Forum Replies Created
FRMParticipanti’ve decided to try and breathe life back into this topic.
inspired by Decatonkeil’s Jinnon, i present to you a yet unnamed Half-Jinn, who is a normal human, but can shift into Jinni form, giving him some of a Jinni’s powers. when in human form, he cant be hurt by, say, a normal bullet (which would just pass through leaving a wound bleeding purple smoke). his father is a powerful Jinn who freed himself by subjugating other Jinn and trapping them in his eight rings. i’ll do him later.
FRMParticipanti love your old gladiator series!
FRMParticipantthanks, all!
Und danke sehr!
FRMParticipanthappy birthday to me (& harry potter!)…..
FRMParticipantnice! are those fingers cigars?
FRMParticipantit would be really cool if all the old HM patrons got together on the forums and just did something. something big. and i’m talking Zyp, Seandavidross, and the old gang that we havent seen in a while. i wonder if they still poke around the forums?
FRMParticipant@Hammerknight said:
Cool picture. I was just referring to you comment about not being on HM for a while.
oh, you know. i’m rather busy with my actual life (no offense to anyone with the most HM hours
). i’ll be able to do more in the summer. sorry for the late reply.
FRMParticipantwicked cool!!
FRMParticipanti have the feeling more people will be able to vote in the summer. :/
FRMParticipantgreat work as always, dude!
ps. love the belt on Cupid!
FRMParticipantin what sense, HK?
here is a gimp painting of a revised Kriton, who i made in HM3 earlier
FRMParticipanti heard they were outlawed in three states…
FRMParticipantthanks! i dont foresee myself on HM3 much soon, so i give anyone and everyone permission to fart around with Ander if they like.
FRMParticipantthanks! this is a digital painting of a hero i made. i’m hoping to make him on HM3 soon.
(more about him soon)
FRMParticipanta back-view of a one-armed demon