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  • in reply to: Son4’s “ACES Remix” #40531



    in reply to: Funkmachine’s art. #40520


    Nice start, welcome to the forums
    Please make sure you read the forum rules if you haven’t done so already

    in reply to: Sumina-verse #40498


    Dude, I dunno how many times I’ve said this but, god you’ve got to be one of the best shaders around, I wish I could shade half as good as you.

    in reply to: Word Association Game #40493



    in reply to: Word Association Game #40464



    in reply to: Linea24’s Astra Universe #40459


    I love the colour blend on the first picture, very subtle. And the choice of colours on the second is pretty damn good as well. Great job.

    in reply to: JR’s Characters #40432


    @Herr D- It’s not so much the colour scheme I’m not happy with, it’s more the costume, I couldn’t get a good one visualised and what I did end up with wasn’t entirely what I wanted it to be. And as for the split that’s one thing I never considered. I’d assume maybe each’d both just get half, I dunno.
    @DiCicatriz- I was thinking more along the lines of the logo and costume ideas (plus the fact that I accidentally stole the Anarchqueers name from you. I knew it sounded too good for me to have just come up with it out of the blue, but I just couldn’t place where I’d heard it before, until I went through your thread a few days later then I was just like “$&*%, I hope he doesn’t mind”. Oh well).

    & Trekkie- I’ll keep that for future reference. I didn’t butcher them too badly at least, just a few e’s instead of i’s, hopefully that doesn’t matter too much, they’d sound exactly the same if I said it out loud.

    Aaaaaaaanyway. Penultimate person. Well, I say person, technically this is the last “person” I’ll be doing, but this is the penultimate picture. And it’s a newbie, so new scope for me to mess up the bio. Yay.


    Life was never easy for Tavio Fernandez. Born in the U.S to a family who had illegally crossed in to the country from Mexico, he lost his family at a young age due to gang violence in his local neighbourhood, with his parents being innocent casualties in a drive by shooting. Afterwards, Tavio was taken into the foster care system. Raised in some less than favourable places and often moved from foster home to foster home, his childhood was never settled and it got worse during his teens. Not only did he have to figure out his way in the world, dealing with the normal teenage problems of sexuality and belonging, but he also had to deal with the emergence of his mutant power, which allowed his to alter reality by lying, making what ever he said come true. Even though he could undo the effect of these lies by telling the truth, their ramifications put him in uncomfortable and sometimes dangerous situations. His actions made him enemies, coupled with the fact that his social awkwardness and possible homosexuality making him a target for bullying and abuse, his life began to go bad very quickly. Fortunately, his case was brought to the attention of Pride, via one of Chance’s old school friends (a foster worker who had worked with Tavio) and the hero took Tavio under his wing, helping him straighten his life out and figure out his place in the world. Tavio seized the opportunity to put his powers to good use and joined the group under the alias of White Lie.

    in reply to: Word Association Game #40430



    in reply to: Son4’s “ACES Remix” #40416


    Dude, if you ever want to redesign any of my stuff you have my expressed permission because that looks SO AWESOME!!!!!

    in reply to: JR’s Characters #40381


    Thanks Trekkie. I tried to keep it similar to the previous costume I had, but I had such trouble getting it together here and I’d say it’s probably the blandest of them so far. I guess green isn’t a creative colour after all.

    Anyway, next up: Double Trouble. Note I didn’t say finally or penultimately, even though this is the last member of Pride. And no I’m not redesigning any of the villains or other characters I created for Pride first time round. I just let that one sit with y’all for a bit.


    The result of an experiment into creating the perfect humans, Double Trouble was created by using technology salvaged from a destroyed Negadroid, combined with biological technologies developed during previous forays into this field of research. The result was spectacular. Able to split into male and female halves, when in the split form xe has the ability to know exactly what the other is thinking. In xer amalgamated form, xe has an almost instantaneous healing factor as well as strength, speed and stamina far in excess of even a peak level athlete. The two halves both have the same power set but at half the strength of the amalgamated form. Due to xer ability to split into halves of either gender, xe does not truly identify as either gender, and xer amalgamated form is classed as inter-sex. Whilst in split form, despite being technically the same person, xe can pass xerself off as twins in public. Xe formed Pride to help protect the LGBT community from aggressive forces.

    (I had to rewrite this bio. The old one made NO sense. At All. Period. I must have been either really tired or off my head when I wrote it.)
    Also, thanks to DiCicatriz for both the gender neutral pronouns and the original inspiration for the entire Pride team. Dunno if I suck up to you enough on your own thread man, but you are definitely my biggest inspiration on Heromachine and I have to give you a shout out considering how badly I ripped you off on the original Pride run.

    in reply to: Word Association Game #40380



    in reply to: JR’s Characters #40349


    Thanks dude.

    Anyway, before your regularly scheduled post (who am I kidding? I don’t have a schedule) I feel I need to give an apology. I know I’ve fallen behind with the Sharing Day videos on the blog as of late and there hasn’t been one up this week or the last. Problem is that stuff got really hectic and stupid last week, it was my last week of uni and I had a deadline on that Wednesday, plus a ton of other stuff I had to sort out before I could go home, so by the time I’d finished up and was ready to record I was completely drained and really in no position to record a video. And this week, now that I’m home my parents have been finding all sorts of stuff for me to do, so I was round my Nan’s helping her out and, if I’m honest, that takes priority over recording myself rambling. I might have to change the day I record and upload the videos to Thursday anyway, because my sister is off college on Wednesdays and there’s bound to be an argument over me being loud and waking her up (because she can sleep in like a champion), and I’d have recorded one today but, as you might have guessed, more stuff to sort out now that I’m finally home. Hopefully there will be one up next Thursday, I don’t think I’ll have much extra to do, but I thought I should at least explain why the Sharing Day seems to have disappeared, in case anyone actually cared.

    Anyway, with that out of the way, heres another Pride redesign: R-Gen


    A tomboy mutate with the ability to alter her biology, generate mind altering pheromones and spit acid, R-Gen is a member of a LGBT team known as Pride. She was kicked out of her devout family after coming out as a lesbian, and she took shelter amongst other street kids until she was taken under the wing of Double Trouble, the leader of Pride. She has sparked up a relationship with her team-mate Nike, but she is wary of her lovers interest in members of the opposite sex, having developed an abandonment complex during her time on the streets. She tries to hide this by being very boisterous and outgoing, but she constantly fears losing her friends.

    in reply to: Custom Items? #40344


    Ok, what you do is, in most of the custom item posts (if they’ve been done right) there should be a spoiler section underneath the image showing the custom item. If you open that spoiler there should be a text string that if you press the select code button at the top of it and copy it into the LOAD CHARACTER TEXT bit on HM3 should allow you to load what is shown in the image. I would suggest loading the item first and then building a character around it, because it can sometimes mess up laying and masking otherwise.
    Hope this helps.
    And don’t worry about looking like a noob, if you are unsure about something, no-one is going to look down on you for asking for help.

    in reply to: JR’s Characters #40309


    Next up: Chance


    Many LGBT people feel that they are different from other people, but for Michael Chase it was more a case of what isn’t different about him. He knew he was gay from a young age, and whilst his parents were accepting, other kids weren’t. He was bullied constantly, despite being a star athlete at both high school and college. In his early teens he discovered he had the power to affect probability, which, allied with taking up martial arts, meant the bullies soon learnt not to try to beat him up. However, one of his sports team-mates found out about his powers, getting him disbarred from competing. He moved away from home, getting a job as a fitness coach, until he met some of the members of Pride out on a Gay rights march. He joined the team after helping them stop a violent clash when a homophobic counter protest tried to disrupt the march. He has since started seeing his team-mate Shift, apparently unaware of his past.

    in reply to: Word Association Game #40306



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