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  • hawk007

    I have some questions.
    First, would I get any credit if I did? I’m not saying I need a whole page or anything, but I would want, somehow, to get my name in somewhere. I mean, as super, incredibly cheesy as it sounds, these are like family. I created them. I came up stories for every one, and made their archenemies. It was hard work. At least the more detail I put in them.
    Second, what kind of comics? Are they modern superheroes? 90’s? Older? Fantasy? Sci-fi?
    Third, why do you need us? I mean, I’m not trying to insult you, but if you are a creator of a comic, you should probably have enough imagination to come up with characters, right?
    Fourth, do they need to be good quality? As in, do they need to look realistic, or do you just need the basic costume? Because the best characters that I’ve made, I’m planning to use for something, most likely a book, because that’s the easiest, and I like writing.

    in reply to: My Collection of Creative Imagination #43247


    Just from seeing your art for the first time, looks like you could be a future AMS.

    in reply to: Versions #40577


    @son4 said:

    hey Hawk this is my version of Titus I tried to copy your original look and put a little rough edge on it
    let me know if I am too far off.


    It’s a cool character, but kinda different. Still, cool.

    in reply to: Wolf Master’s Character gallery #39922


    Awesome! Would you mind if I tried making a version of one of your characters? I’m not super awesome like ams or anything, but I do know some good shading techniques, and I want to see how I’d do.

    in reply to: Versions #39910


    If I could ask again, I have another one. Actually, I have two. But since this is sort of popular, just choose one.
    Titus and Jordan.

    in reply to: Linea24’s Astra Universe #39784


    Very cool characters! I also really like how your style, and almost your quality, has stayed almost the same (if anything, you’ve gotten better), but the characters are still awesome!

    in reply to: dblade’s Cutting Floor #39658


    @dblade said:

    The Fire Mage for the Fantasy CDC.


    Well…I’m doomed.

    in reply to: Angel Of Chaos #39603


    @Stulte said:

    Heck, the name Lucifer itself (derived from lucem ferre) means “that/he/she which brings (the) light” and originally refered to the Morning Star, i.e. Venus.

    I’m with both of you; mythology is great fun. I just read an essay about the evolution of the Indo-European religions, and it blew my mind http://www.heromachine.com/wp-content/legacy/forum-smileys/sf-laugh.gif

    Also, Gabriel looks badass! Can’t wait to see more from you.

    Yeah, he was the angel of light (I’m pretty sure). But now he’s Satan. So whenever I think of Lucifer, or even the name, I just think of Satan. I was really following that much, so I was looking at it out of context.

    in reply to: Angel Of Chaos #39602


    @Angel of Chaos said:

    I couldn’t had said it better myself Lucifer’s is described has the lightbringer so I made the wings glow bright symbolizing that he was once God’s most beautiful angel. Like you Jr I’m a big fan of Abrahamic and Christian religion .I’m a fan of all mythology to be honest Greek, Norse, Egyptian, Hindu and so many others. One of man kinds greatest gifts is story telling and I love it. In my creative universe all the gods and goddess exist alongside angels, demons and monsters. The angels are at the top of creation and are the most powerful races in the universe. The Most High or simply God is the creator of everything in my comic universe, his very first creations were Lucifer, Michael and Metatron the very first angels. Then he made the other angels in heaven such as Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel ,Raziel ,The Angel of Death and so many others. Also I added a angel/demon known as Belial in my universe, I decided to make him almost darker character then Lucifer. I gave him the role as being the first fallen angel in creation. In some texts he’s the father of Lucifer and the one who convinced him to turn on God. Once he convinced Lucifer to become rebellious he was cast out before any other angel by God himself. This made Belial the very first demon and First of the Fallen ,after he fell from grace Lucifer the most high of all angels began a war with heaven. Not only did Lucifer turn on God because he was convinced by Belial but because he wanted to become God. After God created man Lucifer became fueled with hate and angry toward God, he felt that God had favored man more than him so he decided to start a war and overthrow The Creator of All. I will explain more when I create more characters.

    I think that Lucifer chose to do it by himself. I don’t think angels really have fathers.

    in reply to: Angel Of Chaos #39529


    Just a question. Why does Lucifer have white wings? I mean, that’s Satan.

    in reply to: SergeantBrother Creations #39517


    Very cool characters. Welcome! I’m not going to say great start, because you didn’t just start, but still, really cool. I like the originality. I look forward to seeing more of your work.

    in reply to: Leto’s gallery #39429


    Once you get the hang of it, it’s pretty easy. Go to the patterns section, and go to the last page. Click multiple, then click on the fading pattern that darker in the middle. When you get it, fade until the outside color isn’t there anymore. Then, make the inside color whatever color you need the shading or highlighting to be, and it will fade into the color around it. It’s very helpful. I hope that helped. Please tell me if it didn’t.

    in reply to: Leto’s gallery #39420


    Do you think zypping would look cool on them? That’s just adding shadows and lighting. I’m not amazing at it, but I’m fairly good, and if you want, I could tell you how to do it.

    in reply to: Leto’s gallery #39334


    These are awesome! I love fantasy characters! I don’t know whether to say great start, or just great. Anyway, you are somewhat new (I think) so I’ll just say great start. I don’t really know what’s my favorite. Way too many to choose from.

    in reply to: Wolf Master’s Character gallery #39277


    Good start. I like that already, you are exploring and coming up with so many characters that are all different. They’re very good for a beginner. Keep on creating!

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