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  • in reply to: JR’s Characters #42863


    @CD & AA- Cheers guys
    @Herr D- I have conversations with my characters, does that count? It’s not just they have a life of their own, but they’re breaking into my life and having a chat with me about it. Also, your 4 year old want to be Doctor Who when she grows up? She can join the club, we have t-shirts (and fezzes. Fezzes are cool).

    Anyway, first half of another short story featuring Lili and Danni, this time properly introducing some new characters. Also, a quick question, do you guys think I should create pictures for the family members of our two heroines? I’m sort of on the fence about it.

    “I heard there’s a sperm bank or some such place opening over in Kent Street next week.”
    Lili sighed and stared at her plate, trying to avoid her mothers’ gaze. She could feel the pointed gaze as it was obvious that an answer was expected. This was why she hated going over to her mothers for dinner. It was always the same. She glanced around the table, purposefully avoiding looking towards her mother at the end. Danni gave her an apologetic smile from the seat next to her, whilst her brother Jason just shook his head. Then there was Kate.
    “I think you girls should try it.” She said, her voice hitting Lili’s ears like someone driving a spanner into her brain. “I mean come on, it’s not that uncommon anymore, you know, for, like, lesbian couples, or gay couple I guess, to have kids. It’d be totally awesome if you did.”
    Lili tried her hardest not to give Kate her worst death glare. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Jason face-palm over his casserole, but neither their mother nor Kate noticed, which was probably for the best. It was hard enough having to deal with her mother going on about this stuff over their weekly family dinner, but when Jason was around it was made ten times worse, all because of Kate. Lili had wondered what Jason had seen in her to begin with. When they were first introduced Kate didn’t make the best first impression, she seemed gossipy, overly interested in involving herself in other peoples lives and just generally annoying in Lili’s eyes. Of course she got on with their mother like a house on fire. They chatted and gossiped like old friends. And when they were both around Lili at the same time their conversations always turned towards the same subject, Lili and Danni’s sex life, which tried Lili’s patience almost to breaking point.
    “I mean, it’s better to do these things sooner rather than later,” Kate continued, her voice acting like a cheese grater to Lili’s nerves. “Me and Jason have been trying, but we can’t be sure of anything yet.”
    Lili shot a raised eyebrow over to her brother, who was pointedly not making eye contact with anyone at the table.
    “I don’t see why it’s such a big problem Lilith.”
    Lili winced at the sound of her mothers’ voice. It never meant anything good when she said her full name.
    “I just don’t see why you’re so against the whole idea of children. I can accept this whole ‘lesbian’ thing, but would like to have grandchildren at some point. At least Jason is trying.”
    Jason was starting to turn red, but Lili was really getting to the end of her thread. Having the same one-sided conversation each and every week had really worn down her nerves. Why wouldn’t they just let it drop?
    “You know, your father and I were around your age when we had you….”
    Lili threw herself to her feet, slamming her hands onto the table and causing everyone to start.
    “I’ve told you enough times, I don’t want to have children yet. Why can’t you understand that simple concept?”
    It took a few seconds for the shock to leave her mothers face, but the look that replaced it was a look that Lili didn’t want to see.
    “You don’t want to have children yet?”
    A shudder traveled down Lili’s spine, as her mother leaned forward, hands clasped together, a hopeful, almost greedy look on her face.
    “Does that mean you plan to have children at some point in the future?”
    “I…. what? I don’t…. I don’t know.” Lili spluttered. “I… just… oh screw this.”
    Before anyone could stop her, Lili had left the table, fleeing the dinning room, slamming the door behind her as she left.

    You can find out how this all gets resolved tomorrow. I’ll also be asking another question about what direction you guys want me to take this series in then as well, so stay tuned for that. Your feedback on this series really means a lot to me.

    in reply to: WONDER WOMAN 1st look…!!!! #42846


    Not bad. Not crazy about the thigh high boots, but the rest looks decent. The managed to make her classic costume look realistic which works for me.


    If you think about it, J.K Rowling also ripped off the legend of King Arthur and all of the stories, films and TV shows that also have a wise old mentor tutoring the chosen one (Star Wars anyone? Lord Of The Rings even?). It’s not exactly an original story idea and certainly not one that is specific to Books Of Magic (as much as I love Neil Gaiman).
    BTW, as hipster as it is to say it, the books are much better than the films. The films, especially getting towards the end of the series, cut too much stuff out and added in bits that were unnecessary (Order Of The Phoenix, please step forward), but that’s another rant.

    in reply to: JR’s Characters #42837


    Anyway, after doing the last pic, I decided to do another in the same vein, although this one is harder edged.


    And the song that inspired it (if you want to know what she’s playing along to):

    Lili: That song’s okay I guess, but why can’t I be playing some Marylin Manson?
    JR: ‘Cause I don’t actually like Marylin Manson, so why would I be listening to him whilst working on a picture?
    Lili: In that case, why do I like Marylin Manson? Why would you make one of your characters like something you don’t?
    JR: Because you’re meant to be an individual, not just a mirror of me. And anyway…..
    (Danni walks in)
    Danni: Hey guys, what are you arguing about?
    Lili: JR won’t let listen to Marylin Manson whilst doing pictures of me because he doesn’t like his music and I was asking him why he made me like him if that was the case.
    Danni (incredulously): Okay. Well, I’ll let you guys get on with that then. Oh, JR do you want a cookie? I’ve just finished baking some.
    JR: Yes, thanks Danni.
    (Danni leaves the room)
    JR: Now, where were we?

    in reply to: Nug’s Creations #42821


    Yo dude, quick question. How did you do Merrick’s top? I’ve been trying to do something similar and I’m not having much luck.

    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #42820


    @Anarchangel said:

    I’m honoured. Thanks JR. http://www.heromachine.com/wp-includes/images/smilies/icon_smile.gif

    Does that count as payment? ‘Cause I ate all the cookies in my house. Wink

    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #42818


    That costume……
    I LOVE IT!!!


    in reply to: Blazing Blue Universe #42817


    That’s one messed up backstory. I like it.

    in reply to: Word Association Game #42794



    in reply to: JR’s Characters #42781


    If they were actually real, I’d be very scared. I don’t think we want figments of my imagination running around the place, I’d end up like Herr D or something ;)
    I’m glad you like them though. It is surprising how far they’ve come, considering that they started out as throw away characters that were basically rip-offs of the main characters from a web comic I follow. I don’t think I’ve actually invested this much time in any of my characters since I started my Alpha Comics universe idea when I first got into Heromachine in (god, trying to remember how long ago that was) 2008 maybe? I think it may have been earlier, does anyone remember when 2.5 launched? Because it was before then. But anyway, yeah, I was kinda apprehensive about including the sort, as I don’t upload a lot of my prose (for want of a less poncey word), so it means a lot that you like it.

    in reply to: Movie character name game #42778


    Edward Scissorhands

    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #42775


    Ah, I remember this guy. He was a big inspiration for the first incarnation of my Mr E character (ok, when I say inspiration, I actually ripped it off so badly I might as well have to pay you royalties, but that’s by the by). Love the remake, he still looks cool as hell (ba-dum-tish).

    in reply to: Comic Book Character Name Game #42764



    in reply to: Word Association Game #42762



    @Blue Blazer said:

    Legion of Doom

    Dude, I think y’all may have forgotten the rules of the game there a bit. I just went off of Legion.

    in reply to: Word Association Game #42738



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