The Atomic Punk

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  • in reply to: Herr D's CFLs #26635

    The Atomic Punk

    Sorry to hear that, Herr D. Well, I don’t know your background or work experience… However, I figure northern Virginia has a lot of federal government jobs and contractors. Personally, I work in the railroad industry as a contractor. I center my opportunities around transportation and energy. Kind of allegorical… life in motion, as it were.

    Maybe CSX or Amtrak has something?

    in reply to: Word Association Game #26613

    The Atomic Punk


    in reply to: Tell my story #26591

    The Atomic Punk

    Thanks, DC-Lover. I wanted him to be a wholly arrogant, unsympathetic character.

    I am caught up on characters. Please feel free to make requests. Also, I might expand on a couple of existing characters. Perhaps re-write a story or two. Many thanks to everyone who contributes to and visits this Forum.

    in reply to: The Reactor Core (The Atomic Punk’s Archive) #26590

    The Atomic Punk

    Jeff and Kaldath had turned the reins of the Pop Quiz over to djuby.

    Djuby’s New Pop Quiz! #1

    No entry.

    DJuby’s Pop Quiz #2: HeroMachine Has Left The Building!

    Design your best Elvis. This entry resulted in a win. Cameras were not allowed to film Elvis below the waist during his debut on “The Ed Sullivan Show.”

    A limited engagement at Graceland. Please, ma’am, do not try to touch the exhibit!

    in reply to: Tell my story #26580

    The Atomic Punk

    Original Character Design by WMDBASSPLAYER; Story by The Atomic Punk

    Sure, I could have patented my laser technology. By rights, my discoveries should have been the property of the Institute. Those clowns and the government would do the same thing. Turn my invention into a weapon. What kind of thief would I be if I let someone else steal from me?

    I found a very unique combination of elements to create this awesome power ring. With it, I can cut steel, blast through brick walls, throw cars, even create a force field. If I pull off this gem heist, I should be able to perfect anti-gravity. That’s right, I will be able to fly!

    Some people speculate that I cut my own arm off while creating my ring. You wouldn’t know me on the street as I wear a simuflesh prosthetic when I’m laying low. Truth is, my stump is a birth defect. It didn’t stop me from becoming a black belt in karate and judo. It didn’t keep me from being a track star in college.

    Why don’t I build a new arm with the laser in it? A couple of reasons, moron. First, that would require a permanent neuro-splice. That is, it would be hard-wired to my body.

    I am a laser scientist not a cybernetic surgeon. One good tug is all it would take. Not just to remove the laser, but potentially kill me. A professional would no doubt want more than cash. He would also want my ring technology. Like I’m going to trust anyone to put me under the knife.

    Second, rather humiliating to get your butt kicked by the One-Armed Bandit. Psychology is just as powerful of a weapon as my ring. Some of the prouder and more boastful “heroes” don’t want to face me again. Makes it easier to plan targets and what opposition to expect. They soon earn a reputation for cowardice.

    I love all the “expert analysis” when it comes to my motives. Therapists claim that I am angry at the world because of my left arm. That I feel “ostracized.” That I am “lashing out.” The police say that I am just a high-tech jewel thief. Yes, I specialize in precious stones. I need them to power my ring.

    Ask any of my ex-girlfriends. They will tell you. I’m a jerk.

    in reply to: The Reactor Core (The Atomic Punk’s Archive) #26551

    The Atomic Punk

    Thanks, HK. I try to not over-think Pop Quizzes. That being said… this is one of my favorite designs. I picked and re-did this one several times over before I submitted it.

    Pop Quiz: Vehicle

    The Magi’s Chair

    in reply to: Tell my story #26549

    The Atomic Punk

    @Alexander of Limbo said:

    excellent i love it. Especially all of the puns.

    Thanks, he is a serious character. I wanted to lighten him just a little. What I did for his story was blended many elements of my previous stories into one anti-hero.

    WMDBASSPLAYER, you got it. I brooded over Cut Hornet for some time. Then it hit me. He has a “Clint Eastwood” haircut. What better theme than a Sergio Leone spaghetti western? Guy is in a gang, betrayed, then left for dead. And those blades… perfect for ripping open a can of whoop@$$.

    in reply to: Tell my story #26529

    The Atomic Punk

    Original Character Design by Alexander of Limbo; Story by The Atomic Punk

    Rochester “Chet” Turon… Hup… hoop… hep! Watch me as I FLEX! So sexy in my mirror. Yeah, strike a pose. Hey, no… playtime is done. I’m going to do this. Anna Graham showed me a better way.

    If not to prove it to everyone else, just to myself. You said I wasn’t good enough to join your costumed gang of thieves. I wasn’t “a ninja.” I wasn’t “part of the hive.” So, that is what you are? Bank robbers who kill guards and bystanders. Why did I ever try to fit in with you? When you “cut” me. Left me for dead in the alley. Now I have more than motivation. I have more than revenge.

    It’s not about Chet Turon… it’s not about settling the score. It’s about being better. Being truthful and honest. I will rock your world. Queen bees and drones… feel my sting. For you, who rejected me… for whom I “didn’t make the cut.” I will fight you. And I will be the hero. Yes, I have found a path from the flower to the hive. And it is sweet as honey.

    in reply to: Scatmans loft’ the gallery #26526

    The Atomic Punk

    Bleeps and lots of bleeps… I had couple of ideas for Omega and Cannon… Scatman is all “yes, sir, can I please have some more!”

    in reply to: LiveWyre’s Freelance Comics #26524

    The Atomic Punk

    The white worked well. I think the blue distracts from the Monroe-60s effect that you want.

    in reply to: The Reactor Core (The Atomic Punk’s Archive) #26463

    The Atomic Punk

    Pop Quiz: Mascots

    I wanted to design a fearsome mascot not some over-sized furry bobble-head. A mascot who would fuel the fan’s passion.

    Fiery Freddy: Controversial female fan favorite of the Fairfield State Firesharks

    in reply to: The Reactor Core (The Atomic Punk’s Archive) #26451

    The Atomic Punk

    Thanks, Prof. Well… the temporary laptop isn’t going so well after all. My new one won’t be here for another two or three weeks. This is really bringing me down… I am bound and determined to get into this week’s challenge, though.

    Pop Quiz: Clowning Around

    Kat the Klown

    in reply to: Fuzztone HM3, Part Two #26448

    The Atomic Punk

    Love the electrified wings!

    in reply to: The Reactor Core (The Atomic Punk’s Archive) #26329

    The Atomic Punk

    Ez gróf!

    The replacement laptop is holding up. Kind of a return to “normal” (which is a relative term even on my better days).

    Pop Quiz: Halloween Masks

    No entry. Though I love Halloween, I have quit partying. These days, I sew a quilt for winter. Ugh… I’m my own grandma.

    Pop Quiz: Jack-O-Lantern

    I’m already missing fall. I hate summer.

    Crazy-Eyed Jack

    in reply to: Heroes & Villians of Vengeances #26328

    The Atomic Punk

    I dunno… Sloar works. His background could be something along the lines of Blue Beetle or the Greatest American Hero. Earthling comes across an alien super-suit. Awesomeness ensues.

Viewing 15 posts - 556 through 570 (of 1,329 total)