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  • in reply to: The Ruthless Five #147413



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    in reply to: timbenā€™s Characters #145195


    Thorn M. Hay was once a botanist who believed he could resolve the world’s energy crises by way of plants. But when his budget was going to be cut, he was outraged, forced to do the experiment on himself. The radioactive waste experiment changed him into a green-brown skinned, gas mask wearing evil plant man who can control vicious plants.

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    in reply to: timbenā€™s Characters #145192


    Archemorus Tantalos was a Greek mixed martial-artist-turned-bank robber. He was a well-known athlete won numerous gold metals. Even performed at the Olympics, that all changed when he decided he wanted to rob a bank. He led a gang of henchmen, called “The Tadpoles”. Amphibian Frog created a large and bulky suitĀ was constructed with green skin and suction pads on his hands and feet.

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    in reply to: timbenā€™s Characters #145189


    Mr. Bones is a mysterious, ghost-like villain with the power to disturb people’s dreams and induce terrifying hallucinations. One of villains that Red Wasp has to battle.

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    in reply to: timbenā€™s Characters #145156


    Pickles is a clown who accustomed to travel with The Sunshine Circus, until something inside of him snapped. Part huckster and part showman, Pickles use his showmanship to capture the Red Wasp. Although a bit of a bungler in nature, Pickles become an ally of the Big Boss. On one occasion, he even tries to flirt with Julia Scott without much success.

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    in reply to: timbenā€™s Characters #145130


    Sir Humphrey Devorix is England’s illustrious thinker. He is also an accomplished scientist and gentleman. He thinks hisĀ creations are his children. He’s shown above normal prowess in genetics, cloning, and cybernetics. Sir Humphrey Devorix suffers from an enlarged brain tumor, that created his alter ego, “Humpty Dumpty”. Because of this, it had caused him to resort to a life of crime.

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    in reply to: timbenā€™s Characters #145127


    Brekx Trik is the first of an invading force of aliens. Brekx Trik has plans on conquering Earth, and enslave humanity. He makes a multitude of weapons and has a defensive force shield. He is capable of transforming himself in a variety of ways. He also possesses considerable scientific skills, and is known to have skills in creating various robots and destructive devices.

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    in reply to: timbenā€™s Characters #145124


    The Rat is a master tunneler and former miner. Disfigured and mutated into a man-sized rat, he has the ability to tunnel under bank vaults.

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    in reply to: timbenā€™s Characters #145041


    The Red Wasp was a pulp-style vigilante. The Red Wasp is active in 1929, as Adam Starling, an Art History Professor, he had moved from New York to San Francisco in hopes of finding a better job. Everything was working out fine until his girlfriend at the time was murdered and the local police are not willing to work in partnership to find the culprit. Thus, the Red Wasp is created.

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    in reply to: Timben's Characters #136633


    I would add more but for some reason or another this forum will not allow me to.

    in reply to: Timben's Characters #136632


    I know that I am an amateur with no special skills. But I did the best with what I could do. These characters are way in the same league as everybody elseā€™s characters. But at least I tried. I did not add weapons or special background mainly because I have no idea how to do that. These characters are supposed to have the same formula as Hanna-Barberaā€™s classic characters such as Space Ghost, The Galaxy Trio and Birdman and the list goes on. I did follow the rules; I was simply explaining where the influences came from. I hope you will like them. Letā€™s begin with the villainsā€¦

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