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  • in reply to: Versions #32119


    I love it! Everything but the cat-ears! Is it his hair or a headpiece? I’m seeing great work on all of these! Try this one. Basher was raped at 16 and grew angry and man hating. Long/short, she’s genetically and chemically enhanced with increased strength to the 1 ton level, limited invulnerability, enhanced reflexes and stamina, and a regenerative healing factor. Unexplainably, any scars and bruises she had before beginning enhancement did not heal and are permanent. She often dresses to show them off and uses that visual as a psychological edge.BASHER.png

    in reply to: The Reactor Core (The Atomic Punk’s Archive) #31952


    Dude, Transformations had me rolling! Great work! Judex is very interesting.

    in reply to: Hawk’s Fantasy World #31951


    Cool concepts! I dig the Merchant. Reminds of a similar character in Resident Evil4.

    in reply to: My new Creations #31950


    Thanks for the positive vibes everybody. And Atomic Punk, thank you for giving me something to feed off of. You helped jump start my writing again. I’m taking my time with Amy, as she is now my signature, and I want to get away from my usual ‘stream of consciousness” writing style with her and really plot things out. I decided that after I wrote an origin only to lose it before posting when my internet connection crapped out. @Herr D: You know, that’s a good question. I never gave it that much thought.http://www.heromachine.com/wp-content/legacy/forum-smileys/sf-confused.gif

    in reply to: Tell my story #31948


    Those were really cool stories. I like your take with One Armed Swordsman. I like how you made him a victim, where I originally saw him as the killer. I wonder how the story would have gone if I did redo the pic as I started with more blood and bodies.

    in reply to: HEROS, ALL #31898


    Since the coming of Bluefly to Detroit, the rash of robberies has put an even bigger dent in an economically hurting Motor City. Enter Motor Man. Full origin to follow.Motor-Man.pngMotor-Man-unmasked.png

    in reply to: My new Creations #31882


    Forgot to give credit where it’s due when I wrote Bluefly’s story. Thank you, Atomic Punk for your “Tell My Story” take on One Armed Bandit, which I have adapted as his canon, and acknowledged some of that here with Brock Petersen/Bluefly.

    in reply to: Versions #31843


    PRS, could you please do me a favor? Would you post Miracle man with the older face? I don’t know what I’m doing wrong, but every time I try to copy text, I get nothing. I highlight the text string then copy it, go to Load character from text, place the cursor in the blank field, hit paste and I get nothing! BTW, thanks for the compliment on my bass playing. It’s a living!

    in reply to: Versions #31842


    Love what you did with Arclight. Since you did such a cool version of Amy Atom, let’s see your take on her arch enemy, The One Armed Bandit. ONE-ARMED-BANDIT.png

    in reply to: My new Creations #31838


    My first villain in quite a while, Bluefly. Brock Petersen was just a small time crook, mostly a smash and grab man. His heart wasn’t really it, but he had a family to support and after being layed off by the auto plant, (damn this sh***y economy!), was really feeling the push. Of course, he kept the source of his income hidden from his wife, but it was becoming increasingly difficult to account for his whereabouts when he wasn’t home. Why did he go to NYC on that day? He doesn’t really know. After reading newspaper accounts of several bank robberies where the suspects were not found he thought that maybe, just maybe, he could pull a robbery and get away and be back in Detroit with at least enough money to hold down his family while he resumed his search for legitimate work. But that was the day he saw HIM and found IT and his life was forever changed. Who he saw was The One Armed Bandit, blowing up an armored car by firing a laser from a rooftop and then jumping 20 stories down to the street to collect the loot. He also saw Amy Atom show up to take on the Bandit. In the confusion of battle, One Armed Bandit ended up forgoing the loot to create a distraction, which put innocents in danger, to cover his escape. For the briefest of moments, Brock saw a money bag near the curb which had been blown from the truck in the explosion. While debating whether or not to try and snatch it up, he saw something else near by. He had no idea exactly what it was but his years at the auto plant gave him an eye for important small pieces of tech. His mind made up, that’s what he decided to grab. A quick look at The Bandit as he escaped confirmed to Brock that it had to be a piece of his equipment. Suddenly, a wild idea came to Brock; he would somehow contact The One Armed Bandit and offer his tech back in exchange for ransome. Of course, Brock had no idea of the Bandit’s technical expertise. The piece was something that could be replaced but it would take time to steal the gems which he used to power his sneaking suit. Through the means of underground criminal networks Brock actually was able to contact the Bandit and lay out his proposition. Oddly enough, One Armed Bandit was not phased, but interested in the ballsy character who tried to blackmail him. “Obviously, you’re not from New York, or you would know not to even come to me with this foolishness! It’s also obvious to me that you must really need this dough.” Brock read the communique with growing apprehension and a feeling of failure. He read on: “I don’t know who you are, where you’re from and I don’t care, but I’ll make a deal with you. You see, I make all of my own equipment and it would just be a matter of time for me to replace what you took. But I must say, I admire your chutzpah! So here’s what I propose; I’ll make you your own battle suit and as long as you stay out of NYC, I don’t care what you do with it. If you agree, send your measurements; height, weight, arm and leg length, etc. and in one week, I’ll tell you where to pick up your suit. And trust me, if you’re not leaving my city within one hour after pickup, I will find you and I’ll do to your head what you saw me do to that armored truck!” Brock Petersen responded, “I agree to your terms 100%. Just one thing; I was really impressed with that 20 story jump you did, but if you can make it happen, I want to be able to fly!”http://www.heromachine.com/wp-content/legacy/forum-image-uploads/wndbassplayer/2013/09/Bluefly.pnghttp://www.heromachine.com/wp-content/legacy/forum-image-uploads/wndbassplayer/2013/09/Bluefly-clseup.pnghttp://www.heromachine.com/wp-content/legacy/forum-image-uploads/wndbassplayer/2013/09/Bluefly-unmasked.png

    in reply to: TWELVIAN CHRONICLES #31831


    These are all amazing! Nice work with your daughter! Mine is 16 now and all she wants me do with her is put money in her hand, Wink! Gotta love ’em! I am gonna go crazy trying to copy this pose for Arclight. But again, you blow me away with how you get this soft, filtered look!

    in reply to: EVOLUTIONS, then and now…….. #31805


    Here’s another one I’m kind of attached to. Moonstar 2.5 and the latest HM3 version.MOONSTAR.pngmoonstar-shaded.png

    in reply to: Versions #31803


    Dude, you are killing it! Great work!

    in reply to: Versions #31735


    DAAAAMN! Little Taisen is HOT! And considering that is one of Harlkin’s works, you really did it justice. Here’s a character I’m really proud of, Arclight. I enjoy seeing other interpretations of my characters. I find it very flattering and don’t feel bad if you do it better than me. But, like I said before, if you play my bass better than me…Yell Arclight-flight-study-1.png

    in reply to: Greek gods by The Jester #31730


    Good stuff! Interesting take on Apollo.

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