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  • in reply to: Word Association Game #37487


    Out (Yeah, thing is TOOL, you follow the word head with those two letters it’s not exactly PG is it? There’s were many other, much safer, options you could have gone for or you could have just not posted it in the first place.)

    in reply to: JR’s Characters #37483


    @BB & AoC- Thanks guys.
    @Legatus- Okaaaaaay, that face is all seven shades of strange.

    I’ll be putting together this years Creators Club poster over the weekend, hopefully I’ll have it done by Monday. Some people aren’t going to be on it because they still haven’t sent me text files so I can’t use the pictures they sent me (one person got incredibly lucky and I’ve just got their text, but everyone else who hasn’t sent me a text file, I have emailed you about it when you first sent me the pics and you haven’t replied so…….)
    Anyway, give an idiot 5 minutes and they start making motivational posters. So that’s what I’ve been doing, no idea why.
    (my default position half the time)
    (so true)

    in reply to: Blazing Blue Universe #37479


    So it’s taken you almost 2 years to cover 4 letters. That means you’ll be done by 2025. Smile

    in reply to: Word Association Game #37456


    Toes (please tell me this isn’t going to go on like this for the next couple of pages?)

    in reply to: Calvary_Red’s Gallery #37446


    Yeah, that looks pretty damn sweet.

    in reply to: Blazing Blue Universe #37449


    Dude, that’s amazing! How did you do that?

    in reply to: JR’s Characters #37434


    @Stulte- Thanks
    @madjack- you expressed yourself perfectly my friend. I couldn’t agree more. I’m glad you found a pulpit on my thread to give us such a sermon.

    in reply to: Hammerknight’s Herald, welcome to my world. #37430


    @Hammerknight said:

    Thanks JR. Just don’t tell my wife. lol

    Dude, I thought your wife was on here anyway, surely she’ll see? Wink

    in reply to: Word Association Game #37418


    Hammer (Just so I beat him to the punch Wink)

    in reply to: Stulte’s stuff #37415


    Nice work. That leaf is pretty damn cool and I like the android scene as well.
    Please make sure you read the forum rules if you haven’t done so already and have fun posting. Look forward to seeing more from you.

    in reply to: Hammerknight’s Herald, welcome to my world. #37413


    Welcome to the 2000+ posts club HK Wink

    in reply to: JR’s Characters #37412


    @Herr D- I think that Masking lag gets worse if you use the same item over and over again (in this case I used around 25 of the same item, so it would make sense). As for the your comment on the irony, I can’t really say anything that I didn’t say in my second reply on the blog post. All I can say is that it’s 52k and still rising.
    Yep, I have signed the certificate (or heromachine signed it, it was as close as I could get without having a printer/ scanner handy).

    in reply to: JR’s Characters #37403


    Thanks HK.
    Just a quick update on the Michael Morones story from my recent blog post. Whilst there’s been no change in Michaels condition, the Brony community has so far managed to raise 52k for his recovery fund, which is wonderful. There are times when peoples actions can make you question if there’s any good in this world and then you see generosity like this, from complete strangers, that makes you realise that, actually, there are people who are willing to go out of their way to be kind to others and that is something we should never forget.

    in reply to: JR’s Characters #37391


    Thanks CD. As for the Silmarillion, I’m struggling through it. I’ve realised one thing when I read a bit to my mum (whose never read it) and dad (who only got half way through) over Skype the other day. The first chapters are basically Tolkien rewriting the bible (more specifically the old testament), reading it out loud I couldn’t help but slip into my “And lo, he did create the land and the sky” voice, plus my pronunciation probably doesn’t help. Plus synopsising the first chapters you basically are telling the story of Lucifers fall from heaven, with Melkor/ Morgoth taking the place of Lucifer. I’m not sure if he gets to the new testament at all, I haven’t got past Exodus yet.
    Anyway, more new stuff and I have to say, WORST. MASKING LAG. EVER! Which is amazing as I’m pretty sure I’ve done more masking than this, but this thing just killed the masking tool. No idea why. I mean there’s only like 60 masked items (around 12 of each wing, plus the 12 gradients for each, then around 15 for the hair), not that much.

    in reply to: Word Association Game #37379



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