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  • in reply to: JR’s Characters #17245


    Thanks guys.

    Now for some stuff inspired by Blue Blazer and Vampyrist. I’ve got sort of got a bit bored with doing loads of shading, taking ages and ages over one character. Instead I’m just concentrating on the design for a while.
    I present to you, therefore, a series of characters, the Agents of W.I.L.D (World International Law Department, my version of S.H.I.E.L.D)


    in reply to: Word Association Game #17241



    in reply to: Word Association Game #17178



    in reply to: Heromachine Trump Cards (Top Trumps) #17151


    Problem is, I don’t have any experience with Polldaddy, I’ve never used it before, so I don’t know how to use it. If anyone who can could help out here, I would very much appreciate it.

    in reply to: Heromachine Trump Cards (Top Trumps) #17128


    What, so you would suggest say, the top 3 get 10 for that category, then the next 3 get 9 and so on. That could work.

    in reply to: Vampyrist’s Corner #17125


    I love the masking on the mask that you’ve masked to the mask Wink
    Great character

    in reply to: JR’s Characters #17081


    Thanks HK.

    Now what would make my greatest heroes all band together like that? Would have to be something big, right?

    Omnion: An alien being with the ability to control the four fundamental elements of reality, time, gravity, space and matter, due to his race’s experimentations. He is now a herald of oncoming disaster, which ever planet he appears on is soon after wiped out, and he is coming to Earth.

    in reply to: JR19759’s Redesign Contest #17075


    Ok Machiners, this thread is now back online and I am asking you for help. The planet is under threat from two warring alien species, the Costrilian and the Surilins. Unfortunately we have been unable to gather much data on what these aliens look like, all we know it that the Costrilian are grey skinned and technologically advanced, led by Cosmos-class commander Ped Luc (gender: Male) and Aurora-class admiral Auran Skal (gender: Female), whilst the Surilins are a more barbaric race of brown/ tan skinned beings who wield energy weapons. They are led by their Emperor, Kra, who is protected by his loyal Royal Guard. I need your help to identify these aliens, bring me images of their leaders and their warriors, so we can adequately prepare our defences. Whom-ever can bring me the best image of our foes will be rewarded with eternal glory in the coming battle. We have one week before their space-craft reach earth. Good luck.
    Transmission ends.

    in reply to: JR’s Characters #17064


    Ok, now to show you what’s behind the black


    Swan-Song, Wyvern, Gabriel, Golden Guardian, The Titan, Warp

    in reply to: JR’s Characters #17042


    Ok people, the Trump Cards thing has been moved over to its own thread. If you have any ideas for it, please put them over there.

    In the mean time, heres something to tide you over.


    in reply to: Heromachine Trump Cards (Top Trumps) #17014


    @Iscarioto said:

    You could perhaps put up a poll for the three points lists, for each poster? I don’t know. It’s a nice idea I think though! So long as people don’t take it the wrong way.

    I don’t know how to use the poll-thing that we use for this site, so I don’t know what the limitations are with that idea, but it’d probably be the only fair way to do it. Mind you, if we did a separate poll for the three categories for each card, it would be something like 90 polls.
    Hammerknight, what do you think? You usually do the HOTM polls.

    in reply to: Heromachine Trump Cards (Top Trumps) #16958


    One more:


    To be honest, I’m not sure about going on with this. I spoke to a very respected forum member whose name is on the list of creators who I was planning to make cards for and they raised a number of the points in the above post. I hurt peoples feelings by giving them lower scores than they think they deserve, so I’m going to put this on pause for the moment, until I know people are ok with it. If other people want to take up the reigns, its fine with me, but I’m going to concentrate on other things for the time being.

    in reply to: Heromachine Trump Cards (Top Trumps) #16951


    Ok, I just want to clear a few things up.
    1: If you are on the list of people to be included in the set it DOES NOT mean you have to make a card, it just means I would like to include you in the set.
    2: This entire project and, in particular the first 3 categories, are just basically a bit of fun and messing about on my part and ARE NOT to be taken seriously as a critique of your work. Everyones work is different so really judging one persons against anthers is stupid really and you can understand the problem I had choosing the categories in the first place. I would have liked it if there was a way of making all of the categories fact based rather than guess work, but, unless some-one comes up with 3 new categories that are based on easily findable facts, I can’t think of anything else. I’m sorry if any of the results are not to your liking, I basically pull them out of my ass anyway.
    3: If you have any complaints, if you want to be taken off the list or whatever, please PM me. I will try to be as accommodating as possible.
    4: PLEASE remember, this is just a stupid little thing I came up with FOR FUN, it is not to be taken seriously.

    Thank you for your time.

    in reply to: Word Association Game #16943


    Heroes (Hammerknight, it is very interesting that the first word that comes into your head when you see the word ‘bouncy’ is cheerleader. Care to explain that one?)

    in reply to: Heromachine Trump Cards (Top Trumps) #16942


    The real points would come from the UGO forum if it was still open, I for one have not have time to post all my characters in this forum yet. I sure there are a lot of other old timers that can say the same.

    I know, it’s really annoying that you can’t even see content anymore, but oh well.

    Next Card now, not sure about the logo, but I was going by his avatar (which I wasn’t going to try to recreate the whole thing because I’m nowhere near as talented as he is.)


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