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  • in reply to: HEROS, ALL #37485


    A couple of Amy Atom using the Bruce Timm style body.desert-amy.pngAMY-ATOM-Bruce-Timm-style.png

    in reply to: Versions #37484


    Lightningsword, I see you did a female character, so are you ready to try one of mine? Here again is African Violet, with her back story for insight and inspiration. The only things I ask is that her skin stay some shade of purple and keep her facial features that of a Black woman. Anything else is up to you. I enjoy seeing my characters reinterpreted. Here is African Violet’s story: Gaia, Earth Mother, Mother Nature, Oester, Ester. At one time or another she has been known by all of these names. She prefers to be called what she was called in her native Tanzania. That name is African Violet. Whether she is truly the personification of Earth and nature or an exceptional meta-human is not known. All that is known of her is that she has probably the greatest regenerative powers ever. She absorbs and can radiate sunlight and direct that energy at will, though it is very rare that she uses that power offensively. She has been said to level mountains with her bare hands; many in her native land tell the tale of how Mt. Kilimanjaro was once taller than Everest until, in a fit of rage over the death of her first and only child as he attempted to scale that peak, she shortened the mountain by battering the top. She has been observed transforming barren land into lush, verdant fields simply by walking across it. It has also been rumored that her regenerative powers are so great that she can resurrect the dead, something she neither confirms nor denies. Also, her regenerative powers are most likely responsible for her eternally youthful appearance. It is not known how old African Violet is, and of course, a lady never tells!AFRICAN-VIOLET.png

    in reply to: HEROS, ALL #37410


    Thanks, Herr D! But as they say, I better not give up my day job, since I still feel my ambition outweighs my talent! And on that note, here’s the first picture I did using the Bruce Timm style body.Bruce-Timm-Arclight.png

    in reply to: HEROS, ALL #37138


    Not so much part of the previous sequence, more different possible outcome.throw-off-roof.png

    in reply to: HEROS, ALL #36931


    Amy Atom HATES being called a runt!http://www.heromachine.com/wp-content/legacy/forum-image-uploads/wndbassplayer/2014/01/POUND-1.pnghttp://www.heromachine.com/wp-content/legacy/forum-image-uploads/wndbassplayer/2014/01/BURN-1.pnghttp://www.heromachine.com/wp-content/legacy/forum-image-uploads/wndbassplayer/2014/01/beat-half-life2-1.pnghttp://www.heromachine.com/wp-content/legacy/forum-image-uploads/wndbassplayer/2014/01/stare-down2-1.pngpounding.png

    in reply to: HEROS, ALL #36878


    Thanks Vampy, but if you notice, I did say they are out of sequence, because I didn’t start out to do a full battle. One pic turned into something else and I just kept trying different things. I guess the very last pic should be third, then Amy gives her little “no eye beams” speech and I would have to do another with Amy just pounding away with brute strength. In the meantime, enjoy this. I usually don’t use the Bruce Timm styled bodies, but I decided to try something simple, but still different.5Amys-1.png

    in reply to: HEROS, ALL #36703


    Amy vs. Half-Life, cont. They’re out of sequence because I was just doing pics to do them and didn’t think to make a full battle until after the fact.stare-down.pngstare-down2.pngbeat-half-life2.png

    in reply to: HEROS, ALL #36423





    Saje3d, nice work, but this is my thread that I started to highlight my own work. Please remove your picture. In answer to your question, when choosing a font, select multiple. Then just as you can use more than one of the same font, you can select other fonts for different text styles. Also, some of my covers were done with Hero Machine art and a page editor called Comic Life, which has it own fonts which are not on HM.

    in reply to: How do I make a kimono? #35817


    Hahaha! Good one! Delirious, indeed! Here’s my try at one. Every time I try to save text it doesn’t work so I hope it’s clear enough what I did. All parts are female fantasy common. The insignia was sized up to 130, 130. http://www.heromachine.com/wp-content/legacy/forum-image-uploads/wndbassplayer/2014/01/kimono.pnghttp://www.heromachine.com/wp-content/legacy/forum-image-uploads/wndbassplayer/2014/01/kimono2.png
    Edit: I’ll take a shot a longer, more traditional kimono a little later.

    in reply to: Keric’s Challenge Gallery #35809


    Keric, nice stuff!

    in reply to: My new Creations #35807


    Also, Herr D, thanks regarding the companions. I purposely keep the radioactivity theme going. The idea of Half-Life was I imagined a radioactive Hulk, with the rage and mindless destruction of the Green Hulk and the intelligence and cunning of the Gray Hulk. Madame Curie was just for the sake of giving her a female enemy and I thought the connection to a real historical figure would be a nice twist. Oddly enough her arch nemesis, The One Armed Bandit is the only one with no super powers or any radiation effects.

    in reply to: My new Creations #35806


    Herr D, she’s a beautiful person, when she’s not feeling bummed out from all the negativity she gets from assholes. She’s also a helluva guitar player, one of the best I’ve ever worked with. She realizes that she has a negative self image and is working on it. She’s more attractive than she gives herself credit for, but she has gained weight since the pic I copied from. She’s no longer mad about the pic and realizes my effort came from the heart. Your words are greatly appreciated. @Keric: while I did take some liberties considering some parts of the pic and my HM skill level, I tried to recreate the picture as faithfully as possible. I appreciate the input, though. I don’t know if I’ll redo it, but if I do, I’ll seek her approval before posting the finished product. Happy New Year to you both! So that you can get a better idea, here is my friend in the picture I used as the model.she-rocks.png

    in reply to: My new Creations #35706


    Two new enemies for Amy Atom. Half-Life is possibly her most powerful enemy. Madame Curie claims to be the great-great granddaughter of Marie Curie, pioneering radiologist. The suit and mask are to hide her disfigurement from radiation poisoning.HALF-LIFE2.pngM.-CURIE.png

    in reply to: HEROS, ALL #35705


    Been away for awhile. Joined a new band, (my third), and busy learning new music. Came up with two new enemies for Amy Atom. Clockwise from upper left: The One Armed Bandit, her first enemy; Atomic Adam, aka H-Bomb, Amy’s twin brother; Madame Curie, newest enemy for Amy. She claims to be the great-great granddaughter of Marie Curie, pioneering radiologist. Wears suit and mask to hide disfigurement caused by radiation poisoning; Half-Life, possibly Amy’s most powerful enemy. Full pics of Half-Life and Madame Curie are posted in the My New Creations thread.ROGUES-GALLERY.png

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