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  • in reply to: Geek Quiz #19728


    Current Geek Quiz 3 Leader Board

    1. Myro- 9
    2. Atomic Punk- 8 1/4
    3. Vampyrist- 7
    4. Kaldath- 6
    5. headlessgeneral- 4

    in reply to: JR19759’s Redesign Contest #19726


    Nice. Look forward to seeing your interpretation of The Fox.

    in reply to: Community Effort Idea #19725


    Quick question, do we have to create a new character for this or can we use one of our pre-existing characters?

    in reply to: JR’s Characters #19719


    The Pied Piper


    A virtuoso musician and brilliant inventor, born into a city ruled by a criminal gang known as The Rats. After seeing everyone he loved taken away from him by The Rats, he took inspiration from folklore and became The Pied Piper, fashioning himself a flute that transformed the music he plays into a hypnotic wave that he uses to fight crime, by making the criminals good.

    in reply to: Community Effort Idea #19708


    Yeah, I’ll play along.

    in reply to: Word Association Game #19658


    Get (Starts singing the Beach Boys)

    in reply to: HeroMachine On Youtube #19644


    @Iscarioto said:

    Love your current video, go hard!

    Iscarioto, I hope that’s you giving your permission to Kaldath to put your stuff in the video. You are one of the most inventive ‘machiners currently out there.

    I will take this moment to make a personal plea to dblade and Harlequin, guys you are needed in this video as well. Alongside Iscarioto, no-one else does stuff like you guys and no video showing of the capabilities of HM3 would be complete without your work included. Plea over.

    in reply to: JR’s Characters #19639


    Back on topic



    A mutate with the ability to shift her size. She can become as tall as a skyscraper or smaller than an atom. Her strength increases as she grows or shrinks so she is a very fearsome fighter. However, her abilities have been known to ‘stick’, trapping her at different sizes for up to an hour. She was orphaned as a young child and taken in by her aunt. However, her aunt tried to keep her locked up and even tried to sell her into marriage until her powers started to show. When she first discovered her powers, she shrank down and escaped under the door of her room and she has been running ever since. She was taken in by the Fairy Tale Fighters, who are the first people since her parents died who have been a family to Thumbelina.

    in reply to: JR’s Characters #19637


    @Weilyn said:

    I have to admit, I’ve never seen a single episode of Doctor Who. When my last room mate found out he insisted I turned in my geek card.

    On topic: I really like Jack’s design.

    I agree with him, you must turn in your geek card and go find some Doctor Who to watch.

    in reply to: Word Association Game #19629



    in reply to: TWELVIAN CHRONICLES #19628


    Dragon lady is brilliant, probably your best work. You need to sort the elbow out a bit though, but other than that she’s perfect.
    I agree with Weilyn, your skills have improved hugely in a very short time.

    in reply to: JR’s Characters #19627


    @Myro said:

    I really need to start watching Doctor Who with some regularity.

    Also, I’m really digging the Fairy Tale Fighters.

    Yes you do need to start watching Doctor Who, it is the best TV currently shown on TV. I believe it is on on BBC America, but they’re currently between series. It should be back sometime in the spring.

    Glad you like the FTFs

    in reply to: JR’s Characters #19595


    Thanks guys.
    Trekkie, you beat me to the punch there, that was exactly what I was going to say.

    in reply to: Word Association Game #19594



    in reply to: JR19759’s Redesign Contest #19567


    Ok, I’m gonna try this again. I’m expecting exactly the same response as I got last time (i.e. nothing) but might as well try.
    I conjunction with my current creation series ‘The Fairy Tale Fighters’, I’d like to see what you guys can do. I wasn’t originally do villains but I’ve come up with some basic character outlines for you.

    – The Little Man: A small fat man with white hair and a red coat, who kidnaps children and turns them into farm animals which he then sells on to farmers.
    – Big Bad Wolf: A large grey wolf man who used to be Red Riding Hoods boyfriend. However Red accidentally transformed him into his current form when she was practicing her magic. When she was unable to undo the spell, he became consumed by rage at the realisation he would never have a normal life. He now actively tries to hurt Red, even going so far as to kill her Grandmother.
    – The Giant: A very tall man (about 9 foot), he is brutish and incredibly strong. He used to be a customer of Jack when Jack was a drug dealer, but he took some of Jacks experimental drugs and was driven mad. He now has a extreme version of ‘the munchies’, nothing can state his hunger, not even eating another person, which is what he has planned for Jack if he ever catches him.
    – King Rat: The leader of a gang called The Rats, who rule the Pied Pipers home town, he is a gruff looking man, unshaved and going grey, who wears dark coloured suits and has buck teeth (like a rat) and a ratty face.
    – The Fox: A smart and sly assassin, who has been hired to take down the escaped robot Gingerbread Man. He wears luxury furs and a hat and he carries a cane. His coat also has a fake fox tail which moves behind him as he walks.
    – Mole: A gross, short and practically blind man with over large hands, who wears black velvet and small spectacles. He once kidnapped Thumbelina and tried to force her to marry him. He is obsessed with her and will stop at nothing until she is with him.
    – The Wicked Witch: A highly beautiful, but extremely malicious and arrogant woman, who wears faux- medieval clothing and carries a large staff/ wand. She hates Prince Charming, as he and his wife, The Princess, embody everything she hates, love and happiness, and they have fought many times in the past.

    You can have as many entries as you want, the contest will last for a week (maybe two depending on participation levels) and the winner gets a HOTM nomination.

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