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  • in reply to: Word Association Game #19868



    in reply to: JR’s Characters #19852


    Next up for Pride



    Most LGBT people know that they are different from other people, but for Michael Chase it was more a case of what wasn’t different about him. He knew he was gay from a young age, and whilst his parents were accepting, other kids weren’t. He was bullied constantly, despite being a star athlete at both high school and college. In his early teens he discovered he had the power to affect probability, which, allied with taking up martial arts, meant the bullies soon learnt not to try to beat him up. However, one of his sports team-mates found out about his powers, getting him disbarred from competing. He moved away from home, getting a job as a fitness coach, until he met some of the members of Pride out on a Gay rights march. He joined the team after helping them stop a violent clash when a homophobic counter protest tried to disrupt the march. He has since started seeing his team-mate Shift, apparently unaware of his past.

    in reply to: Community Effort Idea #19845


    @Iscarioto said:

    So, this is what I was doing instead of working on this comic project, but basically this is what I want to achieve. We can put up our designs for characters etc, but when it’s down to the crunch, it would be great for people to produce comic themed pages to continue the story. A lot more work than I first expected though, so there is that. but yeah

    Would it maybe be an idea if we used this thread to make the main story line for the comic on a weekly basis and then at the end of the week a few people create the actual panels from what has been suggested during the week (maybe split it into Week A- story writing, Week B- Comic making if this was the case) so we ended up with either a weekly or bi-weekly comic style thing. Because otherwise having people just make panels randomly could mean we end up with completely unconnected short stories that only seem to begin and don’t conclude. Just an idea.

    in reply to: Iscarioto’s Bits #19842


    How the hell did you do the whale?????????????

    in reply to: Word Association Game #19838



    in reply to: JR’s Characters #19813


    @Weilyn said:

    I really love your work, but some of the pictures that you upload are a bit… blurry. Sorry, I’m not sure of the correct English term, but it’s especially noticeable with your latest group shot. I’m not sure what’s wrong, and maybe it’s just me.

    The only reason I comment on this is that your talent is of such great quality that I think it’s a shame that the pictures themselves don’t do it justice.

    I know, I think I accidentally resized the images after I exported them. The only way I could fix it would be to go back into the program and export them at a higher resolution, then redo the group shot. I don’t really understand why it happens but it does, and it’s a right pain.

    in reply to: JR’s Characters #19807


    @Vampyrist said:

    I like the hair

    I am particularly proud of that I must admit. It’s the first time I’ve done anything like it.

    in reply to: JR’s Characters #19805


    Ok onto something new. I was inspired by Dicicatriz for this one. I loved the idea of his LGBT team, so I’m doing my own.

    First up:


    A tomboy mutate with the ability to alter her biology, generate mind altering pheromones and spit acid, R-Gen is a member of a LGBT team known as Pride. She was kicked out of her devout family after coming out as a lesbian, and she took shelter amongst other street kids until she was taken under the wing of Double Trouble, the leader of Pride. She has sparked up a relationship with her team-mate Nike, but she is wary of her lovers interest in members of the opposite sex, having developed an abandonment complex during her time on the streets. She tries to hide this by being very boisterous and outgoing, but she constantly fears losing her friends.

    in reply to: Community Effort Idea #19802


    I can provide some villains if you would like. I have a few numerous tech villains, Mindmaster or Negadroid may be good for this.

    As for why my character is in Hong Kong, holiday sounds good. I’m going to be using a character that I’ve been hoping to develop a bit further. I also have a feeling that there may be a deficit of female characters included so I’ll go down that route as well.

    in reply to: JR19759’s Redesign Contest #19799


    This contest has only been up 2 and a bit days and I’m already blown away by all of the entries. I have no idea how I’m going to judge this one.

    in reply to: JR’s Characters #19792


    Last one of the Fairy Tale Fighters

    The Princess


    The wife of Prince Charming, she was developed in conjunction with him in a laboratory, as a genetic experiment trying to create the perfect humans. The experiment was a success, but both subjects were released too early after the Wicked Witch attacked the lab. They believe themselves to be fairy tale characters brought to life and now fight crime together, until The Princess was kidnapped by The Wicked Witch, leading Prince Charming to form the Fairy Tale Fighters to help free her.

    in reply to: JR’s Characters #19785


    Prince Charming


    The leader and founder of the Fairy Tale Fighters, Prince Charming was an experiment into human genetics. Alongside his wife, The Princess, he was an attempt to create the perfect human. Both have peak physical conditioning and high durability against injury. They share an almost telepathic bond and are a highly effective crime fighting team. Before the experiment was complete, the laboratory was attacked by The Wicked Witch, a villainess who uses a combination of magic and science and takes her inspiration from fairy tales. Both Prince Charming and The Princess were woken prematurely and latched on to the Wicked Witch’s fairy tale persona, but their natural heroic natures meant that they fought to protect the scientists who were under attack. Believing that they were indeed fairy tale characters brought to life, they left the laboratory and began helping people as superheroes. However, The Princess was later kidnapped, forcing Prince Charming to put together a team of other fairy tale superheroes to aid him in finding and freeing his love.

    in reply to: TWELVIAN CHRONICLES #19765


    Nice shading there.

    in reply to: King Arthur #19764


    Dat Pose………

    in reply to: Word Association Game #19763



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