The Atomic Punk

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  • in reply to: Tell my story #29781

    The Atomic Punk

    Thanks, WMD. I’m liking Harlekin’s designs! If you want, e-mail the original HM version of Hothead – I might be able to shrink it. Really like the filtered version. Sort of “Andy Warhol & Salvador Dali’s Love Child.” I can see that as some backdrop at a concert or on a t-shirt. Hmmm… perhaps I’ve said too much.

    Köszönöm, Harlekin. I can’t wait to see what awaits Sibyl and David.

    in reply to: Tell my story #29748

    The Atomic Punk

    Quid Pro Quo
    Original Character by Harlekin; Story by The Atomic Punk

    “David, that piece makes you look ridiculous.”

    “Excuse me, Sibyl, but not everyone can protect themselves with a psychic shield. A piece of armor goes a long way.”


    “Uh huh… why are we running again?”

    “We have to get back home. There are people needing our help.”

    “’Our help?’ So… it’s on us to save the world now? You doubted yourself back there.”

    “I’m serious, David.”

    “So am I, Sibyl.”

    “Why are you smiling? We’re all in grave danger.”

    “Yes, we are. But holding your hand, I believe that everything is going to be okay.”

    in reply to: Alexanders New Generation #29747

    The Atomic Punk

    Love the parchment. Yes, some flaws… but the effect shines through. Your take on ancient Egyptian religion has been stellar. Wink

    in reply to: Jeimuzu’s World #29722

    The Atomic Punk


    in reply to: heads #29614

    The Atomic Punk

    Here’s my Anubis. Though I don’t think his head really looks like a jackal.

    in reply to: let’s make a deck of playing cards! #29584

    The Atomic Punk

    Background > Word Balloons > “Row 3, Column 4”
    Size to 240×480

    Export as “widescreen” or save a screen capture. If you try to export as “character,” HeroMachine does the famous “jump to the left.”

    Download AtomicPunk-PlayingCard.txt

    in reply to: let’s make a deck of playing cards! #29580

    The Atomic Punk

    Mine was the Three of Spades. In Cartonomy, this card symbolizes a personal betrayal.


    in reply to: Word Association Game #29572

    The Atomic Punk


    in reply to: Tell my story #29558

    The Atomic Punk

    I have a lot of ideas for Firebird: The Movie. A few re-writes and some timeline shifts, plus a new character. I do not have a narrative for her yet; however, she plays a major role in the story. For now, here is the “character sketch” that I asked Anarchangel to design with a quick write-up.

    Firebird is an original character designed by prswirve. Xaphan (aka, “The Goldtooth Dragon”) is an original character designed by headlessgeneral.

    Character Design by Anarchangel; Original Character by The Atomic Punk


    Ling Sun (pronounced “soon”) is working her first semester as a student teacher at Cassandra’s (Firebird’s) high school. She prefers to be called “Sunny.” Sunny is rather young for a college student (she graduated high school at 15 and was granted waivers to attend university almost immediately). That puts Sunny at a closer age to the students than the teachers. The staff has noted that Sunny dresses rather casual and inappropriately. Much to the shock of the principal, Sunny commented once that she finds “too many clothes to be restrictive.”

    Sunny takes an interest in all of the students. In particular, she has noticed a lonely misfit named Cassandra. Though Sunny has tried to befriend the teen, Cassandra’s own outlandish behavior makes it difficult to have a serious conversation. The other students, and some of the staff, call the two “Ling and Ding-a-ling.” After the car accident that killed Cassandra’s parents, Sunny has become more aggressive in reaching out to her.

    in reply to: The Reactor Core (The Atomic Punk’s Archive) #29553

    The Atomic Punk

    Thanks, Nug.

    Character Design Contest 24 “Inhuman”

    Used this as an opportunity to mess around with items.


    in reply to: Word Association Game #29546

    The Atomic Punk


    in reply to: The Reactor Core (The Atomic Punk’s Archive) #29509

    The Atomic Punk

    Character Design Contest #23 “Greek God Hero”

    Alessandra (Alex) Demetriou whom I have since added to my meta-verse.

    Khione (Goddess of Snow)


    in reply to: What is your Signature Character? #29508

    The Atomic Punk

    Well, depending on the genre or game… but, yeah, mine is The Atomic Punk.

    And Harlekin’s awesome portrait which captures how I feel inside:

    in reply to: Jeimuzu’s World #29506

    The Atomic Punk

    Hilariously original! Laugh

    in reply to: Word Association Game #29505

    The Atomic Punk


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