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  • in reply to: Therianthrope’s Characters #111113


    Well, that’s useful. You’ve just sorted out COTW for me for this week. Cheers.

    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #110094


    I believe you have to post it via a link to a picture hosted on another site (such as deviant art) using the img tags. At least, that’s how I did it on my gallery.

    in reply to: Lili & Danni Stories #110067


    A Piece Of Good News

    Danni stared over at the phone, ringing on the table across the room from where she had just got herself comfortable on the sofa. She wished Lili would get it so she wouldn’t have to get up, but of course Lili was doing some Skype meeting with those magazine people, doing some sort of “creative consultancy” or something.
    With a grumbling groan, Danni hefted herself from the sofa and made her way slowly to the phone. Picking up the receiver, she put it to her ear and spoke.
    “Hello, Danni Dartford speaking.”
    “Hey Danni, it’s Vince.”
    Vince was a friend who acted as Danni’s agent. It was his job to send her manuscripts round the various publishers to try and get them published.
    “Hey Vince, what’s up?”
    “Nothing much,” Even over the phone Danni could hear a slight mischievous tone to Vince’s voice. “Not much going on. I mean I just got off the phone with some guy from Delta Rhodes Limited. He says they’re interested in the book!”
    Danni very nearly dropped the phone. Her head felt numb, she couldn’t believe what she was hearing. That manuscript had been bouncing around various publishing companies for the best part of two years with not so much as a hint of going anywhere. But now…
    “They’re looking for a meeting next week to work out the contract. We’ll need to sort out some form of proper legal representation of course. I’m good with law stuff, but they’ll be looking for a professional approach and anyway, having a second person to go over it will make absolutely sure they’re not trying to screw us over.”
    “Danni, snap out of it,” Vice chuckled down the phone. “I bet you’re gawping like a goldfish at the moment as well.”
    Danni shook her head and tried to get her thoughts collected. This had to be a dream or something, Vince was having her on.
    “Are you being serious?” She found herself asking, almost in-spite of herself. “This thing has been going for ages. Has it really been picked up?”
    Vince gave another small chuckle.
    “Yeah, I’m being serious. Tell you what, we can meet up tomorrow or something and I’ll run you through everything.”
    “Sure, I’m working the evening shift tomorrow so maybe we could meet up at lunch?”
    “That works for me, I’ll meet you at the coffee shop in town. See you then.”
    Danni put the receiver down lightly and leant back against the wall, trying to take in everything she’d just heard. One of her books was going to be published. She grinned to herself. Ok, they still had to get all the contract details sorted out, but she wasn’t going to let that spoil the moment. Lili stuck her head around the living room door.
    “Vince?” Lili asked quizzically. Danni nodded, the silly grin not leaving her face. Lili smiled. “I guess it must have been good news, given your grin?”
    “Yeah, the book got picked up by a publisher. Me and Vince are meeting up tomorrow to talk a few things over before we sort out the publishing contract with them next week.”
    Lili practically launched herself at Danni, forcing her back against the wall in a crushing embrace.
    “That’s fantastic babe!” Lili exclaimed joyfully. “We’re gonna have to do something to celebrate. Where did I put that bottle of wine? Should we go out for dinner or something later?”
    “Wine sounds good for the moment,” Danni replied. “We’ll save the dinner for when the deal’s actually done, ok.”
    “Deal,” Lili beamed as she released her hold and turned towards the kitchen. “Where did I put that bottle of wine though?”
    Danni grinned again.
    “You left it out on the side. I put it in the fridge for you, you doffs.”

    in reply to: Hawk's Heroes v2.0 #110036


    Ok, once all the new forum kinks have been ironed out I’ll sort out your old thread for you.

    in reply to: JR’s Characters #109717


    Ok, so now that the forums are back up, lets get things back up again.
    First up, here’s a few redesigns of some other ‘machiners characters that I did as part of art trades on deviantart whilst the forums were down.
    First up AI Metal Jacket for Son4

    And then Oberon for Linea24

    And lastly, something that’s not a redesign, but instead just a practice piece I did trying out a few new hair and clothing related masking ideas.

    in reply to: Word Association Game #43484



    in reply to: Linea24’s Astra Universe #43474


    Nice, she looks amazing.

    in reply to: dblade's Whiz Bang Item Dispenser #43452


    @TheNate said:

    I think this is a brilliant idea.

    Yeah, my wife is pregnant again, so it’s obvious where my head is.

    Congrats man

    in reply to: dblade's Whiz Bang Item Dispenser #43450


    @TheNate said:

    I’m not sure if I get a prize for coming in at a tie, but in case I do here’s my request:

    ItemRight -> Miscellaneous -> Swaddled Infant:


    I had to make a baby from scratch before and it wasn’t easy.

    I also hope this isn’t too close to the ban on “companions,” because this is something people would have to hold. If it is, let me know and I’ll pick something else.

    I think this is a brilliant idea.

    in reply to: Nug’s Creations #43448


    Welp, I’m impressed.

    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #43418


    *Sigh* Ok. Jeff is aware of the post reset problem, though we don’t know what is causing it. What I would suggest is that if it happens you contact Jeff through the Contact Us form on the top bar. Just say that your forum post count has been reset and he will fix it, it only takes a few seconds apparently. Usually I’d tell him, but as I’m not going to be around for a week, you guys might as well do it yourselves rather than wait for me to get back.

    in reply to: You’re Vigilante #43386


    @Nug- I’ll give you one thing, it actually took me a couple of minutes to figure out how you made the outfit. At first I thought you’d found a new item I didn’t know about. Well done.

    in reply to: JR’s Characters #43384


    Sorry for the bout of inactivity lately guys. I got a job this week (an actual job. You know, the kind that sucks), so I haven’t had much time to work on finishing the Lili and Danni stories or work on anything new. Also I’m going to be going on holiday this coming Tuesday, so I won’t have internet access for a week. This won’t affect the posting of the contests, I can schedule them before I go, but I won’t be able to post the results of next weeks poll or chose the finalists for the following weeks poll, though hopefully Kaldath will be able to find the time to sort that out for me. It also means that I’m going to miss the Doctor Who season premier, which sucks. So y’all can expect the first JReview of Doctor Who season 8 a bit later on than planned.
    Anyway, I’ve noticed this page doesn’t actually have any art on it yet. So, to rectify that, have an art.
    It is only a stop gap thing, but I like it.
    JR out.

    in reply to: My Collection of Creative Imagination #43355


    That’s pretty damn sweet. Love the shading. And the concept gets a thumbs up.

    in reply to: JR’s Characters #43347


    @Jeimuzu- I will admit, I have a very large soft spot for Sempi, she is probably my favourite character.
    @Nug- If you want to see a pic go to my PUP. I suck at self portraits.

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