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  • in reply to: Upload Error? #119658


    It’s a random upload error. We aren’t sure why it’s happening. In the meantime what I’d suggest is uploading it to a different image hosting site (such as photobucket or deviantart) and posting the pics from there by opening the image in a new tab and then pasting the link into the Insert/ edit image box in the top bar of the reply box. That always works.

    in reply to: Ruffblade027 #119657


    Welcome to the forums Ruffblade.

    Obviously there’s been an upload problem with your pic. What I’d suggest is uploading it to a different image hosting site (such as photobucket or deviantart) and posting the pics from there by opening the image in a new tab and then pasting the link into the Insert/ edit image box in the top bar of the reply box. That always works.

    Other than that, please make sure you read the forum rules, if you haven’t already, and if you have any questions, feel free to ask.

    in reply to: Hex’s Randomness #119656


    Dude, if you don’t mind, I have a few suggestions for your newest pic, because I reckon if you made a few changes, you have something really special there.

    Firstly, the background needs spicing up a bit, just flat grey is too dull. Try messing with some gradients and different shades of grey, maybe add some other mid-range dark colours as well. Also, add more clouds and make them darker and more ominous. That’s if you are going for a moody, rainy look (in which case add a rain effect as well), otherwise maybe look at some “burning” colours or “melancholy” colours, which would both give a different and more interesting mood.

    Secondly, maybe add a bit more hair down at the bottom of where the hair ends. At the moment it ends a bit awkwardly, cresenting inwards, where as most peoples hair would end either straight or to a rough point. It’s not a major thing, but you might want to consider it.

    Thirdly, change the colour of the part where the wings used to be. Yeah, I get you’ve done the blood (which looks great btw), but the part where the wings used to be would look red and raw after they had been ripped off.

    Finally, if you want to, shading, but I think that would be a big job, so it would be if you want to. But some shading would really bring this pic out of its self. At the moment the whole thing is very flat, so unflatten it.

    Apart from those few things, I love this. The pose, the hands grasped around the body, the head tilted down, it just shows so much emotion, despite the fact we can’t see the characters face. I’ve mentioned how I love the blood effect you’ve got, it looks very realistic. I also love how you’ve left a few feathers there, where the wings used to be, it really sells the fact that they’ve been removed, and forcefully at that. And then we come to the wings. You did a really good job with the effects on these, the burn marks especially are excellent.

    If you were to go back and have a look at the things I said above, you’d have a really fantastic piece on your hands here and I hope you do. You’ve shown you can produce some special stuff, just go that extra mile on this and make something spectacular.

    in reply to: Form Hands to Grip Things #119649


    Ok, what you do is, when you have an item selected, there are four tabs along the top of the item select box; Item, Colour, Transform and Pattern. Go to the transform tab and right under the drop down menu where you select item categories (Backgrounds to Tops) there is a button with a mask on it underneath a title that says masking. Click that and the mouse will turn into a mask. Click that hand you want the item to be held by and, provided they are both lined up (which if you don’t change the positioning of the item and are masking to the right hand they will be), the hand will grip the item.

    in reply to: Candruth’s Characters :3 #119603


    0.o I think I just peed a little. *bows down to your greatness.* You inspire me Candruth… you really do!

    I’m glad! I look forward to seeing what becomes of it. :D

    Well, by the looks of things, what became of it was a puddle of pee. 😉

    in reply to: JR’s Characters #119585


    @Nug- Here y’go, one X-Ray-Ted version.

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    in reply to: Linea24’s Astra Universe #119583


    @RobM: Last time I checked, there were still a lot of ‘machiners who are a whole lot better than me.  

    Lets see. Hmmm *wracks brain*…. maybe…. him possibly…. dunno. I can think of two maybe three off the top of my head, so if that quantifies as a lot then I shall never math again. But if we’re counting currently active members of the community who are producing regular artworks, then sorry, you are completely incorrect with your above statement.

    in reply to: Stulte’s stuff #119580


    You have a suspicious look in your eye. What are you plotting? I’m keeping my eye on you.:stinkeye:

    But being serious, nice work dude. Love the colours and the spirits are excellent as always. Good to see you’re still around, I was wondering where you’d got to.

    in reply to: Candruth’s Characters :3 #119540


    Thanks! Felt inspired, did a thing. The Veteran Captain:  

    You missed a step. It should go “Felt inspired, did a thing, was awesome.”

    in reply to: JR’s Characters #119539



    in reply to: JR’s Characters #119521


    @Skoul- Cheers man. The jacket is actually based on one a friend owns and I tried my best to recreate it, but items. I was trying out a slightly less standard body style as well, plus the off centre pose, which might not have helped the case I guess.

    @Nug- Well, if you mean, completely devoid of any colour, items, facial features or hair, as just a basic posed body then yeah. But I get the feeling you’re trying to get put into Time Out again, aren’t you… 😉 If I could figure out how to censor by x-ray (like your pic from a few months ago) on that pose (the spine may cause a few alignment issues) then I’d post a naked picture of her for you 😉

    in reply to: a bit of lime #119478


    That’s impressive. Very impressive. Especially the background.

    in reply to: JR’s Characters #119459


    Ok, non-Heartcore random stuff Go!

    No real reason for this. I just felt like creating a cute girl.


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    in reply to: New FANTASTIC FOUR trailer hits….! #119448


    No idea what I think. If it didn’t say it was the trailer for the Fantastic Four, I wouldn’t have known. It doesn’t look like a superhero movie, just a plain action flick. Gonna have to wait to see what else they can give us.

    in reply to: Word Association Game #119439



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