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  • in reply to: Word Association Game #38784



    in reply to: Word Association Game #38771



    in reply to: Areylind Heroes #38744


    Nice start. Welcome to the forums.
    Please make your to read the forum rules if you haven’t already.

    in reply to: proof #38741


    Good start. Welcome to the forums.
    Please make sure to read the forum rules if you haven’t done so already.

    in reply to: a bit of lime #38730



    in reply to: Word Association Game #38729



    in reply to: Word Association Game #38701



    in reply to: Help Hot Line #38699


    If you go to the 1st drop down menu in the item selection section there should be an option marked text. There are only a few fonts, you might have to use multiples for longer sentences and they do have a habit of making it hard to click on other layers on the character view, but its the only way to add text in the program. The only other option is to add it post-export in another program.
    Hope this helps.

    in reply to: DiCicatriz- Mi propia realidad #38696


    Yup, still awesome. I’m loving the eyebrows (because, as we know, everything is improved by adding rainbows) and, actually, the whole facial expression. He just looks so cool.
    Also, I’m surprised you think people might forget any of your creations. I certainly haven’t.

    in reply to: Herr D's CFLs #38693


    I assume that that weapon will soon be used in an a-salt?
    No idea how you made the head or neck, but it looks pretty awesome. You certainly make some of the most inventive and unusual creations on here, that’s for sure.

    in reply to: Versions #38692


    Well I’m impressed.
    Let’s see what you can do with this ‘un

    in reply to: Versions #38681


    Last page of heads-zombies I think.

    in reply to: Mattisagamer Characters #38669


    The things that stand out for me that you could do with changing are the black outlines on the badge and the nose and lips. Considering that all the other outlines are colour, these do stand out a bit. The nose and lips just need to be masked to some insignias so you can change the outline colour independently of the eyes and the badge shouldn’t be too much trouble. Also watch your shading over detailing, it can look messy. This I noticed on the sword in her left hand (the highlighting covers the red patterning near the hilt) and the scabbard behind her back (both the brown and red come into conflict with the detailing at the end of the scabbard here). Don’t be afraid to add another layer with the main colour set to transparent, so you can get the detail above the shading, and then add smaller bits of shading so as to match the larger shading you’ve already done. Not all shading has to be done with one massive item.
    Apart from those small adjustments, good work.

    in reply to: Agatha’s Characters and Creations #38660


    My suggestions….. hmmm (puts critiquing hat on). Ok
    Character 1: The legs look a bit squashed, but that isn’t really noticeable until you get to the feet. Maybe try using the separated versions of those feet that are in feet right- standard, get the sizing so they match in width without looking squashed and do some sort of masking trick to hide the join. There isn’t much else I think you should change on this one as it currently is, now it would just be a case of adding, maybe a rainforest tribe inspired outfit, some tribal paint (mad jack’s tattoos-tribal has tones of stuff that could really work on this design) and maybe some accessories, feather headpieces, weapons, that sort of thing.
    Character 2: I’d say either switch the directions the feet are pointing so they are pointing out instead of in, or use the foot from the T-Rex on the first row of page 2 of Companions- Dinosaurs, it’s a really good foot to use when making reptilian characters. I’d try something different for the head, take a look at a few lizards for inspiration and see what strikes you. I’m liking the patterning under the loin-cloth, maybe repeat that elsewhere on the body; chest, arms, maybe forehead (depending on the head style you go for).
    Character 3: For ridges I’d try multiple versions of the first horn on the penultimate (2nd to last) page of Hair- Standard, each getting smaller as they get further away from the centre, that could make a good effect. Either that or the aquatic fin hair two pages previous to that, or the aquatic fin glove item you used for the under-loin cloth pattern on the other character. I’d suggest that ridges should be placed on the forehead, shoulders, either upper-thighs or lower shins (depending on preference) and maybe fore-arms, but that’s up to you. If you are going to change the feet, you may also need to add claws to the hands, which can be done quite easily, using the vampire fang in mouth-standard, just stretch it out a bit and it looks pretty convincing. You should also look at doing some sort of scale or mottling effect on her, try the freckles in heads-female face for this. Maybe go freckles on either shoulder and on her hips and see how that looks.
    Anyway, that’s my two pennies worth. Hope it’s helpful.

    in reply to: JR’s Characters #38647


    Sorry, still nothing new for you guys yet, but I do have an update on the condition of Michael Morones (who some of you might remember from my blog post Just A Thought……. from a couple of weeks back). Michael is now awake from his coma and is making good progress, having now been transferred to a specialist children’s hospital for rehabilitation. Whilst he is having some muscle problems he is able to see alright and understand commands. If you want to keep updated on the situation follow his progress on Twitter https://twitter.com/MichaelMorones and show your support. What happened to this kid did not deserve to happen to anybody and I’m just glad he’s starting to recover, but there’s still a long way to go.

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