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  • in reply to: Word Association Game #18353



    in reply to: DJuby Gallery – Volume 2 #18350



    in reply to: Word Association Game #18347



    in reply to: Geek Quiz #18917


    And now: Geek Quiz 2: The Geek Quiz Strikes Back

    1. What is Supermans’ birth name?
    2. How old (to the nearest 100 years) is Yoda when he dies in ‘Return Of The Jedi”?
    3. From which TV show do these catchphrases originate?
    a. Live long and prosper (1/4 point) b. Exterminate (1/4 point) c. Don’t Panic (1/4 point) d. Don’t make me angry/ You wouldn’t like me when I’m angry. (1/4 point)
    4. Which comic featured Stan Lees’ first published story when he first joined Timely (now Marvel) comics?
    5. What illness does Discworld writer Terry Pratchett suffer from?
    6. What year did the Cybermen first appear in Doctor Who?
    7. Name the 5 original members of the Justice League
    8. What is Captain Kirk’s middle name?
    9. What is the name of the group of protagonists in the Dragonlance Chronicles trilogy?
    10. How did Ford Prefect, from A Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy, get his name?
    11. Who was the Supreme Chancellor before Palpatine in The Phantom Menace?
    12. Name the ruling political party in V For Vendetta
    13. How many Star Trek movies have there been? (Not including the not yet released Star Trek Into Darkness)
    14. What race is Gollum/ Smeagol?
    15. What is the name of the war during which the Wheel Of Time prequel novel New Spring is set?
    16. What was Luke Skywalkers original name in the original draft for Star wars?
    17. What is the species name of the Silurians from Doctor Who?
    18. Name 9 out of the 13 villains who have appeared in a Batman live action film from the 1960’s to 2012 (+ a bonus point for anyone who can name all 13).
    19. In which Discworld novel does Death give up his job to become a farm hand?
    20. Who was the last king of Gondor, before Aragorn took the throne in the Return of the King?


    1. Kal-El
    2. 900
    3. a. Star Trek, b. Doctor Who, c. A Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy, d. The Hulk
    4. Captain America
    5. Alzheimer’s
    6. 1966
    7. Flash, Green Lantern, Wonder Woman, Martian Manhunter, Aquaman
    8. Tiberius
    9. Heroes of the Lance
    10. He got it from a car (that nearly ran him over according to the film)
    11. Finis Valorum (Chancellor Valorum)
    12. Norsefire
    13. 11
    14. Stoor/ River-Folk
    15. The Aiel War
    16. Annikkin Starkiller
    17. Homo Reptilia
    18. Any of- Joker, Penguin, Riddler, Catwoman, Two-Face, Mr. Freeze, Poison Ivy, Bane, Scarecrow, Ra’s Al Ghul, Carmine Falcone, Sal Maroni, Talia Al Ghul
    19. Reaper Man
    20. Earnur

    in reply to: Geek Quiz #18914


    Ok. I think I’ll call an end to the first Geek Quiz. Here’s the final leader board.

    1. Trekkie- 11
    2. Vampyrist- 8
    3. Myro- 7
    4. Kaldath- 5
    5. The Atomic Punk- 3
    5. Headlessgeneral- 3

    So congratulations to Trekkie who is the first Geek Of The Week.
    The next quiz will be up shortly.

    in reply to: Word Association Game #18913



    in reply to: Gargantua’s ideas #18905


    Nice work so far, brilliant design on the golden armoured guy and I like the pose for the blue fox.

    in reply to: Word Association Game #18903



    in reply to: Word Association Game #18879



    in reply to: JR’s Characters #18871


    Another new one.

    Ariel Blakewood


    19 years ago, a young couple were walking home through the park when they heard a cry from a nearby park bench. As they got closer, they realised that there was a baby, left abandoned wrapped in cloth, on the bench. They took the baby and comforted her, raising her as their child and naming Ariel. Even with her unusual birth mark, an angels wing on her right forearm and her heterochromia, Ariel never thought she was different. However, the day she found out she was adopted that all changed. Ariel was unwillingly thrown into a millennia old war by the arrival of the sword The Angels Wrath. When Ariel touched it, her birth mark began to glow and she became the target of forces beyond her comprehension. She was attacked whilst out shopping by a seemingly normal person, who just seemed to change and lunge at her. Fortunately, Ariel was saved by Raziel (Raz), one of her neighbours. Through Raz, Ariel learned of her true heritage. Both Ariel and Raz are Angelborn, a race of half-angelic humans with extra-ordinary powers, who can be told apart from normal humans through their angel wing birth marks and heterochromia. The Angelborn are engaged in a timeless war against another species, the Demonborn, who, like the Angelborn, can be told apart from normal humans by their birth marks and heterochromia. The Angels Wrath is the key to the Angelborn, as The Devils Pride sword is for the Demonborn, and now that Ariel has possession of the sword, she must learn to control its power, as well as her own, in order to stop the world plunging into chaos.

    in reply to: JR’s Characters #18864


    New stuff now.
    I didn’t do too much to this guy, because I don’t think he really needs it. No bio yet.


    in reply to: Word Association Game #18863



    in reply to: Geek Quiz #18839


    @Kaldath said:

    High Fantasy Novel Questions would be nice

    Two quick example questions off the top of my head:

    In the Dragonlance War of the Lance trilogy what was the Name of Tasslehoff’s Famous Uncle?

    In The Wheel Of Time Series who are “The People Of The Dragon”?

    I’m not familiar with either of those series, but I will do some research and I’ll see what I can come up with. I’m already incorporating questions on one particular fantasy novel that everyone will know.

    in reply to: Geek Quiz #18826


    I’m currently working on the next quiz and I’m expanding the geeky-ness to include a few more subjects, so if there are any topics you’d like to see in the quiz, let us know and I’ll try to incorporate then in to 20 questions (obviously keeping with the core of Marvel, DC, Star Wars and Trek and Doctor Who).
    In the mean time, this quiz is still open for 2 more days, so lets see if you can beat Trekkie’s high score.

    in reply to: Word Association Game #18823



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