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  • in reply to: Dionne Jinn Style #17920


    @Dionne Jinn said:

    Maybe because I’m little perfectionist and nothing I do is ever good enough for me. And I know there are things I could and should improve…

    Know the feeling.

    in reply to: Dionne Jinn Style #17918


    Don’t know why you submitted it to the OCD, I can’t see anything that could possibly be improved. Beautiful work, especially the sky and floor.

    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #17880


    Brilliant pose


    I think you should carry on this these contests dblade, it sort of suggests so in the title. We’ve done the villainy, now let’s have a go at the valour.

    in reply to: Weilyn’s Characters #17868


    I want one, and I don’t even really drink coffee.

    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #17867


    Love it, especially the shoulders, where the wing joins the body (I can’t think of what to call it). Awesome


    How about a 17th century plague mask, pleeeeeeeease.

    in reply to: JR’s Characters #17803


    Name: Frank Peters
    Alias: The Evil Intelligence
    Nemeses: Team Supreme
    Powers: Super-Intelligence, Omni-Linguism, Innate Capability
    Profile: The second man to be dubbed The Evil Intelligence, Frank Peters was once a petty crook, until on night he stubbled upon the laboratory of the first Evil Intelligence, Walter Madison. Madison was weakened, worn down by years of fighting against the first Team Supreme, so Peters ransacked the lab, stealing the alien fragment that gave Madison his intelligence, and killing Madison when he tried to resist. The fragment began to have its effect on Peters after a few minutes, mutating him like his predecessor, but in a more severe way. His intelligence now surpasses anyone on this earth, but so does his insanity. He sees time, matter and space in a different way to any other being, his thought processes are on a different level to even the greatest scientists. He creates hugely elaborate plans, with back up plans and back up-back up plans, but his plans are often undone by the fact he overestimates his opponents, expecting them to do what he would.


    in reply to: JR’s Characters #17799


    Name: Doctor Wolfgang Von Litz
    Alias: Doctor Dome
    Nemeses: Team Supreme
    Powers: None, Expert Fighter, Inventor, Disintegrator Gun attached to his right arm.
    Profile: A German scientist who fought the original Team Supreme during the later years of WWII, Litz never truly felt any allegiance to the Nazis, instead viewing them as a source of money to fund his efforts for world domination. His face was horribly scarred in a fight with Flying Ace so he took to wearing a domed helmet to cover his injuries. His drive to destroy the Flying Ace soon extended to the entire team and now the new team. He has already tried to kill Flying Ace’s daughter, Ace, and, after an extended leave of absence, his plans for world domination are now back on track.


    in reply to: JR’s Characters #17797


    Name: Thomas Collins
    Alias: The American
    Affiliations: Team Supreme
    Powers: Super-Strength, Enhanced Senses/ Agility & Reflexes, Unbreakable Skin
    Profile: The son of the original American and the original Miss Liberty, and brother of the new Miss Liberty, Thomas inherited his fathers powers, in a greatly enhanced form. He can lift most objects that aren’t fixed down and is invulnerable to anything smaller than a mortar shell. He is the leader of the new Team Supreme, with some help and benefaction from the original Flying Ace. He is protective of the other members, being the oldest of the new members, he takes the leader roll very seriously and doesn’t like going charging into situations without known what they are facing.


    in reply to: JR’s Characters #17793


    Name: Isabelle (Bella) Collins
    Alias: Miss Liberty
    Affiliations: Team Supreme
    Powers: Flight, Super-Strength
    Profile: The daughter of the original Miss Liberty and the original American, and sister of the new American, Bella inherited her mothers magic cloak, allowing her to fly, as well as some of her fathers strength. Although she is not as strong as either her father or her brother, she is capable of lifting a tank and is not a push over in combat, having been trained in hand-to-hand combat by her father. When not in costume, she loves studying machinery and computers, being quite technically minded, something which has helped the team. She learnt a lot from dismantling and rebuilding some of The Evil Intelligence’s robots minions that the original Team Supreme destroyed, and she is always adding to her collection.


    in reply to: PLANET AMS #17791


    @Hammerknight said:

    Kick Butt and Take Names Character Combos

    1tsp. James Bond
    1/2cup Power Ranges
    dash of Clone/Storm Trooper
    3Tbsp Indiana Jones
    1/4cup Highlander
    1 8oz can of Ironman (whole not crushed)
    1 fresh SHIELD leaf
    2 Tbsp Justice League
    2 Tbsp Avengers ( for a spicier flavor sud. X-Man)
    1tsp G-Force (old School, not the furry ones)
    Add a 24oz bag of Kick Butt (the Commando, Rambo, Terminator, Die Hard mix)

    Put in a large mixing bowl and whip at your own risk. Divide into teams of 6, 8, or 12 depending on the size of the party you will be defeating. Bake for 12 hour on 650, remembering to make sure it is fully bake, you don’t want a half baked characters.

    Sorry ams, it is one of those mornings.lol

    You forgot something there. Make sure the chef is Canadian, for best results.

    in reply to: Word Association Game #17790


    Love (because people need cheering up after Vampyrists cheerful little piece of prose)

    in reply to: JR’s Characters #17754


    Name: Alice Walters
    Alias: Ace
    Affiliations: Team Supreme
    Powers: Immortality, Super-Healing, Super-Strength
    Profile: The daughter of Flying Ace, the immortal British Pilot and member of the original Team Supreme, when she was born it was believed she hadn’t inherited her fathers powers, as he had gained his powers due to enemy experimentation instead of genetic factors. However, she discovered that she had when she became the victim of one of her fathers greatest enemies, Doctor Dome, who tried to kill her as revenge against her father. She survived and joined the new version of Team Supreme. The relationship between her and her father is frosty at best, she blames him for her powers and the fact that she never really had a family or a childhood and now she feels that her father is trying to control her life through the team. She is much more violent than her father, preferring to hurt Supervillains before they hurt others, she also carries knives, which her father strongly opposes. Like the rest of the team, she has taken on the identity of one of the original members as a mark of respect, but she says that she only respects the other original members and refuses to take on her fathers full alias, preferring to use the shorter ‘Ace’.


    in reply to: JR’s Characters #17752


    @headlessgeneral said:

    Love what you did to these guys! Especially Gold Cross. He was the one I did that I was least happy with and you made him look completely Bad-ass. Great work!

    I loved what you did with all of them, the costume on Gold Cross was so cool. I just wish I’d figured out how you did the mask. I’m glad you like the new versions.

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