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  • in reply to: Movie character name game #42741


    Nicholas Angel (Hot Fuzz)

    in reply to: JR’s Characters #42694


    No new pics today, but I have got a little short for you.
    May contain assholery, but there are people like that in the world, so what can you do.

    “Hey, Rich, another please.”
    The barman nodded as Danni turned back to her girlfriend, who was wearing a disapproving expression on her face.
    “That’s your third you know.” Lili said, her tone matching her face. “Not too much more, I don’t want to have to carry you home.”
    “It’s ok babe,” Danni said with a small smile on her face. “I’m not going to get wasted. I have work tomorrow. This’ll be my last, promise.”
    Lili grunted in acknowledgement, but her gaze had drifted from Danni, now focusing on something over her shoulder.
    “What are you looking at?” Danni asked, peering over her shoulder.
    “Those guys,” Lili indicated at a group of three guys sitting in a huddle at the corner of the bar. “They’ve been watching us for the last 10 minutes and muttering amongst themselves.”
    “Oh great.” Danni turned away just as the barman put a new glass next to her. “You reckon they’re ‘those sort of guys’ do you.”
    “I hope not.” Lili went to turn back to the bar but something caught her eye. One of the guys at the end of the bar had made a gesture that she did not much care for and she wasn’t about to put up with it.
    “Hey, what’s your problem man!?” She shouted over at the guy, making everyone else in the bar, Danni included, start and turn to see what was going on.
    “You are,” came the reply. The guy was obviously just some idiot, blond, ripped, gym jock guy, you know the type. He had this arrogant smirk on his face that just rubbed Lili the wrong way and he radiated this aura of asshole that was almost tangible. “Why don’t you and your lesbo friend there go and do each other somewhere else. It’s bad enough you lot seem to have made some kinda community thing ’round these parts, but do ya have to be parading it all over the place.”
    “Excuse me?!” Lili was in the guy’s face as quick as a flash. “We were just here having a drink, minding our own business, not ‘doing each other’ as you put it. And anyway, we have as much right to be here as you do.”
    It had not escaped Danni’s notice that Lili had her fists clenched, tight. It wouldn’t take much for the guy to push her far enough where he’d get a smack in the face. Not that she would have blamed her, she would have like to smack the guy in his arrogant face. But they’d dealt with guys like this before.
    “Lili, come on, leave it.” Danni put her hand on Lili’s shoulder and tried to guide her away from the confrontation. “It’s not worth it.”
    Lili gave Danni a slightly pained look, but she reluctantly allowed herself to be turned away.
    “Yeah, why don’t you and your dyke friend run off. I bet there’s other….”
    The guy didn’t even get to finish his sentance before he was sent reeling away clutching a bleeding nose. Everyone in the bar was looking at Danni now. Her fists were clenched as tight as possible and she was almost trembling with rage.
    “Don’t, ever, call me that name.” Her voice was low and nearly a growl. Even Lili had to take a step back, she’d never seen Danni get this mad, especially over something like this.
    The guy had recovered his composure and, still clutching his nose, was looking for some way to gain back some pride.
    “You’ll pay for that, b****.” He said, raising his fist.
    “That’s enough there son.”
    The focus in the bar moved towards the bar, wear the barman was standing, firmly, with a stern look in his eye.
    “There’ll be no fighting in my bar,” he said, with a steely tone in his voice. “I want you out, now. As I see it, you got what you were asking for, but I’m not having this escalating any further. You can pay up for your drinks and then you’re out.”
    He motioned towards the end of the bar, where the guy had abandoned his drink in his eagerness to provoke Lili into a fight. The guy looked like he was going to argue, but the look the barman gave him invited no arguements.
    “Fine,” the guy grunted, shoving his hand into his pocket and pulling out a wodge of notes. “Here’s ya money. Come on guys, lets go. Don’t see tha point of hanging round a place like this anyway.”
    As the guy and his two friends slopped their way out of the bar, the barman turned his attention towards Danni and Lili. Now that the adrenaline had calmed down, Danni had become quite embaressed, as though she’d even surprised herself with what she did.
    “Sorry about that,” Lili said to the barman.
    “As I said, he had it coming to him” the barman replied, grabbing the discarded glasses from the end of the bar. “But, next time lets try not to go having fights in my bar, ok.”
    “Got it,” Lili grinned as she led Danni back to their seats.
    “So,” she exclaimed as they both sat down. “What was that about? I mean I’ve seen you mad before, but that was another level. You totally decked that guy.”
    Danni smiled very sheepishly. “I dunno, I just really don’t like being called a dyke. It’s what everyone at school always used to call me and it just stuck in my head. So hearing that guy say it it just took me back there. I don’t know how I hit him, I mean, I never hit anyone before.”
    Lili leaned forward conspiratorially. “Well, between you and me, I thought it was awesome. And if you hadn’t have done it I would have.”
    Danni gave an embarrassed giggle and Lili leant back into her seat again and stared down at her empty glass.
    “Another drink? I think you earned it.”

    in reply to: JR’s Characters #42676


    @Jeimuzu- Thanks man. The guitar is actually based on one I own. The only difference is that mine has cream detailing, which is virtually impossible to match on heromachine.
    @Herr D- I doubt she’d be doing folk songs, she’s more of a metal head. The first song would fit better as a song she’d have learned because she liked it, the original song was by a hardcore punk band. The second I reckon she’d have learned on the instance of Danni, who likes that sort of music. And to be honest, out of everyone on here, I’d be the most surprised if it wasn’t you who listened to both songs simultaneously, sleep-deprived or not. ;)

    in reply to: Word Association Game #42672



    in reply to: JR’s Characters #42653


    @Herr D said:

    I think I just somehow listened to both of them at the same time waiting for the part in English by a female vocalist. http://www.heromachine.com/wp-content/legacy/forum-smileys/sf-laugh.gif I’m going for a nap now. Good picture, anyway.

    Neither of them actually have any female vocals, those are just the songs I listened to when I was making the picture, so that’s what I imagined her singing. I’m pretty sure both are in English anyway (unless I’m listening to them through the TARDIS translation matrix) so I’m guessing they must sound really weird when played at the same time then.

    in reply to: Nug’s Creations #42648


    Dinner maybe, something maybe not (if you’re thinking what I think you’re thinking then I don’t think it would be suitable for being posted ;) )
    But anyway, the new version looks awesome. The smoke face looks much better and the background is really cool. I think it’d be quite cool if you added the atmospheric circle I mentioned last time as the top layer, just to add a bit more atmosphere, but it’s up to you. It looks really good as is.
    Are we going to see a picture of the other girl at any point?

    in reply to: Word Association Game #42646



    in reply to: My Collection of Creative Imagination #42642


    Great costume design on these last few. Plus the shading is pretty neat as well.

    in reply to: Word Association Game #42641



    in reply to: JR’s Characters #42631


    Anyway, got a little spark of inspiration. Only a little one mind, but I got a picture out of it.


    Oh and if you want to know what she’s singing it’s either of these songs.


    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #42620


    @Anarchangel said:

    Here’s yet another remake of American Dream. Daisy Dukes and all.

    I was considering entering her in this weeks contest but I’m not sure if this look qualifies. Mostly because I’m not entirely sure what constitutes a modern character other than living in the modern era. Is there a specific style modern characters use? Can anyone clarify for me?


    Really I’m just looking for characters in the art style of the 80’s, 90’s or 00’s. I’d say this would qualify.

    in reply to: Word Association Game #42593



    in reply to: CantDraw Gallery of Bad Art #42265


    Impressive shading once again sir. She looks excellent.

    in reply to: Nug’s Creations #42485


    @Nug said:

    @ JR: Thanks man. I’m glad you like it. Let me talk about this with you… If you don’t mind. I tried a little of your lighting style here. Towards the end, layer hierarchy got conflicted and it became a pain to work with. In your opinion…Whats the best way to work around such? This piece has around 170 something layers give or take. And many multiples of certain insignia/ pattern. I found myself several times going through the numbers of the piece under the items tab until I found the right piece to move. Is there a better way? The face in the smoke was also a pain to try and pull off as well, and to be honest I’m not happy with it. I’d love to see some others try and pull it off. Do you ever get to a point when working on something that you think you maybe… uhhh how to word this… either you’re trying to hard to make something work, or you’re over looking something crucial/ simple that you could use to make it the way you invision? It looks like a simple piece but off and on I think I may have more time in this than any other I have. I don’t know man… I’m not sure if its just where I’m trying to make the machine do stuff it’s not supposed to do, or if just where i’m not used to the style and i’m missing something. It just seems there should be an easier way than what i had to do. If you need the text to help clarify some of my issues I can hook you up with that. Any advice would be greatly appreciated as to what you may have done differently.

    Okay, lets see.
    1. Layering and dealing with large layer numbers:
    Really I don’t know a way around this. When I did the video version of Rainbow Wings (with was over 200 layers per image and ten thousand layers combined) I wrote down the item number from the item select screen (you know when you’ve selected which item you’re going to use a layer box will come up over it) and what it was layered onto and what number that was of that item. It helped me keep it all organised, but it is a real pain in the backside that’s for sure.

    2. Getting things to look the way you envision:
    Yeah, I feel like that all the time. And unless you envision things entirely in a heromachinable manner (i.e. item specific), you’re never going to get things to be exactly right, but that’s ok, because when you push the ‘machine to its limits you can find what you can or can’t do and that’s how you come up with some of the best effects. I certainly think the smoke face works well, but I can understand why you might not be happy with it. I’ve had people comment on my work saying how brilliant it is and I’ve just felt completely meh about it.

    3. What I might have done differently:
    Ok, going back to look it over again, the first thing I saw that I would change is the glow behind/ in front of the smoke face. I would make the colour more transparent (not by much, maybe 10 points) and then either make it smaller or (and you might hate this suggestion due to layer difficulties) mask it onto an item that suggests dispersing smoke, a background aura or item-right energy maybe. Second thing, did you use the second shading circle, the one that if you make colour 1 transparent it removes the central colour. That is what I used to get the atmospherics on my Lili and Danni pictures. If you make that the top most layer and size it right you can get some very nice atmospherics. The only reason I ask is because I can’t properly tell, the background of the picture is black and there are a lot of other glow effects going on. Last thing I’d do is low-light her hair. What I mean by that is add shading to the hair to make it look like it is being hit by the candle light. I know it will be more layers, but trust me it will really make the picture pop, because at the moment you’ve got some awesome candle glow effects and they show up on the skirt and top but not the hair, and it makes the hair look a bit flat. That’s all I can see at the moment.
    Hopefully this helps. I apologise if some of this stuff doesn’t make much sense, it’s nearly midnight here while I’m typing this.
    Either way, keep up the good work man.

    in reply to: Word Association Game #42483



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