Forum Replies Created
Mad JackParticipant@Stulte said:
Fantastic group shot!Thanks! You can also see the individual characters when you open the spoilers in the tables…
@agatharights said:
Ah! I absolutely love your designs and skill with character design, especially with your teams! Gorgeous work, manThank you very much!
@ams said:
Awesome group! More please….of your awesome groups.Thx! No problem – I got a ton of new inspiration when I joined deviantArt.
Mad JackParticipant@agatharights said:
She? He? I’m not really sure, don’t know the Croa’s gender dimorphismWell, since they are shapeshifters it’s very hard to tell them apart most of the time, but as in almost every reptilian species the female Croa are generally much stronger and bigger/bulkier than the males but also more sluggish – when not shapeshifted they aren’t real beauties but they make that up with brains and establishing the ruling elite in a matriarchy. While the males are more “flamboyant”, the women are simpler in their attire, have a darker skintone, no tail, a bigger mouth and more carnassials, but fewer “hair” (or whatever you want to call those tentacles on their heads). I also think that they really don’t need breasts since they aren’t mammals…
Mad JackParticipantNooooo … don’t walk into the light … come back to us …
Mad JackParticipant@Stulte said:
Regarding the Custom Items Archive, were there any particular designs you had in mind?Nothing specific. It was just a general idea seeing how much thought you put in there…
Aged 16.
16 and already such a full grown mustache? Is it the Haggis or what do they feed their children?! oO
Mad JackParticipantMaybe it’s because I’m more of a Marvel fan than DC, but I have no problem with Ben playing Batman. I also liked him in Daredevil – in my eyes one of the best Marvel movies and imho much better as many people say it was …
Mad JackParticipant@Hammerknight said:
But it make you wonder when you have the same character from multiple dimensions all in the same place at once, what type of effect would it have on them?If the characters are anything like me, they would finally enjoy an intelligent conversation …
Anyway, here’s the next official US governmental metahuman team:
The 1st Special Forces Operational Metahuman Enforcement Group (Airborne) (1st SFOMEGA), popularly known as Omega Force, is a U.S. Army component of Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC). Little is known about this unit, as it is still subject to confidentiality, but Omega Force’s primary tasks are counter-terrorism, direct action, and national intervention operations whenever metahumans are involved, although it is an extremely versatile group capable of conducting many types of clandestine missions, including, but not limited to, hostage rescues and raids.
For more details read on here:
While 1st SFOMEGA is administratively supported by USASOC, it falls under the operational control of JSOC. Omega Force and its Navy counterpart, the Navy Seals Team “Bastards” (Biological Advanced Special Tactics and Actions Reconnaissance and Defense Service – part of the Naval Special Warfare Development Group), are the United States military’s primary metahuman units. The Central Intelligence Agency’s highly secretive Metahuman Activities Division (MAD – a paramilitary metahuman task force) often works with – and recruits – operators from Omega Force.The Omega Force, together with the “Bastards”, is the only association of the U.S. armed forces, which is primarily oriented towards the fight against metahuman terrorists (especially on airplanes and in urban environments).Its always secret missions include special operations behind enemy lines like the targeted killing of individuals, intelligence collection, asymmetric and unconventional warfare as well as direct combat missions. Unlike the Delta Force, the Omega Force is also deployed domestically, which was approved by a special presidential decree since the use of military force in-country is normally forbidden by the Posse Comitatus Act.
Virtually all information about the unit is highly classified and details about specific missions or operations generally are not available publically. However, details of some operations have become public knowledge. A number of sources suggest the squadrons strength ranges from 75 to 85 personnel. The squadron is broken down into three troops — one recon/sniper troop, and two direct action/assault troops — that can operate either in teams or in groups as small as four to six men. Part of the unit (shown in the picture below) is in constant combat readiness and while its official task description is vague, it includes fast, precise operations with wide-ranging skills. The Omega Force is is said to be able to proceed as unobtrusive as no other U.S. unit.
Each trained Omega-Force Soldier holds at least the rank of a sergeant and is called “operator” within the unit. The term was first used by Delta Force to distinguish between operational and non-operational personnel assigned to the unit and later also adopted by Omega Force. Upon entry into the Delta Force, the personnel file of the soldier is removed from the employee archive of the Army, so he officially does not exist anymore within that organization. His master data are listed only in the Department of the Army Security Roster.
A special feature is the fact that the operators plan their specific assignments themselves. Commanders and staff managers only predetermine the mission objectives, while the tactical planning rest on the task forces themselves. This principle of mission-type tactics serves the elimination of the so-called “Rambo syndrome”, meaning the planning of unnecessarily lossy, too complicated, or not realizable missions. This is intended to promote prudence and professionalism and avoid unnecessary profiling efforts.
The headquarters of the Omega Force is the military base Fort Bragg in North Carolina and the entire area of the base occupied by it is particularly secured and accessible to outsiders only with special permission. The air transport of the Omega Force is mainly provided by the 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment out of Fort Campbell, but thanks to teleporter on the team Omega Force often pass on their services.
The team members from bottom left to top right:
Mad JackParticipantVery nice character – I can imagine her daring adventures to occur in the weirdest places …
(sorry – couldn’t resist)
Mad JackParticipantGreat writing + wonderful designs = DiCicatriz (’nuff said)…
Mad JackParticipantGreat character! Seeing his attitude/air I wonder what his actual rig would look like … “Monster Truck” I’m thinking …
@ livewyre: I hope we’ll see something new from you soon.
Mad JackParticipantYeah – those kitschy figures of animals really are repulsive! … *wait* … Wasn’t that what you meant? Oo
Mad JackParticipantCongrats! I always thought mimes were spooky, but know I’m downright scared of them because of you. Hope you’re glad…
Mad JackParticipantCall me a fusspot, but the name is neither Smeagal nor Smeagle but Sméagol. I know, sometimes I can be a real inch pincher …
Aside of that I wonder why that picture was posted in the first place. I don’t see anything in it that would make a good item and if you want the character itself, you can put it relatively easily together with the existing items!
(I hope that didn’t sound too harsh.)
Mad JackParticipantThat fighting pose is really nice – but I actually liked the “vampire monk” bald head the best. That with a few nice black tattoos on his chest would have looked very aweseome I think. Just my two cents …
As for Lady Tiger and her diffidence: Well – what must be, must be. It’s not like we don’t deserve it.
Mad JackParticipantReally nice concepts you have there! If you are in a generous mood you could share them in the Custom Items Archive – I’m sure some users here would be very grateful for that …
@Stulte said:
For some reason it just looks shorter than it actually is. If that makes sense.I think that’s because of the two items I tagged below. They make the arm look shorter – especially the shoulder-item which seems to me as it’d be a tad too large …
Mad JackParticipantShe looks a little like a greenhorn for a cowgirl, but very nice. Well done!