
Forum Replies Created

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  • in reply to: NHA247’s Creations #22964


    Sounds great Scatman.

    Here is the second savior, this is Luc’s character Vain.

    He is now Acid Vain!


    Original by Luc

    in reply to: TWELVIAN CHRONICLES #22959


    That looks awesome! I cant wait to incorporate him into the comic! Great work!

    in reply to: NHA247’s Creations #22932


    Here is the first page of the comic. I am very happy with this so far.


    in reply to: NHA247’s Creations #22929


    Well we could introduce him as a man made hero. Maybe as a last hope kinda thing. The great minds of the universes work on creating a hero that is immune to radiation, I can work on some ways to incorporate him.

    in reply to: NHA247’s Creations #22925


    He looks great so far. What kind of powers or abilities do you plan on giving him? I see a bio hazard symbol on his chest, I had a idea to have creators in the forums add in there heroes that have radiation powers. This may be a good story line to have these heroes face off against a group of saviors.

    in reply to: NHA247’s Creations #22919


    Here is the first savior I have created.

    As you can see in the comic panel from a few post back, Gold Strike was transformed by Gamma into a savior.

    I introduce Nuclear Strike!


    in reply to: NHA247’s Creations #22910


    Ok guys, Im starting to get some character designs together to incorporate into the comic. If you would like a character of yours to be incorporated you can post on here of send me a PM of the character. I plan on making a hand drawn image of all of the characters as well as a hero machine version.

    Feel free to send a character that will fight against Gamma as well as a character that will become a savior. :)

    in reply to: NHA247’s Creations #22767


    Sounds great livewyre! :)

    in reply to: NHA247’s Creations #22766


    That is a possibility unless a hero from the forums can defeat Gamma. I think I may create a poll that will allow users to vote on who will win between a hero and a savior in individual battles. This will then change the outcome of the story.

    in reply to: NHA247’s Creations #22758


    Good to hear! I was hoping you would be one of the many to join!

    Here is a preview of a the comic I plan on making for this epic battle.

    Gamma makes an example out of one of the greats.


    in reply to: NHA247’s Creations #22750


    Thanks everyone :)

    The heroes of the NHA247 Universe need your help!
    Will you fight along with the heroes or be reborn into a savior?

    I had a great time working on cross-over creations with Scatman so I thought I would try this again. I would like to see some heroes that you feel should fight in this epic battle for Earth’s safety. Or a hero or villain that you feel should be reborn in a Savior. My plan is to create a battle scene showing all of the heroes fighting against all of the Savior’s. The Savior’s will be infected with radiation by Gamma and thus be reborn into a creature like him. They would have the same abilities but packed full of radiation. I will be showing an example soon of how they will look. If you would like to can submit a character for both sides.

    in reply to: NHA247’s Creations #22717


    HaHa! Sorry Vampyrist! :D

    in reply to: NHA247’s Creations #22690


    Thank you! I spent more then half of my childhood watching that show so that might have been some of the inspiration haha!

    This next character is one of the deadliest and most diabolical villains in my universe. John Graves was a factory worker who was laid off during the hardest time in his life. He was going through a rough divorce after the loss of his daughter ripped the relationship between him and his wife apart. After reaching the lowest point in which he felt he could not take any more, he attempted to kill himself by exposing his body to the radiation tanks at the factory he now grew a hatred for. Thinking that a dead body found inside the factory would somehow ruin the companies reputation and make it crumble, he thought the plan was brilliant. Unfortunately this did not go the way he anticipated, he was not killed by the harmful radiation but reborn into a walking nuclear reactor. His body, his every molecule was transformed giving him the abilities to transfer nuclear energy into anything he touches. Not only would the exposed chemicals destroy everything it can reach but he also has the ability to infect any living person he comes into direct contact with. With nothing left to lose in this world he plans to rid it of its worst qualities, human life.

    “These human’s believe they are at the highest point of the evolutionary food chain, how foolish! I will prove to these undeserving roaches how wrong they are! They took everything from me, it’s about time I return the favor. John Graves is dead, he was weak and spineless. This world now has a new savior, I am Gamma!


    Next on NHA247’s Universe: The worlds strongest heroes face one of their greatest threats. GAMMA!

    in reply to: NHA247’s Creations #22383


    Here is a character that didnt make it into my friday night fight characters.

    Golden Knight


    in reply to: NHA247’s Creations #22261


    Thank you guys! :)

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