Mad Jack

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  • in reply to: Mad Jacks Showroom #33827

    Mad Jack

    @JR19759 said:
    Well, it seems that you’ve managed to stubble across a mine of previously unimaginable awesomeness here.

    I’d prefer a diamond mine, but awesomeness isn’t bad either. Cheers! Laugh

    @headlessgeneral said:
    Definitely awesome. Excellent designs and execution. Love them!

    Thanks you!

    @Trekkie said:
    Awesome design! The faceplate is especially cool.

    Thanks. I guess it’s time for new headgear items – before I’m running out of ideas for new combinations… Smile

    @The Atomic Punk said:
    Wicked good!

    Wicked is always good. Thanks! Cool

    @DiCicatriz said:
    Excellent! I’m a big fan of multi-armed humanoids. Love the differences between the two characters. They could either be from distinct classes (political leader/foot soldier), time periods (ancient/modern), or maybe the invaders take on specific weaponry/attire based on the world’s they’re invading. Very cool stuff!

    Tanky you very much! I was thinking more of a hierarchy thing within a particular class – military class in this case. So the guy on the left would be a warlord/general and the guy on the right something like a commanding officer of a battalion.
    The other two classes (politician/scientists and working class/foot soldiers) will consist of two different species which I’m already working at. But I also like your idea of different time periods. Gonna keep that in mind… Wink

    in reply to: Mad Jacks Showroom #33797

    Mad Jack

    Thanks Wheeljack! Laugh

    So – to jumpstart this topic I’m gonna start with a redesign/reimagination of some aliens that are part of the lethal trinity called “The Harvesters”. Remember my old “Draq“? Well, here’s their new incarnation:



    The Croa are a reptilian species of shapeshifters which place covert agents in political, social, economic and military key positions on planets they have chosen for an invasion. These agents live for decades and sometimes even centuries undetected among the native inhabitants of that world and spy on their defense structures, sabotage any early warning systems and ensure in a variety of ways that their invading army finds ideal conditions on arrival. This of course includes terraforming by global warming, since reptiles are known to prefer a warmer environment.

    in reply to: Mad Jacks Showroom #33789

    Mad Jack

    Phew! This topic is gathering dust after one month without posting something. But, don’t worry – there will be a bucketload of “new” characters coming soon… Wink

    Meanwhile with christmas coming up in a few weeks:


    in reply to: dblade's Whiz Bang Item Dispenser #33768

    Mad Jack

    Headgear suggestions (as asked for): ;)


    in reply to: dblade's Whiz Bang Item Dispenser #33715

    Mad Jack

    A few more suggestions:

    in reply to: dblade's Whiz Bang Item Dispenser #33611

    Mad Jack

    I’m already excited at what may come.

    Here’s my “wishlist” – hope you get what I mean: ;)


    in reply to: Keric’s Thursday Challenge #33033

    Mad Jack

    Are you *******’ me?!

    I’m talkin’ about where in the ‘machine that tattoo’s located. ‘Cos I can’t find it in there … -_-

    in reply to: Keric’s Thursday Challenge #33010

    Mad Jack

    Where can I find this tattoo?!

    in reply to: headlessgeneral’s army #32847

    Mad Jack

    Delightful! Cool

    in reply to: VILLAINMACHINE….. #32823

    Mad Jack

    Madjack, I don’t know what I like more, the characters themselves or the group shots!. I gotta ask, is that 100% Hero Machine?

    Nope, I use Photoshop for my group shots – imho way too much work to do it with the ‘machine if you have more than 2 or 3 characters… Wink

    i’ve always found group shots hard as hell even with the assist of a photo editor.

    Really? I find it relatively easy – but then again I’m a professional web & graphic designer, so that could be an explanation… Laugh

    in reply to: VILLAINMACHINE….. #32816

    Mad Jack

    You asked for it!

    This was my very first team (a “little” older as you can see):

    Recently finished:



    And some random villiains:

    in reply to: Trekkie’s World #32680

    Mad Jack

    The day when robots finally take over the world will be a nasty one with those creatures you produce. Amazing – but also somewhat frightening…

    in reply to: PLANET AMS #32678

    Mad Jack

    Fantastic works as always! Don’t know what else to say without sounding like a broken record…

    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #32677

    Mad Jack

    Wow – great work! I love Black Betty! Uhm – I mean as a character… Wink

    in reply to: Mad Jacks Showroom #1048

    Mad Jack

    @Trekkie said:
    They all look awesome! Very shadowy (I’m assuming that was the intention?)

    Thank you! Now that you mention – yeah, there might be a connection to their groups name…

    @Anarchangel said:
    Gotta agree with Trekkie. They’re all fantastic.

    Thank you very much. Always glad to hear when people like my characters.

    @hawk007 said:
    Though I will admit that I’ve seen better, the creativity makes up for it. These guys are so original.

    Oh, dear. I hope I didn’t offend your eyes! Well, guess I can’t compete with masters like you…

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