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  • in reply to: JR’s Characters #37224


    @DiCicatriz said:

    @JR19759 said:
    Thanks guys. I’ve been reading the Silmarillion recently (or trying to, it’s not exactly an easy read is it), so that might explain the high fantasy style.

    Ooh! Stick with it! So many awesome stories in there. The Ainulindalë, the Valaquenta, The Two Trees, Beren and Lúthien, The Nirnaeth Arnoediad, the Akallabêth… *ahem* What I mean to say is that it’s well worth the effort. There’s a lot of characters and places, but it provides SO much depth and context for the LotR. [/TolkienFanboyRant]

    Di, if we ever do have a WiFi battle on X&Y remind me to bring my Malamar, you’ll love the name I’ve given it.

    in reply to: Word Association Game #37220



    in reply to: JR’s Characters #37193


    Thanks guys. I’ve been reading the Silmarillion recently (or trying to, it’s not exactly an easy read is it), so that might explain the high fantasy style.

    Anyway, I seem to be on a roll at the moment, so lets keep going, with a more minor villain, if you could even call him that. More an antagonist really.


    Farin Halborn was born into a family renown in Elven society for their powerful magic, having produced at least 3 Kings and numerous Princes’, Princess’ and Academy Professors throughout their linage. Farin was no different. His talent for magic was noticed early on and he was often given special treatment by those around him, leading to him developing some-what of an over-developed ego. As everyone expected, Farin was selected for Prince-hood by King Kastarobos, however, much to Farin’s disgust and anger, the King favoured others, especially June Spellsong, over him. The King believed that Farin would make a bad ruler, as he was vain and selfish, where-as a real monarch should put their people before themselves. When Farin heard this, he vowed to prove his teacher wrong. He went travelling, in order to attempt to understand the “common” people, despite the war that was raging across EtherWorld. However, he was captured by the Gremlin forces, who recognised his gowns and jewellery as those belonging to a member of the Elven Royal house. In his cowardice, Farin told them everything he knew about the defences of the capital, but that did not save him, for his captor was The Butcher, Baask. Farin did return to Castaryl, his body borne aloft on a pike staff as a banner by the Gremlin forces, as they destroyed the city and slaughtered its inhabitants.

    in reply to: Word Association Game #37191



    in reply to: JR’s Characters #37179


    Thanks guys and @Vamp- I love that broach as well.

    Villains now.


    For as long as there has been recorded history in EtherWorld, the Gremlins have been banished from its boarders. A vile, warlike race, they were forced out into the wilder lands of the east by the Founders in the dark times. Over the many thousands of years, hatred festered in the hearts of the Gremlins, helped on by a black force that also resided in the east, until finally their forces were marshalled under one flag and the war against the light was joined. The Gremlin forces were led by a giant brutal Gremlin called Baask, who became known as Baask the Butcher because of his incredible violence. Baask led the attack on Castaryl that destroyed the great Elven capital and killed King Kastarobos with his bare hands, tearing him limb from limb. He now commands his forces from the desecrated throne room of the Elven king. There are many legends and myths surrounding the Gremlin general, all designed to strike fear into the hearts of those who would oppose him, but he is not invulnerable. During the battle of Castaryl, he was injured by a young Elven guard and his left eye is almost blind, meaning his reactions are dulled and not as fast as they used to be, although he is still a formidable opponent.

    in reply to: DiCicatriz- Mi propia realidad #37178


    Cool (or should that be hot?), love it.

    in reply to: Fedebruno94’s gallery #37165


    I’m sorry Fedebruno, but I’ve had to delete your post because it contravenes the forum rules on copyright. Please make sure you read the forum rules, they are there for a reason. The site has had some attention from the lawyers of at least one major comic book company in the past over breaches in copyright, so we don’t want that sort of thing happening again.

    in reply to: JR’s Characters #37154


    Thanks guys.
    Next up, last of the heroes of EtherWorld, before we go onto our villains. But first a little history lesson.

    The Elven royalty is not a hereditary system, instead their rulers are chosen on the strength of their magic. All of Elven society is based around learning, the Elven children are all enrolled in a basic level of schooling at an early age, where they learn a broad range of subjects and magics, whilst they try to figure out which area they are most talented in. Once this talent is discovered, they then move on to a more specialised Royal Academy that focuses on this type of magic. However, there are often students who have a talent in a wide range of magics. These students are usually enrolled in the Royal Academy of Magic, the most prestigious of Academies, as it is the Academy that provides the royalty with their next generation. The current King or Queen will take on a handful (5 or 6) of the most powerful and promising students from the Academy, as Princes and Princesses and personally tutor them in magic and statesmanship. When the incumbent monarch has completed their teaching, they will select their best student to become their successor and when they die, the throne will pass on to that student, whilst the others will be given Baron-hoods and other royal positions or may take on teaching positions in the Academy.


    June Spellsong was one of King Kastarobos’ most prized students, rumoured to be the eventual successor ever since the King took her on. She had shown incredible magical aptitude from a young age, mastering spells that even many Elves with talents in those areas of magic could not. However, this dream ended when the King and his other students were killed and the city of Castaryl destroyed. June survived because she was in the castle library studying when the attack came, not with the others in the main hall. When she heard the attack, she tried to aid the others but found herself fighting for her life against the Gremlins. Overwhelmed and full of grief that she had failed to protect her friends when she needed them most, she fled. She took on the disguise of a travelling mage to disguise herself, not only from the Gremlins, but from anyone else she came across, not wanting to be recognised out of shame. However, her wanderings led her eastward and into the clutches of a band of Gremlins. Her capture and eventual recognition would have been assured if she hadn’t been saved by a passing band of Earthen fighters led by Rani Warvale. Knowing that she would be safe and that the Earthen’s did not recognise her, she agreed to travel with them for a while. That is, until she was found by the Seraphim Lady Alininal.

    in reply to: Word Association Game #37143


    Rooster (TOOL, you do know you’re only supposed to reply with one word don’t you?)

    in reply to: Word Association Game #37115


    Beer (Ok, soon as we get a barman I’ll buy everyone a drink ;) )

    in reply to: Word Association Game #37112


    Glass (BTW, if this is “The Pub” who’s at the bar? And whose round is it?)

    in reply to: JR’s Characters #37105



    Seraphim society is highly dependant on structure and rigid order. Each city is ruled over by an administrator, usually a Lord or Lady of the Seraphim High Royal Family, said to be descended from the first cloud-walkers at the dawn of history. The overall rule of the Seraphim race is a position held by a Seraphim titled the ArcLord, who rules from the Seraphim capital of Arcumulos. The current ArcLord is a black winged Seraphim called Gade, the fifth of his line to rule and the son of the ArcLord who helped King Kastarobos forge the triple alliance. The Seraphim withdrawal from the alliance against the Gremlin invasion after the fall of Castaryl caused deep and long lasting fissures within Seraphim society its self, its underlying tensions still tangible even a decade later. Many of the High Royals disagreed with the ArcLord’s decision and many believed they should never have joined the alliance to begin with. However, the most outspoken of the High Royals against Gade’s withdrawal was Lady Alininal, administrator of Cloud City, the Seraphim second city. A powerful presence in the royal court, she has made many enemies amongst the elite for her views, including Gade himself. When it was discovered that she had been aiding an elf called Talin Nightcaster in an attempt to find a way to reforge the broken alliance, her enemies found the chance they needed and banished her under the pretence of an attempted act of treason. Now she has travelled to the east, where rumours of a powerful Elven mage have started to grow.

    in reply to: JR’s Characters #37098


    Thanks guys.

    Back to the current series now.


    After the fall of Castaryl, the Gremlins scoured the whole of EtherWorld, pillaging and burning any town they could find, virtually unopposed as the Seraphim withdrew their forces and the alliance of the Elven and Earthen peoples crumbled. One of the earliest was the river port of Mari, home to a population of both Elven and Earthen peoples, just across the mountains from Castaryl. The town was raised to the ground and its people left to burn in their houses. Few survived and those that did fled to the Crag Maze, a network of pathways and passages in the mountains, impassable to all but those who live in its surroundings.
    Many years after the burning of Mari, Talin Nightcaster and Vail Clouddancer became lost in the Crag Maze whilst on their search for the Elven Princess. Had they not been found by Lyra Meadowsong, their eventual demise through starvation would have been an inevitability. Whilst the duo were allowed to stay with the people of the Crag, they were not welcomed warmly. Resentment still lingered within the hearts of the people of Mari towards the Seraphim who abandoned them to their fate and soon a fight broke out between Vail and one of the townsfolk. Though Lyra quickly broke up the fight, it was decided that the Seraphim and the Elf could not stay much longer, especially in light of their urgent quest. After hearing of their mission, Lyra volunteered to join their company, in order to avenge the deaths of those who didn’t escape the flames of Mari.

    in reply to: Suleman's creations #37092


    I can’t see anything that needs changing. He looks pretty cool as he is. Love how you made the body.

    in reply to: Word Association Game #37077



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