The Atomic Punk

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  • in reply to: Luc’s Big Pile of Random Stuff #26307

    The Atomic Punk

    Works for me! Laugh

    in reply to: The Reactor Core (The Atomic Punk’s Archive) #26304

    The Atomic Punk

    I was able to swap my hard drive into another laptop. Still buggy, so original material is on hold. Work has been… well, work! Hopefully, future scholars will refer to this as my “Suck It Up and Deal” period when they present my gallery to their students.

    Pop Quiz: Fall

    No entries for this Pop Quiz. Which is a shame because Autumn is my favorite season.

    Pop Quiz: Chimera

    What happens when you cross an elephant with a rhino?

    Elephino *rimshot*

    in reply to: Word Association Game #26303

    The Atomic Punk


    in reply to: The Reactor Core (The Atomic Punk’s Archive) #26295

    The Atomic Punk

    Thank you, Harlekin-herceg! You really have captured Erzsé’s cruel nature.

    For those interested, I have several unfinished stories based on historical figures who have been transplanted to other worlds. This particular story centers around Princess Erzsé. The Princess is heir to the throne of three planets. She is a direct descendant of the infamous Countess Elizabeth Bathory.

    Rebecka is a nuppa. The nuppa had originally brought humans to their world to fight their wars. Countess Bathory led a revolt and became queen of the solar system. Now, the nuppa are the slaves.

    Erzsé is a spoiled child. She delights in teasing and tormenting Rebecka. Erzsé calls her pet “Cica.” I’ll leave that for you to look up.

    in reply to: Torog’s Troll Cave #26293

    The Atomic Punk

    Mistress of Blades is creepy good. She would fit in well with Hellboy.

    in reply to: World Tournament #26292

    The Atomic Punk

    Willkommen, Cpt. Foxhound! I agree with Scatman, very dynamic colors.

    in reply to: The Reactor Core (The Atomic Punk’s Archive) #26059

    The Atomic Punk

    @Harlekin said:

    I hope you like it.

    I change the hair color but i think this version is more tolerate this changes.

    Like it? Imádom!

    Thank you!

    in reply to: Alexanders New Generation #26017

    The Atomic Punk

    Imitation is the highest form of… my neural-control nano-bots! Cool

    I really like Spectre Shot and Nuker Hunter. They complement each other so well. Have to admit, Nuke Hunter is as if I were an amalgam of Hawkeye or Legolas.

    Still amazed at the patience for and perfection of zypping that you HM maestras and maestros put on display!

    in reply to: Nug’s Creations #26016

    The Atomic Punk

    Willkommen, Nug! Speaking of “grip,” very subtle holding of hands. Great stuff.

    in reply to: Color my Bad Guy #25966

    The Atomic Punk

    @prswirve said:

    Great Work! That’s what you become when you over eat, even if you’re a muscular monk.

    Buddhists believe that a full belly represents enlightenment and balance. In his early days, Buddha was rail thin and anemic. As he progressed in his journey to Nirvana, he becomes fatter and laughs more. Hence the statues of a fat happy guy.

    Both versions of Silver Monk are awesome. I think livewyre1014’s fits somewhere along the lines of the 1990s “Dark Knight” style whereas NHA247’s is more 1960s “Caped Crusader.”

    in reply to: The Reactor Core (The Atomic Punk’s Archive) #25944

    The Atomic Punk

    Anyone want a cat? I am so mad at her right now… My laptop crashes and overheats. I need to buy a new one. Been too busy at work to sneak in a few posts. Which also puts my “Tell my story” forum on hold.

    I was trying to use the laptop for today’s Pop Quiz. Crashed four times! Stupid cat…

    Pop Quiz: Small Gods

    Design a deity that one might worship in Terry Pratchett’s Small Gods. Admittedly, I had never heard of Terry Pratchett before this Pop Quiz. Logically, I have never read any of his novels. Anyway, after quick research, here’s what I came up with.

    Thomm, God of I-Would-Kill-You-Except-I-Don’t-Know-How-To-Use-A-Can-Opener


    in reply to: Mad Jacks Showroom #25939

    The Atomic Punk

    Just awesome! All of them but especially the Elhthu!

    in reply to: Stevedore’s Hall of Evil #25937

    The Atomic Punk

    Willkommen, Stevedore! Tukhulkha is delightfully creepy.

    in reply to: The Soupster’s Kitchen #25729

    The Atomic Punk

    I can see The Soupster hanging out at the opening of an Andy Warhol exhibit. Wink

    in reply to: Tell my story #25537

    The Atomic Punk

    @Linea24 said:I love that story you did for Linea! It may not match what I originally came up with for her, but it suits her so well!

    Purple is the color of royalty. Wink Glad you liked my introduction.

    Skipping WMDBASSPLAYER’S “One-Armed Bandit” for now. I intended to write these in order of submission, but I sometimes get stuck. If I move on to something else, I often return refreshed. Coming soon: Alexander of Limbo’s Seventh Sanctum inspired “Cut Hornet.”

Viewing 15 posts - 571 through 585 (of 1,329 total)