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  • in reply to: Stulte’s stuff #41604


    Having interacted with Freja quite regularly during her time with us on heromachine I must say I’m very saddened by her passing. She was a very valued member of the community and we will miss her dearly, even if she had been away from heromachine for some time prior to this. Her creations always brought a smile, whether it be her fantastic fantasy creatures or her hilarious whale tales, her art was always of the highest quality and at least we can take consolation that her legacy is being carried on here on this thread by Stulte. My thoughts and prayers go out to her family and all her friends.
    Adjö vän, kommer du att missa.

    in reply to: My Collection of Creative Imagination #41587


    Love the cape and his expression. The pose is pretty neat too. Nicely done.

    in reply to: Word Association Game #41551



    in reply to: JR’s Characters #41519


    @Herr D- Not sure about how exactly the hair/ clothes thing is meant to work. I like the idea of a pet looking at them, that could be feasible, if hugely fiddly. I had to look up the song you referenced, I’m not all that up on INXS tbh.
    @Stulte- I know, it’s annoying that I can’t find a way to make her look more relaxed. I may have to do major tinkering to get that to work. The main thing I think I’d need to change is the left hand, that looks the most awkward. Thanks for the complements also, I do try.

    Anyway, whilst I’m working on the Morning pic, have something I threw together in about half an hour. I got a little flash of inspiration and managed to get a sunset picture with two figures watching the scenery. No prizes for guessing the two characters in the pic though, even if they are in silhouette.


    Just a quick note, if anyone else want to have a go at doing Lili and Danni, I’d love to see it. I love seeing other peoples interpretations of my characters, it really helps with the inspiration (just go back to the earlier pages of this thread, back when I used to have a redesign contest in the Art Contests And Challenges section).

    in reply to: Word Association Game #41509



    in reply to: JR’s Characters #41403


    @LPR- Cheers dude
    @Herr D- That made me laugh and I can totally visualise it, but I highly doubt I could put down the picture I have in my head on Heromachine.

    Anyway, I need to ask y’all for advise again on yet another duo shot of Lili and Danni that I’m working on whilst I try to figure out what I’m gonna do for Danni’s solo pic. As with The Kiss, I’m mostly happy with their poses, it’s just the peripheries. For reference, it’s a birds eye view shot, the bits that are greyed out are the room walls and on the final piece there will be a window on the side wall letting light into the room (and obviously there will be shading). But at the moment I need help filling it out, because I can’t do the carpet the way I did it in the last picture because the perspective is screwed up and I think the pic looks a bit empty as it is.


    Also if you want to make suggestions for improvements on the characters in the pic, go ahead. All input is highly welcome.
    Also, I may end up making the pic a widescreen showing the whole room, so that would include stuff like wardrobes and a computer desk, maybe a vanity (that’ll be fun to design *said unenthusiastically*). So if y’all want to suggest other random clutter that I can include, that would help.

    in reply to: Jeimuzu’s World #41402


    That is one fearsome feline.

    in reply to: Geek Quiz #41366


    Guess what’s back, for a one off special (though if we get decent participation it may become a more than one off special). Don’t ask me why, I just felt like it. For those of you who weren’t around the first time (and in case those of you who were have forgotten) here’s the basics: there’s a number of questions, you answer them, you get points. The answers are in a spoiler at the end of the quiz so you can check your score, but don’t cheat because otherwise you will be forced to read Rob Liefeld comics forevermore, and no-one wants that.
    Unlike the previous quizzes (bar one) this quiz will have a theme. And that theme is debuts. So lets get going shall we.

    1. In what comic series did the Stan Lee/ Jack Kirby incarnation of The Mighty Thor debut?
    Bonus Point- Give the issue number.
    2. In what year did Doctor Who first air?
    Bonus Point- What was the name of the first serial and episode?
    3. Which of these original members of the Justice Society debuted first?
    a. The Flash (Jay Garrick)
    b. The Green Lantern (Alan Scott)
    c. The Sandman (Wesley Dodds)
    d. The Spectre (Jim Corrigan)
    Bonus Point- Can you place them in order from first to last?
    4. Who first portrayed Emperor Palpatine in the Sith Lords first appearance in Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back?
    Bonus Point- How did they achieve the effect of giving Palpatine yellow eyes in the film?
    5. In what episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation did Q debut? (Episode name please, just to be cruel. Nah, only kidding; series and episode number will be fine)
    Bonus Point- Name John De Lancie’s character in the cartoon series My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic
    6. Which of these famous X-Men characters did not debut in Giant Size X-Men 1 in 1975?
    a. Storm
    b. Wolverine
    c. Colossus
    d. Nightcrawler
    Bonus Point- In which comic did they debut?
    7.Who debuted first, Swamp-Thing (of DC) or Man-Thing (of Marvel)
    Bonus Point- In which decade did they both debut?
    8. In what year was The Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy first published?
    Bonus Point- What was the original title of the radio series when it was first proposed?
    9. In which chapter does Golum debut in The Hobbit? (Number or title)
    Bonus Point- What is the answer to the first riddle Golum asks in the game he plays with Bilbo?
    10. Who was the cover star of the first ever comic published by Marvel Comics (then Timely Comics)?
    Bonus Point- Name any other characters to star in that issue.

    1. Journey Into Mystery (Bonus Point- Issue 83)
    2. 1963 (Bonus Point- An Unearthly Child)
    3. c- The Sandman (Bonus Point- C. A. B. D.)
    4. Elaine Baker (Bonus Point- The super-imposed chimpanzee eyes onto the footage)
    5. Encounter at Farpoint S1E1 (Bonus Point- Discord)
    6. B- Wolverine (Bonus Point- The Incredible Hulk)
    7. Swamp Thing (Bonus Point- 1970’s)
    8. 1979 (Bonus Point- The Ends Of The Earth)
    9. Chapter 5- Riddles In The Dark (Bonus Point- Mountain)
    10. The Human Torch (Bonus Point- any of: Namor, The Angel, Ka-Zar, The Masked Raider)

    Have fun. Sorry, I know at least one of these questions is truly evil, but I want to see how good people really are. It’s out of 20 including Bonus Points, so good luck.

    in reply to: TWELVIAN CHRONICLES #41329


    You back man? This calls for a celebration (pulls out balloons and cake).
    Can’t wait to see the finished King Of Light.

    in reply to: JR’s Characters #41314


    Thanks for the kind words guys, they mean a lot.
    I’m gonna try and do a solo Danni piece at some point, but I’m unsure as to what situation I should put her in. I have a few ideas but it’s a case of “I could do either of these, it’d be difficult but I could do it, but which would look better?”

    in reply to: Gargantua’s ideas #41311


    Oh wow.
    I’d be a bit more eloquent, but I’m too stunned to think of anything to say.

    BTW are you gonna enter this into the current CDC, ’cause I think it’d be a shame if you didn’t.

    in reply to: Word Association Game #41295



    in reply to: DJuby Gallery – Volume 2 #41294


    So that’s an entry for this weeks contest? Welp, that’s that poll out the window then.

    in reply to: Word Association Game #41268



    in reply to: JR’s Characters #41236


    Thanks guys.

    @Nug- I was going to do a crossed legged pose, but I find it an easy pose and I use it more often than this sitting pose, so I thought I’d try something different.
    As for the HoF thing, that happens whenever Jeff feels like it and he sometimes asks for nominations, but most of the time he just puts in whatever he feels like, which is his right considering we’re all basically messing around with his artwork. And anyway, as cool as it would be to get one of my pieces featured, I don’t think I need it to be honest, I’d like to think I’ve left an impression anyway http://www.heromachine.com/wp-includes/images/smilies/icon_wink.gif. It’s kinda like the Power User Profiles. Back when I first really started paying attention to the blog side of heromachine and not just the character creator, I’d always think how cool it would be to do a power user profile, because that was the mark of being someone in the community for me (and if you look at it back then, you were talking about the pioneers of what have now become some of the standard techniques, people like Hammerknight, Kaldath, AMS, SeanDavidRoss, Zyp, DiCicatriz etc.). But by the time I really became involved in the community, it just sort of mattered less, because of the comments I got from those people I looked up to (I’m gonna have to single out AMS here again, because I wouldn’t be half as good as I am now without his help, teaching me how to shade and showing me some masking techniques). It’s the same with the Hall Of Fame, yeah it’d be cool and a couple of years ago I’da bitten your hand off to get in, but I’m ok atm.

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