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  • in reply to: Word Association Game #37374



    in reply to: Introduce Yourself! #37369


    Welcome Boore.
    There are two ways to post characters here, you can either upload straight from your computer by clicking on the upload attachments button at the bottom of the reply box (the fourth and smallest button). Clicking that will open another box underneath the reply box, you then click the +Add Files button at the bottom of that and search through your computer to find the picture, or drag the picture into the box where it says Drag files here, then click the ->Start Upload button next to +Add Files and once its finished uploading the image should appear as a find path in the reply box and will appear as a full image when you post the reply.
    The other way is if you are uploading your image from another site, such as Deviantart or Photobucket. There you open the image in a new tab from the hosting site and copy the url for that page, then click the img button at the top of the reply box and paste the url in there and it will appear as the image when you post the reply.
    Hope this helps.
    Also, please make sure you read the forum rules if you haven’t done so already and if you have any other questions, feel free to ask. Everyone here is very friendly and willing to help.

    in reply to: Word Association Game #37359



    in reply to: Word Association Game #37324



    in reply to: RobM’s Machine Works #37323



    OH! MY! GOD!

    *Head Explodes*


    in reply to: Moognation’s Creations (Ha!) #37312


    Congrats Man. Laugh
    It’s a mini-Moogette!

    in reply to: Word Association Game #37309



    in reply to: JR’s Characters #37304


    Thanks EE.

    Now, this one is sort of a companion piece to Colours Fade. Not in any technical sense, there weren’t inspired by the same thing or even use the same style, but more in feeling. I suppose there are some similarities, gradient backgrounds, same tear technique, but really the connection is meant to be emotional.


    in reply to: EssayM’s Characters #37302


    The arms and hands are too big compared to the legs, especially the left leg, and the left foot is way too small (plus he seems to have two left feet). Also the head could be a tiny bit bigger. And the left hand just looks weird, the angle doesn’t work with how the hand has been drawn, I’d try a different item for that hand.
    Hope this helps.

    in reply to: JR’s Characters #37288


    Ok, last of the series now. This one you can really tell I’ve been reading Tolkien by the design.


    In the beginning, there was only darkness. But in one moment, something very unusual happened. A light appeared in the black, and that light grew, driving back the darkness, creating life where before there was none and taking the form of land and forming from its soil creatures and plants. It created people, beings of light, near formless, pure spirit, life incarnate. But the darkness fought back. It took the form of a great black figure, Maldarath, and strode across the land of the light in the ancient times of the world, destroying the lights influence, warping and twisting those borne of the light into its own image, creating differences between the children of its adversary, forming divisions between them, taking the most deviant strain under his control and forming the first army of Gremlins. However, the light was more cunning than the darkness thought. It brought forth its final gift, hope, and so the children of the light fought back against Maldarath, forcing his Gremlins into the wilder lands and destroying Maldarath’s body, placing a powerful enchantment around the land that the light could still sustain. Thus was formed EtherWorld.
    However, Maldarath still survived. Weak, barely a shadow, he clung onto life amongst the scattered remnants of his army. For thousands of years he waited, until he was found. A young Elven prince, banished by his own people for dark crimes, stumbled across the resting place of the champion of darkness and Maldarath saw his chance. How easily the Elven prince was suduced and Maldarath found himself a disciple who he could use, magically powerful enough for Maldarath to sustain himself on his mana and start to rebuild his body, and his army, in preparation for his second war. Because now the light had dimmed, the darkness was returning.

    in reply to: Word Association Game #37279



    in reply to: Mechs over here! #37276


    I……..Just WOW! Surprised

    in reply to: JR’s Characters #37244



    Many hundreds of years ago, there was Prince of Elves, a powerful sorcerer, his name lost in the mists of time but known by many as The Valdarian. His story has long since slipped into myth, a cautionary tale told to Elflings to warn them about the dangers of misusing magic. However, it is not a myth, The Valdarian is real, and he has waited for centuries. Banished from Castaryl and EtherWorld proper by an ancient King for practicing the darkest magics known to Elven kind, held within the Black Scrolls in the Elder Vault, a section forbidden to all except by consent from the three Lords of the three races. The Valdarian only escaped a harsher punishment by fleeing his prison, knowing that whilst the King lived, his death was assured by an enchantment should he ever return. So The Valdarian ventured to the East, beyond the very boarders of EtherWorld, into the wilder lands, amongst the Gremlins and the dragons. Whilst he was travelling, he discovered something. His magic awakened a dark and ancient power, a power which latched its self onto The Valdarian and gave him powerful magic that he could not have imagined or discovered, even looking in the Black Scrolls. The power extended The Valdarian’s life and he served it, sustaining it with his blood and gathering together the forces of darkness, for a war against all that is good and pure in EtherWorld.

    in reply to: Word Association Game #37240


    Derpy (Joinin’ ya there buddy http://www.heromachine.com/wp-includes/images/smilies/icon_wink.gif. Oh and before anyone says anything about derogatory names, it’s the name of a character in the show)

    in reply to: Word Association Game #37235



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