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  • in reply to: JR’s Characters #119429


    Cheers guys. Oh btw AMS, Yura isn’t actually an angel, that’s just her Guardian Designation. The wings are actually a feather-made cloak, you know because she’s called the Angel.

    Anyway, last one for the moment.

    Name: Silence

    Branch: Death

    Level: 6 (Suspected)

    Strongest Magics: Last Aria, Black Elysium, Kami No Hakai

    Notes: The “Death Mage” Soul Wielder, who one century ago tried to conquer the lands of Valara and Jutura. Defeated and captured by the Soul Wielders of both nations. However, there was a problem. Silence was too powerful to be allowed the opportunity to live, but he had taken measures to prevent his own death. Using an ancient magic, more commonly used to animate inanimate objects, he had bound his life force to a gem (gems being the most magical of all inanimate objects), creating what is known as a Heartcore, and hidden it. So instead Silence was sealed away, with precautions taken to prevent his escape (see further notes). However, Silence was cunning. Through sheer will, he split his magic to create himself an army, The Faceless, and sent them to retrieve his Heartcore, but it was lost in the chaos of his final battle. Now he uses the war between Valara and Jutura (a war which he had his Faceless instigate) as cover for his search, whilst he has also turned his eyes upon the Valaran Soul Wielder Corps search for the ancient magic; The Truth, a spell that would lead him directly to his lost soul, and free him from his imprisonment. He strategically placed an agent within Gade Heinriechs Truth Corps, and now all he must do is wait.

    Further Notes: Silence was named because his magic left only silence behind. However, as magic cannot be cast without the incantation, his captors decided to remove his mouth and vocal cords, as a way of preventing him from ever casting a spell again.

    Further Notes 2: The creation of a Heartcore is the most draining magic that can be performed and the caster must keep the gem close to retain their physical strength. The gem would not be in any danger if the caster was injured, as magically enchanted gems are incredibly hard to damage, even by the toughest of magics, but the toll on the caster is harsh. The scar in the centre of Silence’s chest comes from where he once wore his Heartcore. When the caster and core are separated for an extended period of time, the caster will wither, but not die. They will be kept alive without the need to eat, drink or even breath, as they cannot die whilst the Heartcore is intact.


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    in reply to: Skoul's Mind #119428


    I have to agree with Linea here. The pose is great, but that head is completely wrong. Try using one of the normal heads, but use it in a different way, rotate it so the chin matches up to where it would naturally be and the mask it to an insignia so you can’t see any overlap that may go above the to of the hair. The add either the female spandex neck or another insignia (depending on preference on how it looks) for the neck. If you sort the head out you’ve got your self a real good one there.

    in reply to: Arioch's stuff #119389


    Welcome to the forums Arioch, good to see you around these parts.

    As for the upload problems, we aren’t exactly sure what it is. My advise is, find another site to upload the pictures on and then insert them into a post using the Insert/ edit image tool in the top bar of the reply box. That always works.

    in reply to: DiCicatriz- Mi propia realidad #119343


    Dude, Foundry looks HOT (pun intended), thing is, given her powers, did she coat all her clothes in asbestos or something because surely releasing stored thermal energy would burn them right off her?

    Oh and digging Howl’s new look too. He looks like someone you don’t want to mess with.

    in reply to: Word Association Game #119342


    Life (?)

    in reply to: JR’s Characters #119315


    Cheers Viper, one tries.

    Valaran Army Enemy Data Files

    Assignation: The Faceless

    Affiliation: (Unknown)

    Base Location: (Unknown)

    Known Operational Locations: Valara, Jutura, Kahlor

    Notes: An unknown factor in the war, The Faceless appear arbitrarily, attacking all without prejudice or pity. Not affiliated with either side in the war, their encounters are rare and seem to only happen around areas of ancient magical importance, in both Valaran and Juturan territory, with further reports of attacks taking place in the neighbouring, neutral country of Kahlor. Despite seemingly possessing no Soul Wielding abilities of their own, the Faceless have an incredible resistance to magic, as well as regenerative powers that make them an almost impossible opponent to take on and it is advised that soldiers and wielders take on Faceless in groups (if below Level 4 for wielders).

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    in reply to: Blazing Blue Universe #119314


    Good to see this place is back up and running again. We’d been wondering where you’d got to BB.

    One thing I have to say is, the item combination on the 2nd Friction makes her waist seem very pinched. The shoulders look too wide and the belt makes her hips squared off against the abdomen.

    But I have to say, Freezer Burn has an awesome colour scheme. It’s very hard to make a cold and a warm colour work on the same costume, but you’ve done it.

    in reply to: JR’s Characters #119180


    Valaran Soul Wielder Corps: Guardian Core

    Name: Zeke Othion

    Assignation: The Shade

    Soul Branch: Darkness

    Strongest Magics: Nox Pavor, Huponn, Jubar

    Notes: A child of the Night Lands, Zeke Othion bleeds Darkness magic from his very being. His entire body is shrouded in thick shadow that not even the brightest light can penetrate, though it is said that light can shine from within his shadows (as the flame of his omnipresent cigarette would suggest). He rarely speaks, and is not often seen around his fellow Guardians, when he is seen at all that is.

    World Building Note: The Night Lands are a disputed area on the border between Valara and Jutura where a great battle happened at the start of the war. The battle was between two powerful Darkness Wielders, the magic they used leaked into the land, leaving it shrouded in eternal night, where no light can shine. Those born into this world have a natural and powerful affinity with the magic of the shadows, many joining the Soul Wielder corps of which ever army they saw fit.


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    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #119176


    I concur with Wolf Master. But both versions are pretty good. (Understatement)

    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #119152


    Wow, I really like ariadne. I think you should enter it because even though it (probably) won’t win, making it into the poll is an achievement in itself, but that’s up to you.

    ^ This

    in reply to: Word Association Game #119146



    in reply to: Viper’s Multiverse #119129


    Dude, that;s INSANE. That reminds me of the sort of stuff Scatman used to come up with (big, big freaking complement there btw). I love the colour scheme, the shading (especially on the torso, thighs and feet) and the mask is brilliant. I can see what you mean when you say the shoulder is messed up, but it actually took me a while to notice it, and only then because you said so. One thing I would say is, where are the (I think they’re tail items) coming from, because if they’re hair, they need to be slightly higher up, because otherwise they look like they’re coming out of his shoulder.

    in reply to: asubtledagger's characters #119125


    Ok, two things leap out at me straight away. Firstly, shorten the cape, it’s way to long. Secondly, his right foot is all types of twisted, try using the foot that points down, that you’d otherwise use for floating characters. Other than that, well I don’t like the colour scheme (I hate that green), but it’s your character so you do you. I’m not really sure about the main body’s colour, is it meant to be either white or green? If it’s meant to be white then the green shouldn’t be there (or if you’re trying to go for a white with a green tint then the alpha setting on the green should be turned down to under 50% maybe less). If it’s meant to be green, maybe go into the custom colours tab and see if you can find a green in there that will work with that other green as a secondary colour.

    But as for the shading/ highlighting, looks good. I like the right arm a lot, that really looks good. What I’d do to improve is go and add a bit of shade under the upper part of the left arm around the armpit down to the elbow, a little on the inner thigh (a bit more on the left than the right and make it slightly further back on the left, so it looks like the right leg is casting a shadow). And lastly, it might be an idea (though you might not want to do this) to add some sort of yellow reflection from the energy aura around the areas it covers, so arms and upper legs. You don’t have to do a huge amount, but it just shows the fact that they are giving off something and aren’t just in a vacuum, completely disconnected from the rest of the picture.

    in reply to: Nug’s Creations #119120


    Awesome costuming dude. For once, I actually can’t tell what items were used for the patterning. I’d guess something from Tops- Male Tech, but I have no idea which one (for the gold patterning that is).

    in reply to: JR’s Characters #119103


    Thanks Wolf


    Valaran Soul Wielder Corps: Guardian Core

    Name: Ruma Malaka

    Assignation: The Kraken

    Soul Branch: Water

    Strongest Magics: Charybdis’ Embrace, Ark Wave Deluge

    Notes: A notable pirate and one of the few unaffiliated Soul Wielders, Ruma Malaka led many pillaging raids against both Valaran and Juturan targets in the first decades of the war. He was later captured by the Valaran Soul Wielder Corps, who, recognising his abilities with the Water Branch, offered him an ultimatum, work for them or face execution for piracy. It is well know that Ruma and Kaibai, of all the Guardian Core, share a true hatred of each other. The two are very evenly matched, even though one would assume water’s superiority over fire.

    Character Building Notes: Ruma was given a position on the Guardian Core after the position was turned down by Gade Heinriechs. Ruma also carries on his piratical escapades alongside his duties in the Guardian Core, although he now only attacks Juturan targets. He doesn’t seem to mind working for the Valarans, they let him keep any non-militaryly important plunder he captures during his raids.

    JR’s An Idiot Note: Yura and Ruma’s names were originally meant to be the other way round, but when I was shading Yura (at that point named Ruma), I saved over Ruma (at that point named Yura), and didn’t notice, then deleted the older Yura file, completely losing the original Yura (Ruma) file, and I only noticed today when I went to shade Ruma (if that makes sense). *Fail*

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