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  • in reply to: Son4’s ” ACES “ #16172


    Love the jacket.

    in reply to: Alexanders New Generation #16171


    @Scatman said:

    @Alexander of Limbo said:

    wicked, cheers man i like your stuff too, especially the new stuff, and ZARON. http://www.heromachine.com/wp-content/legacy/forum-smileys/sf-smile.gif

    thanx!I love bein’ part of this group man so many great artists like JR19759,you,headlessgeneral,ams,djuby not to mention much more just great machinists allround!

    I like the fact you put my name first there Scatman.

    I love the mask on Momentum Alex, the three purple bits at the top of the mask look almost 3D


    Here’s mine


    in reply to: JR’s Characters #16139



    “On the planet Magnus Superior there is a great portal, known as the Eternal Gate. Where it leads, no-one knows. Some say it is the entrance to another plain of existence, where the Ancient Ones, the Elder, live, the home of the great Light. Others say it is a tunnel to a parallel world. All we do know is that it is guarded by an immortal race of warriors known as the Guardians. They do not sleep, they do not eat and they can not be hurt. They will only let you pass if you can defeat their leader and since the dawn of creation only one has ever bested him and he never returned from the portal.”

    in reply to: JR’s Characters #16136


    Anyway, back to new villains.


    “Difference is inefficient and only leads to conflict. There is no purpose to difference, Solarian. The universe would be better served if life was terminated and remodelled in a new image. My image.”

    in reply to: JR’s Characters #16135


    Thanks Scatman. Eye was inspired by you for that one, eye think you’ll know which one (eye think eye should stop talking like this)

    Son4, it’s hard to answer that question because it’s different for every one. Good tips are, concentrate on what sort of hero you are creating, a night-time hero like Batman, Punisher or Daredevil will have generally dark colours (blacks, greys, dark reds/blues) for example. I usually keep to a small range of colours for costumes, 4 being the maximum, otherwise the costume ends up being to overworked and you have one of Kitty Pryde’s 80’s costumes and no-one wants that. When making teams try to make them look like they belong together, unless you are going for the Justice League/ Avengers deal. Try to give a repeating colour scheme, you don’t have to use the colours in the same way like the Fantastic Four do, but shared costumes are the easiest way of saying ‘this is a team’. So far your guys are all looking pretty good on the colour scheme front. Just give thought to how you are going to design your main bad guy now, you’ve used a lot of black and red so far, so find the opposite to use for your villain. Villains should always be the opposite of the heroes when it comes to costume, Superman and Spider-Man both wear Red and Blue so Lex Luthor and Green Goblin dress in green and purple. Batman wears dark, muted colours, so Joker wears loud, vibrant colours.
    Hope this helps.

    in reply to: Son4’s ” ACES “ #16134


    I’m loving the pyrokinetic with the flaming bird coming from the spray can. I don’t think i’ve seen that effect done like that before. Your creations do seem a bit on the thin side though, but it certainly helps distinguish your style.

    in reply to: Word Association Game #16133



    in reply to: JR’s Characters #16120


    Thanks AP. I will put up parts two and three up if people wish (in the story writers corner). There was meant to be a part four, but I never got round to finishing it, but part 1 is the only one that works as a stand alone story.

    Anyway, new business, new Solarian villains.
    The Eyes Of Azgul


    “The word of Azgul is law and law breakers will be terminated.”

    in reply to: Word Association Game #16114



    in reply to: JR’s Characters #16086


    Finishing off the Renegade Chronicles with a group shot


    Chapter 10

    The generator room was dark, just what I needed for my plan. I hid behind one of the gas tanks, making sure I had a clear view of the door. I didn’t have to wait long before Zane turned up. He and his stupid hair came through the door almost silently, like a bat. He had his gun drawn and raised, ready to shoot.
    “Where are you, Renegade?” He hissed. His words echoed round the room, bouncing off the walls and tankers.
    “I’m here somewhere Zane. You’ll just have to come and get me.” I taunted. I slid across behind the neighboring tanker. Zane started looking around the tankers. Every so often he would stop and sniff the air. It was as if he was trying to smell me out. I grabbed a loose bolt from my tanker and threw it across the room. As it landed, Zane wiped round and blasted it before it had bounced. He didn’t even wait to see what it was before turning back to his search. I edged round until I had a better view of what he was doing. He was gliding between the generators on the other side of the room.
    I checked the time on my transmitter. The 10 minutes were nearly up. I highly doubted Sparrow would go through with the plan, so I found one of the bombs that they had already planted. The remote detonator was still active, which was helpful. I set it for 2 minutes. If Sparrow didn’t press the button, the place would still go up anyway.
    Whilst I was preoccupied by the detonator, I didn’t notice the shadow descending over me. I felt a sharp blow to the back of my head and I feel forward. I rolled over to see Zane standing over me with his gun pointed in my face.
    “Renegade scum!” He spat on the floor next to me and grabbed me by the collar, hoisting me into the air. His strength was impressive, seeing as he wasn’t built much different to me and I’m not exactly Mr. Muscleman in any respect. “What were you expecting to accomplish by this?”
    He holstered his gun and ripped the detonator from the bomb, raising it to my face as if to show me how foolish I had been.
    “Well, I was hoping that you would show me how to do the splits with explosive assistance,” I said as nonchalantly as I could. “But I guess you’re busy at the moment. Shall I come back later?”
    Zane dropped me, as if in disgust. As I tried to get up he booted me, so I sprawled head over heels back onto the floor. I couldn’t help wondering what Sparrow was doing. He was cutting it very fine if he was going to do it and if he wasn’t, Venus and I would both die for no reason.
    Zane knelt down beside me. He looked quizzical, as if something was puzzling him and had been for some time.
    “Why do you fight?” He asked me. I was taken completely off guard; it wasn’t exactly the question I was expecting.
    “It’s the system” I replied. “The system is the problem.”
    “The system is perfect,” Zane retorted haughtily, getting to his feet and drawing his gun.
    “The system is wrong,” I countered.
    Just then, a sweet sound reached my ears. The beep of a detonator count-down. I acted fast. I jumped up and grabbed Zane in a bear hug. I felt the blaster round hit me in the chest, but I didn’t care. I just held on for dear life. I just needed a few seconds, just a few seconds before the blackness could take me in its arms. Then, it happened. I saw them all. Venus, Doc Dread, Crash, the lot. All my friends standing before me, smiling. And I saw Zane’s face, terrified as the blinding light grew around us, enveloping us in its warm embrace. I wasn’t afraid. I had never felt so calm. And as the light clouded my vision, I did something I hadn’t done in years. I laughed.


    The sun was rising over Jago. It brought sharp relief over the last night’s events. The EYE center lay in rubble on the spot where it had once stood, imposing, over the city. There were no signs of life. None except the three Renegades, standing, motionless amongst the ruins. Scout Sparrow, Night Streamer and Ruby-Star. They stood among the shell of the building which had, in some aspect or another, claimed so many of their friends. They were so wrapped up in memories, the failed to notice the lone figure walking towards them through the destruction.
    “Well done” Arcade Angel’s words cut through the silence like a knife. “You have done well.”
    None of them looked up at her. She came closer, but still the three Renegades did not move.
    “We need to go,” She said in a quiet, calm voice. “Faceless will be all over this place in an hour.”
    Sparrow looked up, before striding towards his fellow Renegade.
    “You killed them.” His voice shook with barely controlled rage. His hand was wavering very close to his holster. “You sent them on a suicide mission.”
    Arcade Angel did not recoil or step back. Her face was solemn but not uncaring. Her eyes glistened with tears in the morning sunlight.
    “I am sorry,” She said as the first tear crawled down her cheek. “I truly am. If it could have been done any other way, it would have. I know you probably want to get out your blaster right now and shoot me down, but that won’t bring them back.”
    She looked at the somber faces in front of her and felt a wave of pity for those three. Those three who had given so much and lost so much without answers.
    “Come with me,” She said. “We can make sure that none of your friends have died in vein. Come with me and I can explain everything.”
    As she walked away, the others followed.
    The night was over.
    A new day had dawned.

    Any critiques are welcome, especially this time on the story that has accompanied the characters.

    in reply to: Santa Swap #16038


    Ok people, the Santa Swap is now closed. Thanks for everyones participation and creativity with the gifts.

    I’ll leave you with my take on my gift to djuby.


    in reply to: JR’s Characters #16035



    in reply to: JR’s Characters #15989


    Arcade Angel


    Chapter 9

    We screeched to a stop out-side the EYE center just as the sun went down. I could see the faceless scrambling inside through the windows. I grabbed one of the rucksacks loaded with explosives off Sparrow and nodded over in the direction of the door.
    “They know we’re here, so everyone guns ready.” The sound of simultaneous gun drawing greeted my words. “When we get inside Sparrow, Venus and Night-streamer make for the generator room that way we should make the biggest impact. Me and Ruby-Star will go to the monitor room. If you guys fail we should at least be able to make it hard for them to see for a few weeks. If all goes well you guys meet us in the monitor room. Ok.”
    Everyone nodded. We were grim faced as we drew our guns. I could see the faceless tense behind the glass.
    “On three. One- two- three!”
    We ran forward as the gun fire started. I shot on faceless in the head through the glass and got another straight in the chest as I got through the door. I held the door open for the others as Venus covered me. Once we were all in, we didn’t hang around. Sparrow’s team went left whilst me and Ruby-Star went right. The faceless chased us as we made our way to the monitor room. Ruby-Star lit one of the dynamite sticks and threw it. It collapsed one of the walls, blocking off most of the faceless. We took care of those that hadn’t been crushed very quickly. The monitor room was pretty much deserted apart from two security guards. The first one to get up was thrown back onto the monitor he had just been at, thanks to a well placed shot from Ruby-Star. I shot the other before he got up and his body slumped forward. I chucked my bag down on the floor and went over to check the screens. I could see Venus on one of the generator room cameras. It was good to see everything was going ok down there; I had worried that they would have a harder time than this.
    I turned back to Ruby-Star. She had already started laying out the dynamite. I grabbed a few sticks from the bag and placed them at strategic intervals on the monitor desk. Then I saw something on one of the screens. A huge troop of faceless was heading down the corridor towards where the others where. I grabbed the tannoy mic.
    “VENUS, SPARROW, GET OUT OF THERE” I shouted. I saw them look up on the screen. “There’s a load of faceless heading your way, now shift it.”
    I don’t think I’ve ever seen any of them move faster. But it didn’t look good; they had at least 20-30 faceless chasing them and the faceless were catching up. Ruby-Star stopped what she was doing and came over to look. Then something happened that made me feel sick inside. The faceless front runners got within shooting range and opened fire. I saw Venus stumble and fall. Ruby-Star gasped. I felt sick. Four of us in little over two days. Sparrow & Night Streamer turned round and started shooting back at the faceless. Sparrow was quite close to Venus & he ran over to her. I breathed again when she responded to him. However, something didn’t feel right. Sparrow tried to help Venus up, but she kept on falling back down. She’d been paralyzed from the waist down by that shot. She looked defeated and helpless, which made it even worse. Venus never acts defeated, even when the situation looks hopeless, so I was feeling pretty dead inside. Then Venus’ voice came crackling over the transmitter.
    “Sparrow, you need to go. Get Night Streamer out of here. I’ll hold them back whilst you go.”
    I couldn’t see Sparrow’s face on the monitor, but I could tell he didn’t want to go. His voice was broken when he spoke.
    “No….. I’m not gonna leave you……. We can’t let it end like this……. Not after everything that we’ve been through.”
    “It’s going to be ok. I can’t even get up, let alone run. Just promise me you’ll take care of Night Streamer for me.”
    Sparrow nodded. I could hear his tears dripping onto the transmitter.
    “Now go. The others need you.” Venus’ was trying to sound strong, but I could tell she was close to crying as well. Then she addressed me. I guess it was stupid of me to assume she hadn’t wanted us to hear that conversation, but I never had Venus down as one for the dramatic gesture. “Hey, X.”
    I fumbled with my transmitter before raising it to my lips.
    “Venus.” My voice sounded strangled. I hadn’t realized how choked up I was getting.
    “I’m sorry about this, but it’s our best hope. You understand don’t you?” She sounded very relaxed. I could see the faceless closing in on the monitor. Venus couldn’t have more than a few seconds left.
    “Yes, I understand.” I said, trying to sound as strong as I could. “I’m sorry I got you into this situation.”
    “Don’t worry. Now you need to get out of there. Sparrow and Night Streamer should be nearly with you. And anyway, I’ve got a date with some faceless.”
    “Ghost a few for me.”
    There was a distant crunching sound, which I assumed was Sparrow and Night Streamer reaching the rubble pile down the corridor. I nodded to Ruby-Star to go help them. As she left I went back on the transmitter
    “Got to go, Sparrow and Night Streamer are here.”
    “Take care of them X. They need you.”
    I didn’t say anything. I could see the faceless where pretty much on top of Venus now and I could hear the gunfire starting. Then I saw Zane striding down the corridor towards them. The blood in my veins froze as he raised his blaster, took aim and fired. Venus went limp, her blaster falling from her lifeless hand. I let out a howl of anger. I was barely aware that Ruby-Star had returned with Sparrow and Night Streamer. I was concentrating on the screen, willing Zane to drop dead. He didn’t. He just turned around and walked away from Venus’ limp body, leaving the faceless to body bag her.
    I turned round to the others. Night Streamer was lent on Sparrow’s shoulder. Both were crying. Ruby-Star looked shell shocked. I grabbed the detonator out of my bag and thrust it into Sparrow’s hand. He looked at me bewildered.
    “Get out of here.” I said in a steely voice. “When you get to a safe distance, you know what to do.”
    “But, what are you going to be doing?” He asked. I could tell that he was finding it hard to come to terms with what I was planning to do. Night Streamer had raised her head and was looking at me in disbelief. She’d guessed what I was doing as well.
    “I’m not going. Zane is going to pay for all our friends that he has ghosted over the years.”
    None of them looked very willing to walk out of the building without me.
    “Don’t say anything.” I said as Sparrow opened his mouth to speak. “I know what I’m doing and nothing you can say is going to change my mind. Now go.”
    I waited for a few seconds before reaching for my gun. They still stood their ground.
    “I won’t have any problem in stunning all of you and dragging you outside, taking the detonator and doing it myself, from the inside. There is no point fighting it. I will try to get out but if I’m not out in 10 minutes, then do it. Now go, before I make you.”
    I set my blaster. Sparrow still didn’t look happy, but he finally bowed to my wishes. As they left, I went over to the tannoy. All I needed to do was get Zane’s attention and get the faceless out of the generator room. And I knew just how to do both.
    “This is a staff announcement.” I said in a superstore tannoy voice. “Would Zane the agent please report to the generator room for a major dose of ass-kicking. And if any faceless should want to take part, may I advise them to start looking for the detonator; otherwise they are going to go in many different directions, all at the same time. Thank you.”
    Now all I had to do was wait.

    in reply to: Kicktar’s Creations #15984


    @Scatman said:

    I love that glove as well,I might not be able to refrain from stealing that idea if you wouldn’t mind!

    I do believe the text file was put up on the old forums. I have it if you want, so I can PM it to you.

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