shadow. What are those that you used on the boots? Actual kneepad parts? You’ve always been way better at highlighting than me, too. Dude, this is really cool! I don’t know which I like better, this or your take on Miss X. I’m leaning toward Amy. Miss X you made racially hard to determine; is she a dark white woman, a light skinned Black or is she Asian? Adds to the mystique. But Amy is just a pint-sized power house! I love the arms. Thanks for the compliment on the other stuff, too. I can’t take that much credit for Spiritus’s face, that’s just the way the part is set for first and second colors and I either used the same line color as the first color or I set it to 0. I don’t remember. I’m doing a major overhaul and “killing off’ some of my characters and “sending others to another universe”. If there’s any in particular you like to make your own, let me know. If they don’t make the cut you can have them.

    in reply to: Shawn’s Original Characters #31280


    GREAT TEAM! And Smart-Ass did not disappoint!



    A major restructuring of my universe starts now.multverse.png

    in reply to: Tell my story #31269


    That was one cool story for Anarchangel’s Charger!

    in reply to: HEROS, ALL #31223


    Thanks Legatus. What is it about Pessimus you like? The name, the art or the story?

    in reply to: Tell my story #31221


    Blaze and Bolt rocked! Had the feel of a Giffen & DeMattias Justice League Europe story. Great stuff, as usual!

    in reply to: TWELVIAN CHRONICLES #14185


    Sorry to be a stickler, but is that right hand still palm out? Something about the curl of the fingers doesn’t look right to me.

    in reply to: CantDraw Gallery of Bad Art #14281


    Crimson Conjurer is Nice! Both versions, but the legs do seem a bit disproportionately thin. Love the hat on the modern version!

    in reply to: Tell my story #14279


    That story for JR’s character was fun. With this latest for my character, I literally felt a chill. Now I’m torn as to whether I should redo the pic I originally was going to submit, because it’s a similar visual theme. Maybe I’ll lay off the dark stuff for a while. Don’t get me wrong, I love the story, but it is a true testament to the power of your writing that it affects me in such a way. After all, I did title the pic Kill Them All.

    in reply to: HEROS, ALL #31199


    A massive restructuring of my universe begins now. “DO NOT FORGET, MY BROTHERS/SISTERS/SIBLINGS, THAT NOT FOR ME, THERE WOULD BE NO NEED OF US, FOR WITHOUT MY DISCORDANCE, HOW CAN ONE ESTABLISH THE ORDER OF ALL THAT IS? I SHALL DISPERSE THOSE DEEMED UNWORTHY BY SPIRITUS, YET SPARED BY TERMINUS, THROUGHOUT THE MULTI-VERSE, THUS FULFILLING MY ROLE IN THE ORDER OF ALL THAT IS.” Thus Eternus Pessimus plays his part in THE ORDER OF ALL THAT IS. His/her/its role may be the most difficult to understand of all the Eternium, for the affairs of humans are too petty for the Eternium to involve themselves in, yet of all the Eternium, Eternus Pessimus has the most involvement in the world of Humankind, though as indirect as it may be. “AND THROUGH THIS ALL, THEIR OLD MEN SHALL DREAM DREAMS AND THEIR YOUNG MEN SHALL SEE VISIONS.” And thus is the role of Somnia Eternus fulfilled. And the multi-verse, while preserved, shall be forever changed, however imperceptibly to those most affected. http://www.heromachine.com/wp-content/legacy/forum-image-uploads/wndbassplayer/2013/09/PESSIMUS-EARTH-ABOMINATION-.pnghttp://www.heromachine.com/wp-content/legacy/forum-image-uploads/wndbassplayer/2013/09/SOMNIA-EARTH-ABOMINATION.png

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