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VirtueParticipantName: Katherine “Kat” Harper
Age: 29
Height: 5’10â€
Weight: 60kg
Weapons: Experimental high power assault rifle firing armour-piercing hollowpoint explosive rounds
Biography: One of the many (many) bounty hunters LabTech employ, she is a classical case of a young military upstart being groomed into a cold killer. Beautiful and deadly, Kat's tongue is as quick and dirty as the massive gun she carries, manners have never been her strong point and she was always a constant pain for her drill sergeants. Although never personally assigned to Zero, she was actually assigned to bring in Max Damage's nephew, Adam “Anarchy” Wilson, and did so without having to resort to using her experimental rifle. During the middle half of the 21st century, laser weapons became the choice of the military, being easier to use and more reliable (due to advancements in battery power), but carbine weapons where still being developed in tandem, her laser sighted, fully auto assualt rifle fires particularily nasty ammo that can easily penetrated most modern armour, whilest the bullet will ricochet inside its victim tearing the body up from inside then finally exploding.Â
Whilst her military record is less than exemplary (she never made it past private) and her potty-mouth gets her into trouble a lot of the time, her bounty hunting career is littered with high profile assassinations and captures and although not being directly controlled by LabTech, as long as they keep paying, she'll keep working.
VirtueParticipantLaboratory Technologies Tactical Light Assault Scout Armour. More reliable and less technologically equipped, the Scout Armour was developed for the UN as a global light armour project. Its helmet still retains its HUD but the rest of the armour is unpowered but still offers decent protection from laser and bullet attacks. Scout armour is well suited for urban deployment and close quarter fighting.
Name: Fara Williams
Age: 25
Height: 5’9â€
Weight: 57kg
Weapons: Standard Issue MK3 Laser Rifle, combat knife.
                Or in Civilian clothes a Desert Eagle and combat knife.
BattleAttire: Standard Light Infantry Armour
Civilian Attire: Yellow croptop, blue jeans and brown boots.
Biography: A former US marine. At a time of heavy propaganda trying to recruit new soldiers (the early 21st century War on Terror raged on for so long it heavily depleted forces), at the tender age of 16 Fara decided there was no other choice than to join after waking up one morning to find her parents killed. She worked for the Light Assault Infantry Division and made it up to the rank of Lieutenant. Once Zero arrived back in the US he vowed to locate and kill Col. Melter, he broke into a military base to fight him, his mission was successful but he escaped by stealing some prototype jetboots. Fara was one of the marines stationed on the base and her unit gave chase.
After chasing him into the city a firefight ensued but her unit accidentally blew up a car near her, knocking her out, they retreated without her. Feeling compassion Zero took her home to heal her, and for reasons only known to him decided to tell her everything; Fara must have felt something back as she let him live and returned to base the next day. It was in the next few days she found out it was LabTech who killed her parents, she felt bitter and used after faithfully serving them for nearly 10 years, she Went AWOL and joined Zero, she felt attached to him and felt she could trust him. They became a couple and when his plans to start a revolution and fight LabTech she was the first to join, her strict military expertise would come in handy and she felt she had a purpose; she never felt truly comfortable working in the army.    Â
Laboratory Technologies MK 4 Tactical Battle Armour. The main heavy armour used by their troops, this high tech suit has had its fair share of teething problems but comes equipped with an advance heads up display monitoring health, ammo, suit performance and a radar, it also has 2 built in arm mounted small lasers, and the armour itself is almost like an exo skeleton, boosting the wearers strength and speed capabilites by a factor of nearly 2. The advance Ceremite plating can deflect bullets and laser blasts with ease but a contentrated blast will melt the armour eventually.
The MK3 laser rifle is the standard issue riffle of the Army, and can fire concentrated or pulse laser blasts at multiple frequences, its PowerCell ammuntion holds around 200 shots depending on power. The laser is linked wirelessly to the suit so it cannot be fired without it, however this feature is often disabled by the soldiers for ease.
Name: Anthony Melter
Age: 47
Height: 5’10â€
Weight: 89kg
Weapons: Mk3 laser rifle and custom built arm mounted cannon firing anti-personel rounds
Battle Attire: MK IV Marine Armour
Rank: Colonel
Biography: A ruthless and efficient soldier, and a cold blooded killer, Colonel Anthony Melter is part of the “old guard” that served while LabTech mercilessly took over the country, it didnt bother him though, as long as there was war, there was Melter. He suffered a terrible wound whilst fighting in Iran, a grenade exploded in his face and he lost an arm. True to Labtechs pioneering work, he was rebuilt stronger than ever and was outfitted with a detatchable arm cannon that he usually wields in battle.
His team was put on assignment to capture Zero and after several losses, they did. He went against company orders of delivering the young bounty hunter straight to headquarters and personally tortured him, however Zero somehow escaped and fled the military base he was kept at; not all was lost though for Melter, blood samples where taken ready to be studied by labTech for their Supersoldier program.
Name: Jonathan Blane
Age: 31
Height: 6’3â€
Weight: 106kg
Weapons: Mk3 laser rifle with undermounted grenade launcher.
Battle Attire: MK IV Marine Armour
Rank: Sergeant
Biography: An exemplary soldier, Blane reached Sergeant relatively quickly; he served under Colonel Melter as a trustworthy and reliable marine. He is proficient with heavy weapons and uses a grenade launching variant of the standard rifle for extra firepower. He was assigned along with Melter to capture Ezekiel and bring him to headquarters, which they succeeded in doing. After sampling his blood for a new supersolider project, Ezekiel escaped, only to return a year later, in which time a serum was being developed on human lab rats by LabTech. While most patients either died violently (rejecting the serum) or simply had no effect, Blane was (un)fortunately duped into being a test subject, he took on the serums enhanced strength effect but it made him wildly uncontrollable and immune to pain; almost the perfect Labtech soldier. They outfitted him with heavy battle armour and twin Powerfists, he was to volatile to carry any form of firearm. It wasn’t until further experiments they perfected the serum.
VirtueParticipantMax Damage's bio updated
VirtueParticipantwow thanks! I'll give it a go 🙂
VirtueParticipantHow do you do glows and proper shading on characters? Ive notices a few have more than just the standard Cel shading, do you have to touch it up in photoshop or is there a way to do it in HM?
VirtueParticipantlove the band!