The Atomic Punk

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  • in reply to: The Reactor Core (The Atomic Punk’s Archive) #9000

    The Atomic Punk

    Character Contest 52 – Sagittarius

    This was not an official entry. The resulting picture has almost nothing to do with the Zodiac. The puns and associations are complex and just aren’t that funny.

    Sagittarius is the 9th Sign of the Zodiac.
    Cats have nine lives.
    “Casting out nines” is a mathematical quick check.
    An exorcism is performed to cast out demons.

    Just two degrees shy of Kevin Bacon.

    Casting Out Nine


    in reply to: The Reactor Core (The Atomic Punk’s Archive) #8957

    The Atomic Punk

    Character Contest 52 – Sagittarius

    Technically, all Centaurs are male. I don’t know if the same applies to Sagittarius.

    Sagittarius Girlfriend


    in reply to: Favorite RPG rules and why? #8956

    The Atomic Punk

    GURPS is my favorite. When I would GM, that was my system. Yes, it is “dicey.” However, it is cross-genre. It is easy to move characters across time, space, and dimensions. And when you switch from say “cowboys and indians” to “trans-universe cyborg goblin hordes from the Lower Planes,” everyone is familiar with character creation and combat rules.

    GURPS has more “real-world” application. Spending a half-point on a skill translates into basic familiarity. As an example, I am familiar with constellations. I am no astronomer. However, my basic knowledge of stars and their alignment helps me find my bearings and how late it is in a season. If my character doesn’t have that skill, I can’t apply that knowledge to set a course or predict inclement weather. To me, that’s role-playing.

    Same with Champions. The system is also heavy on cubes, but ultimately it provides for a solid base and consistent play. Though I have found Champions / HERO System works best for superhero campaigns and really does not translate well for other genres.

    Marvel Superheroes is fun if you’re not serious about a campaign. Good old Dungeons and Dragons is great for strictly D&D. RIFTS is good for combat-oriented campaigns. An oldie but goodie that is D20 is Gamma World. The Elfquest RPG is largely percentile-based. If you want to modify or create your own system, Elfquest might be a good platform.

    in reply to: Moko’s people #8952

    The Atomic Punk

    Willkommen, Moko. Kate is a really neat character. Definitely an “everyday” heroine.

    in reply to: The Reactor Core (The Atomic Punk’s Archive) #8732

    The Atomic Punk

    Character Contest 52 – Sagittarius

    I should have done a little more with the robot horse. Maybe add a cannon, some glow or eyes, something to make him more expressive. Then again, his blank stare and smile gives him a smug attitude. For the centaur’s part, I tried to convey body language like he just threw down the gauntlet (well, his bow).

    Overall, I enjoy this design.

    Hippo-a-Hippo: The Showdown


    in reply to: The Reactor Core (The Atomic Punk’s Archive) #8665

    The Atomic Punk

    Thanks, HammerKnight.

    Character Contest 52 – Sagittarius

    Second entry: An “off-beat” tribute to a legendary jazz musician. Playing at Crawdaddy’s tonight: Sajmo!



    in reply to: My own fantasy #8664

    The Atomic Punk

    Nice work with Witch hunter. He is dirty and blood-stained. Very rustic. As well as Soul Hunter. The “soul container” is really neat. Like the use of vials as adornments. Effective light and shadows.

    in reply to: The Reactor Core (The Atomic Punk’s Archive) #8615

    The Atomic Punk

    Character Contest 52 – Sagittarius

    Centaurs and archers. Here is one version of the Greek myth of Nessus.



    The myth
    During an adventure, Hercules and his second wife Deianeira arrived at the River Evenus. Nessus, the river’s self-proclaimed ferryman, offered the demi-god and his bride passage. He carried Deianeira first. Once across, Nessus started to run. He intended to kidnap the fair maiden.

    Hercules quickly struck the centaur with a poison arrow. Before he died,Nessus told Deianeira to use his blood should Hercules ever be unfaithful. Suspecting that Hercules was indeed cheating, jealous Deianeira stained a tunic with the blood. When the demi-god donned the tunic, he felt pain so intense that he set himself on fire. Zeus rescued Hercules before he burned to death.

    in reply to: The Reactor Core (The Atomic Punk’s Archive) #8564

    The Atomic Punk

    Character Contest 51 – Alien Nation

    Last entry and another personal favorite: The Tithonian Devil. I should expand this story.

    The Tithonian Devil


    Mars, 15 April 2032 A.D.
    12:25 Zulu
    The three-man rescue team pulled up to the ridge on their schooners. They stood in awe. Before them lay the “ruins” of the mythical city of Tithonia. Commander Michael Padrovski snapped back to the mission. Red Eagle had lost contact with the reconnaissance team.

    Padrovski noticed what he thought could be an abandoned road that wound its way down the ridge and toward the ruins. The rescue team started their descent into the valley. Though rough, the team was able to negotiate the trail. All of a sudden, Captain Bradshaw’s schooner lurched. Bradshaw tumbled down the rocky face. The schooner rolled as well, landing on Bradshaw and rupturing his suit. Padrovski and Mission Specialist Darshana Sangma watched in horror as Bradshaw lashed violently. Everyone, including the crew back at the Red Eagle, heard his blood-choked screams over the comm. Then… silence… Not even the whispers of the Martian wind.

    Commander Padrovski pressed forward. They were too close to the homing beacon to give up hope on the reconnaissance team. Sangma broke the silence with a prayer. She followed Padrovski into what now seemed the mouth of hell. Before she could catch up to Padrovski, the battery on her schooner died.

    As he drove into the village of anomalous rock formations, the Commander pointed toward what looked like the supposed power generator. Between its “buttresses” there was an emergency tent. Padrovski’s hopes rose. He dismounted and rushed into the tent. Inside, there was nothing: no teammates living or dead, no equipment, not even the beacon itself. The Martian Maniac re-calibrated his homing sensor twice. It kept saying the same thing. He was right on top of the beacon.

    Padrovski exited the tent. The sensor quit then suddenly picked up a new beacon. Spooked, but undaunted, he climbed back on the schooner and headed toward the signal. He did not stop to notice that he had left Sangma stranded.

    The beacon led Padrovski to what was said to be the temple. Approaching from behind, it looked like a dome atop a trapezoid reminiscent of a Meso-American pyramid or possibly the Dome of the Rock. He circled the massive block. He found an obvious entrance, a long stairwell leading to an open archway in the dome. By estimate, the area of the base was 360 feet by 180 feet. It stood roughly 150 feet tall.

    The Commander began to wish that he were the mission’s lead scientist not its Saint Bernard. A sudden flashing blue light from the top of the stairs brought him back into focus. He checked his sensor to confirm. It was the emergency beacon. Too far to walk, he first made an open channel call for survivors to respond. The only reply was from Sangma. She told Padrovski that she had repaired her schooner and was en route.

    Padrovski acknowledged. Eager to find the recon team, he raced his schooner up the escalade. Sangma reached the rendez-vous at the base of the temple. She hailed the Commander several times. She could barely hear a garbled voice through the static. The comm abruptly ended transmission with an ear-piercing whine.

    The Martian wind began to howl. A giant dust storm rolled over the ridge. Darshana’s heart froze. Her eyes welled with tears. Her only chance for shelter, possibly survival, was inside the temple. She gunned the schooner.

    Having escaped the devil wind, Darshana looked all down at the valley. It was now engulfed in a surreal cloud of Martian sand. She chose to enter the temple in case the wind carried it higher. She frantically tried to re-establish contact with Commander Padrovsky.

    The halls in the temple were massive. Large enough to navigate the schooner. Despite the high beam tri-lights, it was darker than the Martian midnight. Darshana drove wildly until she reached what she believed to be the heart of the temple.

    Without warning, the chamber was illuminated. Propped in front of the young astronaut was the corpse of an alien. This was more than a temple, it was a tomb! History erased itself before Darshana’s eyes.

    Darshana awoke months later in a hospital bed on earth screaming, “Diabolus Tithonius!”

    in reply to: The Reactor Core (The Atomic Punk’s Archive) #8454

    The Atomic Punk

    Character Contest 51 – Alien Nation

    I am a huge fan of matinees and serials from the 1930s and 1940s. I have some recurring characters and plots centered around this “Golden Age” of Hollywood. All are original to HeroMachine: The Queen of Venus, Astro-Captain Jack and the Space Pirate Raiders, Solar Ray, Sugary Sweet Plumdrop Chewing Gum, and Golden Eagle Tobacco.

    Solar Ray



    Solar Ray
    Starring Jimmy Huntsman (b. March 18, 1914 – d. March 16, 1941)

    Solar Ray was a popular Saturday matinee during the 1930s sponsored by Golden Eagle Tobacco Theater. The serial’s star was Hollywood newcomer Jimmy Huntsman (né Arthur James Herschell) as Solar Ray, three-fingered alien Prince of the Sun. With his companion Corona the Helio-chimp, Solar Ray fought the evil Nightmen of Pluto who sought to destroy the sun.

    It was not the Nightmen who extinguished Jimmy’s bright star. The studio that produced Astro-Captain Jack and the Space Pirate Raiders sued Golden Eagle Tobacco for copyright infringement. After a three year run of weekly filming, Jimmy was out of work. He never landed another acting gig on the silver screen.

    Tragically, Jimmy Huntsman died of pneumonia just two days shy of his 27th birthday. It wasn’t until 1998 when Golden Eagle Tobacco settled his estate with his surviving daughter. Golden Eagle’s official position is that smoking two packs of cigarettes a day while wearing an enclosed fishbowl helmet as stipulated in Jimmy’s contract did not contribute to his lung cancer.

    in reply to: The Reactor Core (The Atomic Punk’s Archive) #8401

    The Atomic Punk

    Character Contest 51 – Alien Nation

    Oyshins are a race from one of my GURPS Space campaigns. The players were members of a first contact team: a mix of soldiers, pilots, mechanics, traders, archaelogists, xenobiologists, linguists, and other specialists and random characters. Their last expedition took them to Sah where they encountered the komodo dragon-like primitives.

    Since HeroMachine did not have a komodo dragon head, I used the crocodile. Which caused my Oyshin to “evolve” into a heavier set. Not that komodos are small! But this Oyshins became bulkier, more deliberate. Not the fast strikers that I originally envisioned.

    The encounter was amicable with the team exchanging cigars and Denver omelettes for cultural effects (weapons, art, jewelry, etc.). Trouble began when an excavation company arrived then began to strip-mine the Oyshin’s mountain homes. With limited supplies and ammo, the adventurers fought to destroy the mining operation. They did not have enough knowledge of the native culture or language to effectively communicate their intentions.

    The Oyshin made no distinction between the outsiders and would routinely ambush the contact team. Try as they could, the crew could not prevent Oyshin casualties. Oyshins are extremely tough. There really is no such thing as a “knockout blow” when fighting an Oyshin. They go into a white hot rage.

    By the end of the encounter, the Oyshins were decimated, the contact team almost a third of the crew, and trade disputes exploded into interstellar war. The surviving members of the team were conscripted by their respective governments and employers to fight the wars. Often times, they would face one another on the battlefield.

    The band that an Oyshin wears represents his caste (hunter, warrior, or cook). The race thinks not much further ahead than the next meal. The Oyshin depicted wears purple for a war chief.

    Oyshin Warrior


    HeroMachine 2.5

    in reply to: Moognation’s Creations (Ha!) #8397

    The Atomic Punk

    Welcome back, Moognation. Looking forward to more of your creations.

    in reply to: Hero of the Month Nominations/ Poll for August 2012 #8360

    The Atomic Punk

    Nomination for livewyre1014’s Blackbird:

    @livewyre1014 said:

    Another Frogman villain…and part time love interest…I threw her together quickly but hopefully she’s not too bad. I give you the master assassin, the Blackbird!!!

    in reply to: The Reactor Core (The Atomic Punk’s Archive) #8321

    The Atomic Punk

    Thanks, MisterDinoMan

    Character Contest 50 – Lord Random the Third

    Another contest using Seventh Sanctum to generate character names. Only one entry for this contest. I blogged this earlier. I don’t drive. If I miss the bus or can’t hitch a ride, I take cabs. Poor planning is very expensive. Seventh Sanctum offered me a chance to vent with the selection of “Seer Hack.”

    Seer Hack


    in reply to: The Reactor Core (The Atomic Punk’s Archive) #8282

    The Atomic Punk

    Thanks, Scatman.

    Character Contest 49 – Scorpio

    I drew inspiration for my last entry from some of my favorite artists: Jim Croce, Gordon Lightfoot, and other mellow gold musicians. This is a personal favorite of mine.

    1970’s Songwriting / Singing Sensation “Scorpio”


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