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  • in reply to: JR’s Characters #117311


    Merci mon ami


    Valaran Soul Wielder Corps: Truth Corp Files

    Name: Doctor Gade Heinriechs

    Rank: Commander/ Professor Of Magical Studies, Kalhyra Academy

    Base: Central Security Station, Kalhyra

    Soul Branch: Light (Main), Multiple Mixed Magics and Secondary Branches

    Level: ? (Formerly Level 5)

    Strongest Magics: –

    Notes: The head of the Truth Corp within the Valaran Soul Wielder Corps, Doctor Heinriechs is one of the most respected experts on ancient Soul Magics in Valara. In his youth, he was a noted and decorated Commander in the Soul Wielder Corps, leading many successful campaigns and incursions against the Juturan army and strategic targets in Juturan territory (see files for military record). However, injury, alongside the loss of his wife, ended his active service career and he was tasked with discovering the whereabouts of The Truth, being, as he is, the foremost expert on ancient magics. However, caution would be advised, considering Heinriechs mental state following the loss of his wife, it is likely that he would use The Truth for his own ends before the benefit of his countrymen.

    Character Building Fact: Mallory Heinriechs (Gade’s wife) was also a member of the Soul Wielder Corps. She was killed on a mission with her husband to verify and retrieve a suspected Heartcore sighting in enemy territory. It was the only mission the pair had worked on together that ended in failure. Also, given Doctor Heinriechs reaction post-mission, it is suspected that he may have caused his wife’s death, however these rumours have never been confirmed.



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    in reply to: JR’s Characters #117266


    Valaran Soul Wielder Corps: Truth Corp Files

    Name: Sempi Turner

    Base: Central Security Station, Kalhyra

    Soul Branch: Fire, Mixed Magic (Fire, Air/ Light)

    Level: 4

    *Strongest Magics- Rainbow Inferno (Fire/ Light), Corona Wind (Fire/ Air)

    Notes: Recently inducted into the Soul Wielder Corps, Sempi Turner is some what of a prodigy. One of the youngest academy graduates, she has mastered not only her specialist branch (Fire) but has attempted at least two Mixed Magic spells. Her talents in Soul Wielding, as well as her outstanding academy record, have caught the eye of Doctor Heinriechs, who has already taken her on to his Truth Corp team. She appears to be on good terms with Ruma of the Guardian Core.

    World Building Fact: Soul Wielders carry spell books with them at all times. These books are enchanted by the user so they store any spells that the user has learnt, in such a way that just the act of the user opening the book and saying the name of the spell would cause it to be cast. This is because some advanced spells can be very complicated, and miscasting them would be dangerous for the Wielder, so having the exact spell so readily available decreases the danger. The more spells and the more advanced the spells entered into the book, the larger the book will become, however, due to the nature of the enchantment, the book does not gain any weight with the increase in size.

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    in reply to: Word Association Game #117257



    in reply to: JR’s Characters #117241



    Necessary Information:

    -The countries of Valara and Jutura are at war and have been for half a century. One hundred years prior to this, both countries were plunged into chaos by a being known as Silence, who used his powers to attempt a conquest of both lands, before he was stopped and imprisoned.

    -In this world, magic exists. Known as Soul, this magic is divided into branches, based around elements. The branches are Fire, Water, Air, Earth, Thunder, Ice, Light, Dark and Death (the banned branch). Most spells are of one branch, although some talented users can master what are known as Mixed Magic, which combines the attributes of two branches together to create a much more powerful spell. Users of Soul are known as Soul Wielders and are employed by the warring countries as elite soldiers. Soul Wielders are ranked by the level of spell they can accomplish, from Level 1 (simple and weak spells) to Level 5 (magics of destructive power equal to the most powerful non-magical weaponry). There is a sixth level, but this consists of spells that have been unmastered since their creation or are considered to dangerous to use, and are therefore banned.

    -The most powerful spell known to have ever existed are known as The Truth. The Truth is an ancient magical spell, only produced once, which takes the form of a book. If a page of this book is read, it will give the reader the answer to any question they can think of. It was sealed away to prevent Silence from using its awesome power, its whereabouts lost in the chaos of his uprising.

    – What is the Heartcore?

    That is a good question…

    To be continued.

    in reply to: Word Association Game #117212



    in reply to: Linea24’s Astra Universe #117172


    Awesome work

    in reply to: New and could use some criticism and help. #117155


    Welcome to the forums Mitch.

    In addition to everything Funkmachine said, I’d also suggest two things.

    First: Always keep in mind your colours. I’ve always said that the best costumes use 3 colours, 4 at most, plus hair and skin colour. It just makes the whole look more cohesive and together. Also, when doing backgrounds, look to colour it in a way that either complements the character or is neutral, but don’t use a colour that clashes (for example pink and orange) or re-use a colour that has already been used in the costume, because that just swamps the picture in one colour and makes it very hard to look at. Oh and never use two different colours on an item that doesn’t have a distinct place for them (such as the jeans on your clown character).

    Second: Pay attention to details. Details can make or break a picture. Things like characters not having ears or missing feet under shoes are pretty basic mistakes that are easily avoidable when you take a second to just look and think “ok does everything look right here”. Then you have items that don’t quite match up, zombie skin tears that are coming away from the body or weapons not being held by the hands for example, which you can sort out with masking.

    Good start for having only been ‘machining for three days.

    Also, and I have to say this being a mod and all, please make sure you read the forum rules if you haven’t done so already.

    in reply to: Introduce Yourself! #117126


    Welcome to the forums Vazkan. Don’t worry, your English is fine.

    If you need any help with anything, just ask, everyone’s very helpful here.

    Also, please make sure you have read the forum rules.

    in reply to: Word Association Game #116986



    in reply to: headlessgeneral’s army #116927


    Welcome back.

    As for the image posting there are two ways to do it. First, if you upload your pictures to any other sites as well (photo bucket, deviantart etc.) then you open the image in a new tab and copy the link into the Insert/ Edit Image box in the reply box (it’s the end icon that looks like a clip art of a mountain). The second, if you don’t upload anywhere else, is the Choose File option at the bottom of the reply box. It works pretty much the same as the old choose file method, only the picture isn’t pasted into the reply, it comes up at the bottom of the reply as an attachment. To get it in the reply you basically have to go through The second method to get the picture onto the forums, then open the image in a new tab, edit the reply and go through the first method. Bit silly I know, but not much we can do about it at the moment.

    Hope this helps.

    in reply to: Angel Of Chaos #116926


    Welcome back

    in reply to: Word Association Game #116876


    Christmas (Keeping with the season)

    in reply to: Santa Swap 3 #116852


    Ok guys, as it’s Christmas Eve, I think it’s time to close down this years Santa Swap. If you have any outstanding gifts to return (I know I have, but I can’t remember to whom I owe them), then you may use this page to post them, but no giving new gifts.

    And with that, Merry Christmas everyone.

    in reply to: Sabrina's Characters #116794


    I think you’re being a bit harsh on yourself there. The colouring isn’t that bad, the only bit that really needs looking at is the cape, because the line colour needs to be darker (maybe go into custom colours for that bit). I’d also change the left hand, because it’s a right hand on a left arm (not much flexibility with the item choice there I’m afraid). Oh and maybe add a right ear, just peaking out from behind her hair? I can’t really comment on the skin shading on the face, because I suck at shading skin (as this weeks Character Building video proves).

    But apart from that, I really like the background, I mean, I REALLY like the background. I love the fade to black in the top left corner, it looks so natural. Her expression and pose are pretty good as well, kinda sassy. So yeah, it’s not as bad as you think, you just need to make a few minor adjustments.

    in reply to: Word Association Game #116784



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