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  • in reply to: Wyldwarrior's stuff #122729


    Welcome to the forums. Nice start.

    Please make sure to read the forum rules if you haven’t already, and if you have any questions feel free to ask.

    in reply to: JR’s Characters #122685


    @Jeimuzu- Y’know, I was thinking that too… (………..), (……………………), (………………………..)

    *very dramatic pause*

    Lull? You want me to start it or you gonna take a crack at it? ’cause I’m down for it if you are.

    in reply to: Skoul's Mind #122682


    Looks like the kid of Jei’s last bot.

    Good perspective, thought the forward foot could do with twisting to face the viewer a bit more.

    in reply to: JR’s Characters #122677


    @Myro- I completely agree. It’s not a bad episode by any stretch of the imagination. The idea is good, the idea is sound and there are some very good bits in there, but I don’t think they really built on it enough. The song was creepy but nothing special (even though it had a few priceless lines- “You can’t have nightmares when no-one dreams” that s*** is scary) and could have been replaced by 4 lines of exposition and the episode would have been better for it (because then you’d have an extra two/ two and a half minutes to expand on the plot). The first episode came across as a lecture on the evils of socialism written by someone with only a 5 years olds understanding of the concept, but they fixed that with the frankly brilliant brainwashing scenes (full marks for the announcement system sound clips there). But the whole pay off was contrived and horribly convenient. There just happened to be a bucket of water right where she was walking, really? I am calling the faeces of Iron Will on that one, it made me groan so bad. The last scenes after Starlight is exposed are pretty good, the new ponies are cool (we have a new Cheese Sandwich in Party favour it seems, and I love Sugar Belle) and Starlights ranting was classic (plus it gave us some excellent animation moments), but it felt a bit flat as well. Starlight needs to return in the future (she probably will considering) because she wasn’t fleshed out at all. With all the other villains, their motivation was explained early on (Nightmare Moon wanted revenge, Discord is an agent of Chaos, Sombra wanted power and crystals), but they gave Starlight nothing. Probably to make her more mysterious, but whilst it kinda worked, I couldn’t get into her in the same way as I could with any of the others (not even the pony antagonists like Trixie or Flim and Flam). Also, this episode didn’t give us anything in terms of world building, which all the other openers have. Yes we got to see a map of Equestria and some new areas, but the other openers gave us history, background and backstory. There’s so much about the world of MLP they haven’t explained yet and they so rarely give us anything outside of the season openers (and last seasons finale). So yeah, middling episode, probably not helped by the fact that we had to wait a year for it and the season finale last time out was so god damn epic that it was going to be very tough to follow.

    Oh but one thing I loved about this episode and will probably be my favourite thing through out this entire season is the fact that their arses now glow whenever they’ve got a mission. It’s classic. It’s like the bat signal but instead it’s the butt signal… I’m going to have so much fun with this.

    Oh, and if anyone else wants to chime in on the conversation, feel free. I’m declaring my thread a brony sanctuary, so feel free to discuss your thoughts on the latest episode here. It’ll probably be happening after every new episode, so might as well start now.

    in reply to: My Collection of Creative Imagination #122635


    Welp… You’d probably have won if you’d got it entered. Now we wait to see if anyone can better this for the week.

    in reply to: JR’s Characters #122634


    @Myro- Jus’ doin’ mah job. What did you think of the season opener btw?

    in reply to: headlessgeneral’s army #122604


    Yeah, you have three hidden replies on the thread from yesterday, which I assume is what you were trying to submit. I’ve put the first one back in the thread proper for you. For some reason it got marked as spam, not sure why.

    in reply to: JR’s Characters #122597


    @Lull-carae- That’s the idea. Thanks

    in reply to: JR’s Characters #122591


    @CantDraw- ???

    in reply to: LiveWyre’s Freelance Comics #122590


    That is much better on the colour front. Not only does the colour look warmer, but making it darker makes it more sinister as well.

    in reply to: JR’s Characters #122562


    Oh dear, I appeared to have ponied… 😉

    This was an interesting one to do. Everything is Heromachine, but it’s nothing like anything I’ve ever done with the ‘machine before. Of course, anyone who saw COTW on Friday will know what inspired this. I mean, after Lull-carae showed that it was possible to create a pony on HM I had to give it a shot. I stuck more to the show style than Lull’s more stylised approach, but that’s just how I figured out how to do it. So yeah.
    Anyway, meet Bright Idea. She’s a unicorn pony from the Unicorn Kingdom, who has moved to Canterlot. Her talent is coming up with stories and tales and she tries to make a living as a writer. The only problem is that she comes up with so many she can never settle on one idea to work with, which is never a good thing for a writer. So she tries to make ends meet by doing odd jobs where-ever she can find them. Personality wise, she’s very perceptive, preferring to watch and listen rather than take a lead. But get her started on a subject and she won’t shut up. Oh, and she loves cracking puns. Bad puns.

    You must be logged in to view attached files.
    in reply to: CantDraw Gallery of Bad Art #122527


    Good thing she’s invulnerable. That costume would offer as much protection as a wet tissue.

    Love the sense of motion in the pose and hair. And of course, the shading is, well, it’s your usual standard, so no complaints there at all, especially around the chest area for some reason. *quizzical look*

    in reply to: Candruth’s Characters :3 #122526


    Just a quickie 

    Oh, you mean you only spent 3 hours shading then… 😉

    You are too good at this if your quick pieces are of that calibre.

    in reply to: Mavs Armory #122523


    Impressive perspective. I like how you’ve changed from doing side-on boats to a front facing pic.

    in reply to: Fantasy Armors and Weapons (Male and Female) #122504


    This is good news. I look forward to being amazed.

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